D-Day - Student Protests in London, 09/12/10

Who can we tax next? I know lets tax those feckers who haven't even started work yet!

We should turn the water cannon on the Houses of Parliament and its smug self-serving rich population of MPs but lets get the fecker blazing real good first.
TheMightyQuinn said:
LongsightM13 said:
My old mum works at the Fallowfield campus and the twats there have this week taken to smashing up their own halls of residence, leaving working Mancunian people who never had the privilege or opportunty of a university education to clean up the mess. That's not social protest. That's just fuckwittery on a breathtaking scale
They're protesting against the fact that 'working Mancunians' are deprived of the chance to go to university.
How so? Who are they protesting to? Where are the politicians, the police. the media coverage? Not at Owens Park, that's for sure. They just saw students breaking stuff in London on the telly and thought 'yeah, that looks like a laugh'. Do you honestly see what I described as all part of a noble social enterprise?
Are you really saying it's perfectly acceptable for Hugo from the home counties and his rugger chums to come back pissed from the student bars of Fallowfield and effectively tell porters, cleaners and maintenance and admin staff, many of whom are on little more than minimum wage: "Yah, I'm totally going to smash this place up and add to your already busy workload. But its for your own good. We're doing it for you and for the children of Manchester."
For the record, I support the protests in principle, and admire those doing it for the right reasons. But the point I was making is that a lot of idiots are going along for the ride and alienating the public through sheer twatishness
LongsightM13 said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
They're protesting against the fact that 'working Mancunians' are deprived of the chance to go to university.
How so? Who are they protesting to? Where are the politicians, the police. the media coverage? Not at Owens Park, that's for sure. They just saw students breaking stuff in London on the telly and thought 'yeah, that looks like a laugh'. Do you honestly see what I described as all part of a noble social enterprise?
Are you really saying it's perfectly acceptable for Hugo from the home counties and his rugger chums to come back pissed from the student bars of Fallowfield and effectively tell porters, cleaners and maintenance and admin staff, many of whom are on little more than minimum wage: "Yah, I'm totally going to smash this place up and add to your already busy workload. But its for your own good. We're doing it for your and for the children of Manchester."
For the record, I support the protests in principle, and admire those doing it for the right reasons. But the point I was making is that a lot of idiots are going along for the ride and alienating the public through sheer twatishness

You noted that the cleaners and the like will likely be ordinary working Mancs who hadn't had the chance to go to Uni themselves.

I was just pointing out that what the students are protesting is a ruling which will make it even harder for these people to attend uni in the future or their children etc.

I'm sure a lot of people are just going with the flow and looking for trouble. No doubt. But just because Blues are dicks doesn't mean that you or I are and likewise just because some students are twats doesn't mean they all are.

If the tories get their way then your kids, my kids and everyone else can forget Uni and in 10 years time when there are no English doctors, judges, lawyers etc the idiots can moan about how unfair it is that the country if full of immigrants.
TheMightyQuinn said:
If the tories get their way then your kids, my kids and everyone else can forget Uni and in 10 years time when there are no English doctors, judges, lawyers etc the idiots can moan about how unfair it is that the country if full of immigrants.

Why will my kids not go to uni?

If they want to do a meaningful degree I will happily pay the £9,000 a year for their education.

Once they go I think I will save about that much anyway.
mindmyp's_n_q's said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
If the tories get their way then your kids, my kids and everyone else can forget Uni and in 10 years time when there are no English doctors, judges, lawyers etc the idiots can moan about how unfair it is that the country if full of immigrants.

Why will my kids not go to uni?

If they want to do a meaningful degree I will happily pay the £9,000 a year for their education.

Once they go I think I will save about that much anyway.

Fair enough. Let me know how that works out for you.

So long as you're ok that's all that matters, fuck the kids who's dads don't have 9grand in loose change burning a hole in their pockets, scruffy twats.
TheMightyQuinn said:
mindmyp's_n_q's said:
Why will my kids not go to uni?

If they want to do a meaningful degree I will happily pay the £9,000 a year for their education.

Once they go I think I will save about that much anyway.

Fair enough. Let me know how that works out for you.

So long as you're ok that's all that matters, fuck the kids who's dads don't have 9grand in loose change burning a hole in their pockets, scruffy twats.

Not at all.

Would it be easier to swallow if your kids didn't get £27,000+ in debt going to university and just earned £27,000+ less over say the 30 year repayment period.

The nine grand a year that you say I have burning a hole in my pocket might have had something to do with the £50,000 of debt I got into so that in the past meant I can earn the wage I do now.
mindmyp's_n_q's said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
If the tories get their way then your kids, my kids and everyone else can forget Uni and in 10 years time when there are no English doctors, judges, lawyers etc the idiots can moan about how unfair it is that the country if full of immigrants.

Why will my kids not go to uni?

If they want to do a meaningful degree I will happily pay the £9,000 a year for their education.

Once they go I think I will save about that much anyway.
What about those who might not even be able to do so? As I have said countless times before, I don't mind paying for higher education. £9,000 per year however, is just too much.
mindmyp's_n_q's said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Fair enough. Let me know how that works out for you.

So long as you're ok that's all that matters, fuck the kids who's dads don't have 9grand in loose change burning a hole in their pockets, scruffy twats.

Not at all.

Would it be easier to swallow if your kids didn't get £27,000+ in debt going to university and just earned £27,000+ less over say the 30 year repayment period.

The nine grand a year that you say I have burning a hole in my pocket might have had something to do with the £50,000 of debt I got into so that in the past meant I can earn the wage I do now.

My kids won't want to be paying for education regardless.
Halfpenny said:
mindmyp's_n_q's said:
Why will my kids not go to uni?

If they want to do a meaningful degree I will happily pay the £9,000 a year for their education.

Once they go I think I will save about that much anyway.
What about those who might not even be able to do so? As I have said countless times before, I don't mind paying for higher education. £9,000 per year however, is just too much.

If you earn £400 a week you repay £7.66 a week is that such a hardship?

If you earn £1000 a week you pay back £47.40 a week.

I can't believe what bastards they are.

-- Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:48 pm --

TheMightyQuinn said:
mindmyp's_n_q's said:
Not at all.

Would it be easier to swallow if your kids didn't get £27,000+ in debt going to university and just earned £27,000+ less over say the 30 year repayment period.

The nine grand a year that you say I have burning a hole in my pocket might have had something to do with the £50,000 of debt I got into so that in the past meant I can earn the wage I do now.

My kids won't want to be paying for education regardless.

What so I and all other taxpayers should?

And they have an education otherwise they would be unable to get into university.

Should we just keep on paying for people to do endless degrees then. Fuck it be a student until you retire it won't cost a thing and remember education to whatever level you choose is a right that only the workers should ever have to pay for.

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