
My guess is none mate, save for watching a few crank videos and articles by some dodgy professor's conspiracy theories.

I have no medical training, but I know that my extended family and friends and neighbours all have had 4 or 5 covid jabs and none of them has suffered any ill effects.
If anyone doesn't want any vaccine I'm ok and respect their views, but to come on here preaching some weirdo gospel about a vaccine when millions of lives were saved worldwide should stop it and keep it to themselves. If you want proof of the millions saved then read about the Spanish flu and how many died from that with no vaccine. Over 100 million.
But hey, lets blame every ailment we have from now on on the covid vax "Oh I've just found out I have cataracts and I'm diabetic, it must be that covid vax"

The world got back to normal BECAUSE OF THE VACCINE.
There’s a lot of truth in that Bill, the vaccines also gave people hope about what was an horrible and scary disease. But I think what really got the world back to normal was the disappearance of the worst strains of Covid to be replaced by the much milder variant “Omicron”. We were lucky in that respect. I was fully vaccinated but eventually stopped them once Omicron superseded the original variants. As did all my family and many people that I know.
My son caught COVID in the early days and is only just shaking off its effects. I’ll happily take any vaccine on the basis of risk/benefit. At the moment I don’t take the flu or shingles vaccines either but may well do so as I get older and more infirm.
As you say it’s a pity that these matters have become ideological for some. Vaccines are for the public good.
Well said Bill. I have had 8 doses of the various vaccines and apart from a couple of sore arms I have had no side effects whatsoever.

Can you imgine if we had all refused the Polio & TB vaccinations what would have happened by now?

Luckily twitter wasn't around back then full of cranks and conspiracy theories. feel sorry for likes of that poster who genuinely believes the vaccine is (Designed) killing people. Poor guy.
Luckily twitter wasn't around back then full of cranks and conspiracy theories. feel sorry for likes of that poster who genuinely believes the vaccine is (Designed) killing people. Poor guy.
It would appear to be a very crap design of vaccine at killing people. The Uk streets are not empty (apart from nonVax people) as far as I can tell. In a similar way, we still seem to have an urgent need for even more nurseries and schools to cope with the nondead kids who've been vaccinated with their childhood ones.

What a muppet.
I just stubbed my toe and it's very sore now, do you think it could be the covid vaccine?
I’ve noticed in the years since I had the third shot that my eyesight has worsened a little, my hair has gotten lighter in colour, and lines have started appearing on my face.
There was none of this before I had the vaccination.
How do posters like Kaz 7 or healdplace feel now.
I presume you are all sick.
For years you laughed at posters like me who warned against the dangers. Where are you now .?
I can't hear you........
There are folk on Here who profittted from injecting others. How can they sleep at night .
Injecting toxins into a muscle is never a good idea ,and yet when I asked Kaz 7 ,who has some medical background....., and lots of medical issues, what the difference was between Aspirated and non aspiration she refused point blank to answer the question .
Preferring to dodge the issue and continue posting about feeding her baby badgers.....wild animals don't have lockdown or jabs , they get silly humans feeding them bread full of sugar starch and emulsifiers quaint, how small minded....I digress.

The folk on here who benefited fiscally from the monstrous pyhsc op should look at themselves.

You took money injecting people with what ?
Did you aspirate ?
Did you know what you were injecting?
How do you feel about the babies being stillborn every day
Or the athletes collapsing or vomiting or the numerous compromised Immune systems ...

The inflammation of the heart. The lungs. The kidneys . The eye problems. The liver. the pancreas. the gall bladder . Mothers now with breast cancer . The babies feeding on vaxxedmothers blood.prostate cancer. So called turbo cancer where you have 8 weeks to say goodbye to family and friends....
Perhaps Dr young Bob a poster on here has a view ?
You amongst others laughed and derided posters who were pouting out dangers, ...Well the laughing stops now everybody .
As the body bags stack up the ruined lives ruined careers , the amateur athletes who now find their bodies unable to function ( just look at people out jogging now ....)
The professionals sports players who have suddenly collapsed.
The ex football players who suddenly died .
The pundits in tennis and football who collapsed live on air ....

For those of you activlively involved in the Britney and spears concerts
Did you Aspirate ? And how much were you paid ?

Be honest. Cos you might not know one answer, but you will definitely know the other.

Rip the father of the Poster known as Tiny ....on here....the 1st poster to bravely record what his own doctor told his was the cause of his father's death.....

I really hope those who attended the B and S gig study and find out
How to eradicate poison from their bodies.
Can put the distraction of the euros or 115 charges to one side ,or other side issues and focus on their health.

I also hope, just one person ,comes back on Theses boards , and admits they were wrong. Or complicit, ....or maybe .." I'm rich "

The truth will continue to pour out........

Which side of the fence will you be on.?
Wowzer , lol
It would appear to be a very crap design of vaccine at killing people. The Uk streets are not empty (apart from nonVax people) as far as I can tell. In a similar way, we still seem to have an urgent need for even more nurseries and schools to cope with the nondead kids who've been vaccinated with their childhood ones.

What a muppet.

yep, and why go through all the effort with a vaccine ?
just contaminate Water or something. surely alot easier.
I've mentioned before that when I had it back in 2021 I was knocked out for three week (the first week I couldn't get out of bed) but the after effects (long covid as it turned out) lasted many, many months (in fact I couldn't return to running for nearly a year).

I may or may not have had milder versions over the past couple of years (and have had two vaccinations).

Last week I was hit on Monday with this again (I knew during the night this felt different). Tested positive the same day then pretty much crashed.

Managed to work (maybe I shouldn't have but was start of a new project).
Felt slightly better on Sunday so managed a 30 min walk without being too breathless.
But I was sick during the early hours of Monday morning (likely swallowed somer during my sleep - was in the bathroom for some time after as it had 'burned' my throat and gum - horrible feeling).

Was off sick yesterday but I've spoken to management and my team about a gradual work process.
If I as much exert myself, I get these weird heart palpitations (feels like PoTS from what I've read) which can be a bit scary (and the reason I couldn't run during the first bout in 2021).

This odd as it's mid summer and normally you'd expect something like Flu in the winter.

So, what's' the current situation on vaccinations? After this past week I just can't afford (physically and mentally) to keep going through this. Without my daily exercise routines, my mental health soon crashes. I've no idea when I'll now be physically able to again,.

Do you book them in once, twice a year (at a cost)?
I’ve noticed in the years since I had the third shot that my eyesight has worsened a little, my hair has gotten lighter in colour, and lines have started appearing on my face.
There was none of this before I had the vaccination.
My eyesight was perfect before I had the last of the 3 jabs. My missus (who’s a nurse) said that it was just old age and nothing more. Just a coincidence. Boots the opticians said that I had been the 7th person to complain that week, after getting my last jab. I was always sceptical about what I was doing but did it for the wife. I’m a weak man. I remember a bloke at work who had the same jab on the same day as the missus. Both went off their feet less than a fortnight after with vertigo lasting a few days. Makes you wonder.

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