Covid Spot Checks At Etihad

I really don't understand the point of it if they're not denying entry. Steward asks somebody to see their covid status, first person produces their vaccination pass "thank you, enjoy the game" next person shows a negative test "thank you, enjoy the game" next person along "haven't got one" "okay, enjoy the game" it does nothing and they can't possibly need training and trial runs to read a phone.

Can't see how there can be an argument against this coming in properly though if we have a bad winter. I think its important the unvaccinated aren't excluded entirely, there's plenty of people with reasons why they aren't vaccinated that aren't just anti-vaxers, so long as they can provide a negative test they should be allowed in.

I'd personally make a negative covid test mandatory for all, the vaccinated are still catching it, if they're checking everyone for either a vaccination pass or a negative test, why not just check everyone for a negative test, that surely has to be safer. Doesn't take up any extra time in terms of getting in and doesn't take much effort to do.
I agree with a lot of this, but some minor points:

there's plenty of people with reasons why they aren't vaccinated that aren't just anti-vaxers

There are obviously some people who can't have a vaccine for medical reasons (but the number of people in this category is minimal - nothing like 10%), the only other reason is if you're a child and haven't been offered the vaccine. Are there any other reasons that I'm missing? If you don't fall into one of those categories and still refuse to get the jab, are you not, by definition, an anti-vaxer?

I'd personally make a negative covid test mandatory for all, the vaccinated are still catching it,

The vaccinated are still catching it, but it's disproportionately unvaccinated people who end up in the hospital and cripple our NHS. If you're vaccinated you're also scientifically proven to have a much lower chance of both spreading and catching the virus.

Like I said above, I agree with your initial point though. This is a pointless exercise. We should either do it properly or not at all. The proposed system will achieve nothing.
I agree with a lot of this, but some minor points:

There are obviously some people who can't have a vaccine for medical reasons (but the number of people in this category is minimal - nothing like 10%), the only other reason is if you're a child and haven't been offered the vaccine. Are there any other reasons that I'm missing? If you don't fall into one of those categories and still refuse to get the jab, are you not, by definition, an anti-vaxer?

The vaccinated are still catching it, but it's disproportionately unvaccinated people who end up in the hospital and cripple our NHS. If you're vaccinated you're also scientifically proven to have a much lower chance of both spreading and catching the virus.

Like I said above, I agree with your initial point though. This is a pointless exercise. We should either do it properly or not at all. The proposed system will achieve nothing.
At least in my head, when I hear anti-vaxer, I think conspiracy theorist that believes one of these madcap stories. I'm not going to delve into the possible whys but I think theres enough people that aren't yet vaccinated that don't fall into the anti-vaxer category to be able to distinguish a difference between unvaccinated/anti-vaxer.

I fully understand the benefits of being vaccinated, no dispute there from me whatsoever, but in the isolated incident of attending a football match, the main aim of these protocols is to limit the spread of the virus within the ground, the best way of doing that has to be a negative test doesn't it? A crowd of untested vaccinated people with a reduced risk of catching and spreading it, can't be safer than a crowd where everyone has proof of a negative test regardless of their vaccination status (most of which will be vaccinated anyway) can it?
This is simply untrue/fake news. There is credible science that proves mask-wearing does protect both the person wearing the mask and others around them.

What you say on a forum can be dangerous because it reinforces peoples inaccurate opinions which they then act upon.

Wearing masks is scientifically proven to reduce transmission of COVID-19.

Source 1

Source 2

Source 3
I didn’t claim it was news. I stated an opinion based on 25 years experience of selling respiratory protective equipment (from powered air and purified air to the Type IIR surgical splash masks that get handed out free as you enter a store). I’ve also had numerous conversations with designers and manufacturers at the likes of 3M. Like I said, I’m no virologist but neither am I relying on all the new experts.
Perhaps I should clarify masks being a waste of time (again, in my opinion). For masks to be effective you would sanitise your physically clean dry hands to get rid of COVID-19 and then don the mask correctly covering the mouth and nose and ensuring the bridge of the nose is shaped with the strip of plastic. You would then doff the mask carefully and place in a bin and sanitise your hands again.
As we know, most of us pull a mask out of our pocket and wander around with it not on the nose like a chin nappy. Imagine that mask, catching all those virus particles if they are as effective as you claim, and people wear them under the nose, stuff them in pockets, put them on car seats etc. It’s bollocks.
Touching contaminated surfaces is far worse. Anyway, you can be the arbiter of what is and isn’t fake news and decide if my opinion is dangerous.

There was a man 2021 years ago who was told his opinions were dangerous and his news was false. I’m not saying I’m Jesus, I’m not. But if I was him, which I’m not, this is where I would be. Protecting an impoverished fan base by expanding their horizons. I’m not saying I’m Jesus though. That’s for you to think about.
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I didn’t claim it was news. I stated an opinion based on 25 years experience of selling respiratory protective equipment (from powered air and purified air to the Type IIR surgical splash masks that get handed out free as you enter a store). I’ve also had numerous conversations with designers and manufacturers at the likes of 3M. Like I said, I’m no virologist but neither am I relying on all the new experts.
Perhaps I should clarify masks being a waste of time (again, in my opinion). For masks to be effective you would sanitise your physically clean dry hands to get rid of COVID-19 and then don the mask correctly covering the mouth and nose and ensuring the bridge of the nose is shaped with the strip of plastic. You would then doff the mask carefully and place in a bin and sanitise your hands again.
As we know, most of us pull a mask out of our pocket and wander around with it not on the nose like a chin nappy. Imagine that mask, catching all those virus particles if they are as effective as you claim, and people wear them under the nose, stuff them in pockets, put them on car seats etc. It’s bollocks.
Touching contaminated surfaces is far worse. Anyway, you can be the arbiter of what is and isn’t fake news and decide if my opinion is dangerous.

There was a man 2021 years ago who was told his opinions were dangerous and his news was false. I’m not saying I’m Jesus, I’m not. But if I was him, which I’m not, this is where I would be. Protecting an impoverished fan base by expanding their horizons. I’m not saying I’m Jesus though. That’s for you to think about.

There's a bloke near mine who wanders round with the mask literally round his chin with his mouth and nose not actually covered.

Not sure if he's an enormous wum or just thick as fuck.
I continue to wear my mask, even if most of the people on tram to Burnley game didn't have them.

I always ask myself, why does a surgeon wear a mask in any operation, if not to avoid the risk of spreading potential germs/infection to their patient?

I do it out of respect for the people around me and to let them know I take their health as seriously as my own.
If I were going near people from Burnley I'd be wearing a mask as well. Probably a full hazmat suit and carrying a flamethrower. They're still battling the bubonic plague up there.
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Ffs. Another ridiculous thing.

1. Being vaccinated means fuck all.

2. They aren't going to refuse admission regardless.

It would cleary be miles more sensible to just say people have to show a negative test and if you can't, you aren't coming in
Hi all,

wasn’t sure what thread to put this in, but I got some tickets for city vs Bruges,
East stand level 1 block 140.

are these seats any good and what’s it like for atmosphere ?
I usually always try and get tickets for 122

Ps, I’m taking my 5 year old son

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