D*ckheads at jjb

StevieIrelandsPants said:
Wanted to try out the sizes before ordering one, but none of the shops down here around Lincoln have one, still full of those tablecloth red shirts. Gonna have to journey up before the season starts I think.
They're the same as all the other Umbro shirts I have from 2009-2011 (didn't get any last season), just with ridiculously long sleeves!!
TCIB said:
op is a misserable **** :)

Also how "mental" ? did you not tell him to stoip being stupid ranting and raving ?

It is a slight error thats getting fixed ffs, i bet xmas at yours is a right blast mate.

If this makes you this bent out of shape then fuck me you need to get out more or fuck off to a desert island.
Invariably in these situations the children are used as pawns to gain the moral high ground. If there is a son I doubt he'd even notice. If he does you tell him they made a mistake and another is on it's way.

People get so angry about nothing
TCIB said:
op is a misserable **** :)

Also how "mental" ? did you not tell him to stoip being stupid ranting and raving ?

It is a slight error thats getting fixed ffs, i bet xmas at yours is a right blast mate.

If this makes you this bent out of shape then fuck me you need to get out more or fuck off to a desert island.
Fucking hell.....I might not come on here often enough, but I reckon that's the most abusive post I've seen you put on here. I take it, for some reason, it has got your back up!
malg said:
TCIB said:
op is a misserable **** :)

Also how "mental" ? did you not tell him to stoip being stupid ranting and raving ?

It is a slight error thats getting fixed ffs, i bet xmas at yours is a right blast mate.

If this makes you this bent out of shape then fuck me you need to get out more or fuck off to a desert island.
Fucking hell.....I might not come on here often enough, but I reckon that's the most abusive post I've seen you put on here. I take it, for some reason, it has got your back up!

Hehe, not got my back up, although the level of rage i found way out of whack.

Sometimes shit happens and there is not much you can do but shrug and carry on.
Getting so bent out of shape for such a small thing is just silly imo.

Most people have 2-3 such embuggerance's a day, it is annoying when little things go wrong but keep perspective.
I know lads who can't afford to buy footy stuff that often or the bills don't get paid, so i guess it does irk me but not rage irk, just "get a grip" type of thing.
Re: Dickheads at jjb

A Northern Soul said:
They fooked my order up too! It's my lads 11th Birthday this sat, so I ordered him the long sleeve away shirt with SAMPSON 11 on the back with the gold prem badges. Anyhow, the shirt turned up on tuesday with Sampson 11 ( The S's were upside down??? ) and the shirt had no badges either!!!!
I had to go into the Traff Centre JJB last night to get a new one made up, I got the lad the socks n shorts while I was there - had to haggle 10% off the price of em due to their balls up!
Ps, Also on the delivery note the idiot who printed it had wrote Samsun 11, but had scribbled it out. If I'd got that shirt I'd have gone right off!
Was the "O" upside down aswell
Re: Dickheads at jjb

Colins Bellend said:
A Northern Soul said:
They fooked my order up too! It's my lads 11th Birthday this sat, so I ordered him the long sleeve away shirt with SAMPSON 11 on the back with the gold prem badges. Anyhow, the shirt turned up on tuesday with Sampson 11 ( The S's were upside down??? ) and the shirt had no badges either!!!!
I had to go into the Traff Centre JJB last night to get a new one made up, I got the lad the socks n shorts while I was there - had to haggle 10% off the price of em due to their balls up!
Ps, Also on the delivery note the idiot who printed it had wrote Samsun 11, but had scribbled it out. If I'd got that shirt I'd have gone right off!
Was the "O" upside down aswell

The S's do have a specific way, there's a pointed flick on one end, that should be on the bottom pointing out to the left. Even I's have a flick that goes at the top. only O's can go either way.
Bought my away shirt yesterday & the way I did it was still cheaper than the club shop with my s/t 10% discount.
Shirt & gold badges - sports soccer £39.99
Printing (player style felt printing not the normal plastic) - Nike shop £10
Nike shop normally do the felt printing at £4.50 per number & £1.50 per letter but currently doing the £10 deal.
TCIB said:
Cheer up op, life has many little hiccups like that, roll a j and chill out :)

Your memory and mental health will one day applaud you for being high as a kite 24/7.

I'm with the OP. He's paid good money for a product and it should be right. If not then they correct it and give him some form of compensation. Admittedly, years of working in a service environment and dealing with the people who directly fund your organisation helps my opinion along somewhat. The problem is that retail doesn't pay well and they can't attract or retain people able to work hard and concentrate on what they're doing. That generation are reaching retirement...

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