
How do posters like Kaz 7 or healdplace feel now.
I presume you are all sick.
For years you laughed at posters like me who warned against the dangers. Where are you now .?
I can't hear you........
There are folk on Here who profittted from injecting others. How can they sleep at night .
Injecting toxins into a muscle is never a good idea ,and yet when I asked Kaz 7 ,who has some medical background....., and lots of medical issues, what the difference was between Aspirated and non aspiration she refused point blank to answer the question .
Preferring to dodge the issue and continue posting about feeding her baby badgers.....wild animals don't have lockdown or jabs , they get silly humans feeding them bread full of sugar starch and emulsifiers quaint, how small minded....I digress.

The folk on here who benefited fiscally from the monstrous pyhsc op should look at themselves.

You took money injecting people with what ?
Did you aspirate ?
Did you know what you were injecting?
How do you feel about the babies being stillborn every day
Or the athletes collapsing or vomiting or the numerous compromised Immune systems ...

The inflammation of the heart. The lungs. The kidneys . The eye problems. The liver. the pancreas. the gall bladder . Mothers now with breast cancer . The babies feeding on vaxxedmothers blood.prostate cancer. So called turbo cancer where you have 8 weeks to say goodbye to family and friends....
Perhaps Dr young Bob a poster on here has a view ?
You amongst others laughed and derided posters who were pouting out dangers, ...Well the laughing stops now everybody .
As the body bags stack up the ruined lives ruined careers , the amateur athletes who now find their bodies unable to function ( just look at people out jogging now ....)
The professionals sports players who have suddenly collapsed.
The ex football players who suddenly died .
The pundits in tennis and football who collapsed live on air ....

For those of you activlively involved in the Britney and spears concerts
Did you Aspirate ? And how much were you paid ?

Be honest. Cos you might not know one answer, but you will definitely know the other.

Rip the father of the Poster known as Tiny ....on here....the 1st poster to bravely record what his own doctor told his was the cause of his father's death.....

I really hope those who attended the B and S gig study and find out
How to eradicate poison from their bodies.
Can put the distraction of the euros or 115 charges to one side ,or other side issues and focus on their health.

I also hope, just one person ,comes back on Theses boards , and admits they were wrong. Or complicit, ....or maybe .." I'm rich "

The truth will continue to pour out........

Which side of the fence will you be on.?

I bet you are a delight at family dinner parties.

FYI. We're still laughing at you.
How do posters like Kaz 7 or healdplace feel now.
I presume you are all sick.
For years you laughed at posters like me who warned against the dangers. Where are you now .?
I can't hear you........
There are folk on Here who profittted from injecting others. How can they sleep at night .
Injecting toxins into a muscle is never a good idea ,and yet when I asked Kaz 7 ,who has some medical background....., and lots of medical issues, what the difference was between Aspirated and non aspiration she refused point blank to answer the question .
Preferring to dodge the issue and continue posting about feeding her baby badgers.....wild animals don't have lockdown or jabs , they get silly humans feeding them bread full of sugar starch and emulsifiers quaint, how small minded....I digress.

The folk on here who benefited fiscally from the monstrous pyhsc op should look at themselves.

You took money injecting people with what ?
Did you aspirate ?
Did you know what you were injecting?
How do you feel about the babies being stillborn every day
Or the athletes collapsing or vomiting or the numerous compromised Immune systems ...

The inflammation of the heart. The lungs. The kidneys . The eye problems. The liver. the pancreas. the gall bladder . Mothers now with breast cancer . The babies feeding on vaxxedmothers blood.prostate cancer. So called turbo cancer where you have 8 weeks to say goodbye to family and friends....
Perhaps Dr young Bob a poster on here has a view ?
You amongst others laughed and derided posters who were pouting out dangers, ...Well the laughing stops now everybody .
As the body bags stack up the ruined lives ruined careers , the amateur athletes who now find their bodies unable to function ( just look at people out jogging now ....)
The professionals sports players who have suddenly collapsed.
The ex football players who suddenly died .
The pundits in tennis and football who collapsed live on air ....

For those of you activlively involved in the Britney and spears concerts
Did you Aspirate ? And how much were you paid ?

Be honest. Cos you might not know one answer, but you will definitely know the other.

Rip the father of the Poster known as Tiny ....on here....the 1st poster to bravely record what his own doctor told his was the cause of his father's death.....

I really hope those who attended the B and S gig study and find out
How to eradicate poison from their bodies.
Can put the distraction of the euros or 115 charges to one side ,or other side issues and focus on their health.

I also hope, just one person ,comes back on Theses boards , and admits they were wrong. Or complicit, ....or maybe .." I'm rich "

The truth will continue to pour out........

Which side of the fence will you be on.?
Still be laughed at, you gullible prick. Why do you still only believe the odd conspiracy claim but not the millions of genuine scientists and experts that give you proven science and facts? Why do you get your info from social media, and then post it elsewhere without checking to see if there's any truth behind it first? You're confirming what we already know about anti-vaxxers. Thick cunts. Cowards that let OTHERS protect them.
Still be laughed at, you gullible prick. Why do you still only believe the odd conspiracy claim but not the millions of genuine scientists and experts that give you proven science and facts? Why do you get your info from social media, and then post it elsewhere without checking to see if there's any truth behind it first? You're confirming what we already know about anti-vaxxers. Thick cunts. Cowards that let OTHERS protect them.

Why the profanity?
My eyesight was perfect before I had the last of the 3 jabs. My missus (who’s a nurse) said that it was just old age and nothing more. Just a coincidence. Boots the opticians said that I had been the 7th person to complain that week, after getting my last jab. I was always sceptical about what I was doing but did it for the wife. I’m a weak man. I remember a bloke at work who had the same jab on the same day as the missus. Both went off their feet less than a fortnight after with vertigo lasting a few days. Makes you wonder.

Well said Bill. I have had 8 doses of the various vaccines and apart from a couple of sore arms I have had no side effects whatsoever.

Can you imagine if we had all refused the Polio & TB vaccinations what would have happened by now?

I have had 3 doses and within a week on each occasion, was unable to work and housebound. I've had the flu only once and it was just like it.
Had 24 negative tests, including one after driving my niece from London School of Economics to gods own city. She tested positive with a flow test when she got home. Could be a faulty testing kit, but the crux of the vaccines issues is more about the contracts that lined BJ's mates pockets and how they ran roughshod over the normal testing process. But needs must, or was it sold very well to a gullible populous? The slime brigade clearly didn't think it was that serious, or they wouldn't have had all those piss ups.
People had a choice, I certainly don't think one should try and score social points by saying they were wrong to support, or not support the vaccines when it applied to a new virus.
My eyesight was perfect before I had the last of the 3 jabs. My missus (who’s a nurse) said that it was just old age and nothing more. Just a coincidence. Boots the opticians said that I had been the 7th person to complain that week, after getting my last jab. I was always sceptical about what I was doing but did it for the wife. I’m a weak man. I remember a bloke at work who had the same jab on the same day as the missus. Both went off their feet less than a fortnight after with vertigo lasting a few days. Makes you wonder.

I know a number of people since lockdown who have been hit with Vertigo that were not vaccinated.
Had Covid last week. No worse than a normal cold and was over it within 48 hours. Immune system seems to be working well after being jabbed in 2021 and having boosters ever since.
The only people I know who have long term Covid issues were those that caught it in 2020 pre vaccination availability.
I got covid pre vaccine and was very very ill , i had bad lungs for over a year and had many courses of steroids and antibiotics as well as inhalers , post vaccines i have not had it again

Pity this thread keeps going with the moronic posters spreading disinformation , call it a fucking day

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