D*ckheads at jjb

elano said:
allygee said:
Defo a rag bastard - I always go to the city store for shirts and printin

Why does that make me a rag you prick, went jjb to save money cos I'm totally skint but i dont let my 8 yr old lad down and £15 saving is a lot,

Have now contacted jjb who are giving me 5 extra back and obviously a new shirt so even better

Don't think he was saying you're a rag, was saying the person who did the printing was a rag. Chill out mate.
elano said:
allygee said:
Defo a rag bastard - I always go to the city store for shirts and printin

Why does that make me a rag you prick, went jjb to save money cos I'm totally skint but i dont let my 8 yr old lad down and £15 saving is a lot,

Have now contacted jjb who are giving me 5 extra back and obviously a new shirt so even better

whooooooooooooaaaaa slow down a little, he was saying it was a rag bastard who did the error, not you for going to JJB
elano said:
allygee said:
Defo a rag bastard - I always go to the city store for shirts and printin

Why does that make me a rag you prick, went jjb to save money cos I'm totally skint but i dont let my 8 yr old lad down and £15 saving is a lot,

Have now contacted jjb who are giving me 5 extra back and obviously a new shirt so even better

think he meant the fucker who tampered with it mate, not you
elano said:
allygee said:
Defo a rag bastard - I always go to the city store for shirts and printin

Why does that make me a rag you prick, went jjb to save money cos I'm totally skint but i dont let my 8 yr old lad down and £15 saving is a lot,

Have now contacted jjb who are giving me 5 extra back and obviously a new shirt so even better

Re: Dickheads at jjb

A Northern Soul said:
They fooked my order up too! It's my lads 11th Birthday this sat, so I ordered him the long sleeve away shirt with SAMPSON 11 on the back with the gold prem badges. Anyhow, the shirt turned up on tuesday with Sampson 11 ( The S's were upside down??? ) and the shirt had no badges either!!!!
I had to go into the Traff Centre JJB last night to get a new one made up, I got the lad the socks n shorts while I was there - had to haggle 10% off the price of em due to their balls up!
Ps, Also on the delivery note the idiot who printed it had wrote Samsun 11, but had scribbled it out. If I'd got that shirt I'd have gone right off!

you let them off you should have asked for 50%
elano said:
Ordered my lad the new shirt from jjb online, which came today and he was very excited until he opened it and the dickhead printers have put WHITE premier league badges on it, he's gone mental

and Jesus wept.
op is a misserable **** :)

Also how "mental" ? did you not tell him to stoip being stupid ranting and raving ?

It is a slight error thats getting fixed ffs, i bet xmas at yours is a right blast mate.

If this makes you this bent out of shape then fuck me you need to get out more or fuck off to a desert island.
Just a twat who gets a lot of time off to do sod all :)
Your the one going on about being skint, i'm not. Maybe i would earn more if i put the effort in, probably would.
Maybe you would also :)

Go back to facebook brah.

Cheer up op, life has many little hiccups like that, roll a j and chill out :)

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