Crystal Palace V Manchester City pre match thread

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TBooksbluearmy said:
It is now a straight fight between us and Chelsea for 2nd place. Just can't see Liverpool dropping 6pts between now and the end of the season. So the game against Crystal Palace has become a must win game, in fact every game between now and the end of the season is a must win game.

They don't need to drop 6 points - 3 will do it as long we keep the goal diff to our advantage.
GazM said:
TBooksbluearmy said:
It is now a straight fight between us and Chelsea for 2nd place. Just can't see Liverpool dropping 6pts between now and the end of the season. So the game against Crystal Palace has become a must win game, in fact every game between now and the end of the season is a must win game.

They don't need to drop 6 points - 3 will do it as long we keep the goal diff to our advantage.
We'll need them to drop 6 if we don't beat Palace and Chavs to drop more too :)
Hopefully we get a confidence boost from the Liverpool Chelsea game. If Liverpool beat Chelsea I can see us losing but if they lose or draw we'll beat them. Silva and Yaya are gunna both be missing for this which doesn't help :( but we should have enough in our locker to turn them over 3-1 City.
inbetween said:
Has anyone considered Liverpool drawing against Chelsea, a point puts them on 81 points and assuming we win at Palace that puts us on 77. Our game in hand against Villa should we win puts us on 80, a point different going into the Everton game. Liverpool then have to take maximum points from both remaining games at Palace and at home to Newcastle... That's a lot of pressure. This is all of course assuming we win every game, we can even afford a draw at Everton if Liverpool get beat by Chelsea and don't beat Palace allowing us to play for the league on GD in the final game.

There could be a twist yet, doubtful but we will know on Sunday just whether we will have any chance. A Liverpool win and I'm afraid it is over before we even kick off in this game.
But why would it be over if Dippers beat the Chavs? If we beat Palace that puts the pressure back on them and sows those little seeds of doubt in their minds. They then have to go to Palace and could lose there.
You never know in football. Did the Rags give up after we'd beaten Newcastle in 2012? No they didn't. They kept the pressure on us by beating Swansea and then Sunderland and if it hadn't been for Aguero 93:20 it would have paid off. We must keep the heat on the Dippers, go over to RAWK and look at the Shithouse thread to see how they are literally shitting themselves. You're not telling me some of that doubt is not in their player's heads.
dctid said:
Pullis teams will press far far more than WBA did tonight lets just hope that the team is prepared to break into a fucking sweat rather than the pedestrian stroll of the second half tonight otherwise i see a fucking huge banana skin
Hopefully - because if they press more and further up the pitch it will leave more space for our midfield and strikers to work in. I am confident that our players have the technical skills and mentality to deal with this approach. Also a hard pressing game will be physically wearing on the Palace players - expect to see more and more space for us in the second half.
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
inbetween said:
Has anyone considered Liverpool drawing against Chelsea, a point puts them on 81 points and assuming we win at Palace that puts us on 77. Our game in hand against Villa should we win puts us on 80, a point different going into the Everton game. Liverpool then have to take maximum points from both remaining games at Palace and at home to Newcastle... That's a lot of pressure. This is all of course assuming we win every game, we can even afford a draw at Everton if Liverpool get beat by Chelsea and don't beat Palace allowing us to play for the league on GD in the final game.

There could be a twist yet, doubtful but we will know on Sunday just whether we will have any chance. A Liverpool win and I'm afraid it is over before we even kick off in this game.

We play Villa after the Everton game.

Sorry your right but still it is our game in hand and is really a separate game to the rest of the run in, we simply must win it

Marvin said:
inbetween said:
Has anyone considered Liverpool drawing against Chelsea, a point puts them on 81 points and assuming we win at Palace that puts us on 77. Our game in hand against Villa should we win puts us on 80, a point different going into the Everton game. Liverpool then have to take maximum points from both remaining games at Palace and at home to Newcastle... That's a lot of pressure. This is all of course assuming we win every game, we can even afford a draw at Everton if Liverpool get beat by Chelsea and don't beat Palace allowing us to play for the league on GD in the final game.

There could be a twist yet, doubtful but we will know on Sunday just whether we will have any chance. A Liverpool win and I'm afraid it is over before we even kick off in this game.
What utter defeatism before we have even kicked a ball

Football Gods can and do throw up all kinds of obstacles and unexpected events.

If Chelsea can lose at home to Sunderland, Liverpool can go to Palace and get beat, or at the very least draw. Have you seen their last 2 away games? Very unconvincing. I wouldn't back them to go anywhere at the moment and win because nerves are now affecting their game. Everything has gone their way so far, from penalty decisions to deflections etc etc.

I don't think I'm being defeatist but rather trying to be a realist. I was one of those who said it wasn't over when we lost at Arsenal a couple of years ago and we went on to win it but then we were 8 points behind with 6 games to go, there was time and also we had to play the scum. In that run in, we always knew no matter what happened we could bounce within 3 points of United because we had to play them at home, where we hadn't been beaten all season. That puts a lot of pressure on a team and United I think messed it up because they were playing like they were due messing up.

Now however we look a shade of the team that started the year, Negredo hasn't scored for months, Aguero looked back last night but faded as the game went on, he clearly still isn't fully fit. Silva is now out and we rely on practically the same team that got beat by Wigan in the FA Cup to push us on to win the title and then we have to still hope Liverpool mess up.

I just don't think it's our year and even when we win our luck continues to take a turn for the worst with Silva probably out now for the season. It would take probably the biggest cock up in football history for Liverpool to lose this one and we would still have to win every single game which I just can't see us doing with so many key players missing at the most crucial time.

I still believe it can happen whilst it's possible but I think everyone has set themselves up now to accept it's probably going to be gone this weekend and that's before a ball is kicked.
karen7 said:
What are palace like at home?
Fucking noisy, but the rags beat them 2-0 there a while back. Southampton also beat them, Norwich got a point since Pulis took over, they've won the rest.
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