Crowd v Plzen

BillyMC said:
Half the crowd cant even be arsed staying to clap the players off after a 6-0 stuffing of Spurs. Be about 7 people left tonight after 75 minutes.
You could be right . I couldn't believe how many people left before the end of that mauling of Spurs . I stayed till the end as you do .
oakiecokie said:
Palerider said:
blueparrot said:
It will be double that give or take a 1000

I'd be delighted with anything around 40000. It is a "dead" game but loads of empty seats for a Champions League game is asking for trouble PR wise and although I'm on the cup scheme ( and going ) I'm all for the club filling the seats anyway they can.

Why are you so obsessed with filling the stadium.PR trouble ?? What the hells that all about.Are you shit scared of some Rag mates taking the piss out of you.Dear oh dear.

Not at all. I want City to be as big a club as Real Madrid, Barcelona and Bayern. We can say we are a big club all we want but if our crowds are closer to Blackburn than Dortmund then no one will take us serious. Image is all important whether anyone of us likes it or not. Ferrari or Fiesta. Mcdonalds or a 5 star Michelin restaurant. Air line pilot or factory worker. Who gets the girl? Image does matter and empty seats does not send out a positive message. At the moment we are a Ferrari team but a Fiesta crowd.
It worries me that after the stadium expansion 3 quarters full now is going to be half full then
corky1970 said:
have you seen the crowds at Milan, Psg, Inter ,Valencia matches..i could go on

empty seats and sometimes half empty stadiums on dead rubber games

its not unusual

its only because you cant see the top tier at the swamp on tv to know how empty it is..which it has been on many a European night

Been saying this for a long, long time Corky and I always get called a bitter for it !
Hope there's a good bit of banter with Plzen fans tonight, treat us brilliantly over there, especially their goalkeeper who we were out drinking with after the match.
MCFCmadman said:
Lost my seasoncards, can i get a replacement tonight?
Take I D with you to Ticket Office give them your Supporter Number and they'll give you a paper ticket.
I'll be there.


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