D-Day - Student Protests in London, 09/12/10

Scottyboi said:
depps said:

Impressive kid.

Doubt his family will struggle to pay his fee's

So what? Is he responsible for who his parents are?

At least he gives a shit about the people who will struggle to pay fees unlike the 'pull yourself up by your own bootstraps' brigade.
mindmyp's_n_q's said:
Halfpenny said:
What about those who might not even be able to do so? As I have said countless times before, I don't mind paying for higher education. £9,000 per year however, is just too much.

If you earn £400 a week you repay £7.66 a week is that such a hardship?

If you earn £1000 a week you pay back £47.40 a week.

I can't believe what bastards they are.
That's not what I meant. Do you think parents will want their kid to be in £50,000 of debt by the time they're in their mid twenties? Some of them would struggle to comprehend themselves having that much debt on their shoulders let alone their kids. Any way you look at this it's not going to improve accessibility for the less well-off.
Halfpenny said:
mindmyp's_n_q's said:
If you earn £400 a week you repay £7.66 a week is that such a hardship?

If you earn £1000 a week you pay back £47.40 a week.

I can't believe what bastards they are.
That's not what I meant. Do you think parents will want their kid to be in £50,000 of debt by the time they're in their mid twenties? Some of them would struggle to comprehend themselves having that much debt on their shoulders let alone their kids. Any way you look at this it's not going to improve accessibility for the less well-off.

As a parent with one kid at uni and another hopefully heading there I can categorically state that I do not want my kids to start life saddled with so much debt. It is just morally wrong. I know i am banging on about it but it is also wrong that my mates scottish kids will start their working life with no debt at all. It is even more wrong that scottish MPs voted for my kids to start life with this debt while kids in their scottish constituencies are laughing at English kids and their massive debts. Wrong on so many levels.
Balti said:
Halfpenny said:
That's not what I meant. Do you think parents will want their kid to be in £50,000 of debt by the time they're in their mid twenties? Some of them would struggle to comprehend themselves having that much debt on their shoulders let alone their kids. Any way you look at this it's not going to improve accessibility for the less well-off.

As a parent with one kid at uni and another hopefully heading there I can categorically state that I do not want my kids to start life saddled with so much debt. It is just morally wrong. I know i am banging on about it but it is also wrong that my mates scottish kids will start their working life with no debt at all. It is even more wrong that scottish MPs voted for my kids to start life with this debt while kids in their scottish constituencies are laughing at English kids and their massive debts. Wrong on so many levels.
I agree with you mate, and it is my belief that tuition fees should not be within the jurisdiction of the devolved assemblies. I'm going myself next year, and although I miss the massive increase I'll still emerge with about £25,000 of debt. Which is bad enough, but I struggle to comprehend that my sister could graduate with double that.
if the debt is that big of an issue, then don't go to college. I didn't go to school here in the states for 2 years after high school.<br /><br />-- Sun Dec 12, 2010 3:30 am --<br /><br />if the debt is that big of an issue, then don't go to college. I didn't go to school here in the states for 2 years after high school.
Balti said:
Halfpenny said:
That's not what I meant. Do you think parents will want their kid to be in £50,000 of debt by the time they're in their mid twenties? Some of them would struggle to comprehend themselves having that much debt on their shoulders let alone their kids. Any way you look at this it's not going to improve accessibility for the less well-off.

As a parent with one kid at uni and another hopefully heading there I can categorically state that I do not want my kids to start life saddled with so much debt. It is just morally wrong. I know i am banging on about it but it is also wrong that my mates scottish kids will start their working life with no debt at all. It is even more wrong that scottish MPs voted for my kids to start life with this debt while kids in their scottish constituencies are laughing at English kids and their massive debts. Wrong on so many levels.

This isn't true, unless your mate has a few quid. I did my undergrad degree in Scotland and though fees were covered, most folk still have to take out a loan from the Student Loan Company to cover living costs. I came from a low-income family, and owe the SLC about £18k. Most of my friends from there owe a similar amount.

The principle of one part of the country paying fees, and another not having to do so, I agree is wholly unfair. But kids doing their degrees will end up in significant amounts of debt unless their parents are well-off.
LouisianaBluesFan said:
if the debt is that big of an issue, then don't go to college. I didn't go to school here in the states for 2 years after high school.

-- Sun Dec 12, 2010 3:30 am --

if the debt is that big of an issue, then don't go to college. I didn't go to school here in the states for 2 years after high school.
Why shouldn't they go to college?
TheMightyQuinn said:
mindmyp's_n_q's said:
Why will my kids not go to uni?

If they want to do a meaningful degree I will happily pay the £9,000 a year for their education.

Once they go I think I will save about that much anyway.

Fair enough. Let me know how that works out for you.

So long as you're ok that's all that matters, fuck the kids who's dads don't have 9grand in loose change burning a hole in their pockets, scruffy twats.

Im sure if you qualify as a 'lawyer,doctor etc' you'll be paying off the 9k fairly quickly actually..............now if you get a degree in painting fences or the physiological disorders of penguins, or some such make believe tosh exam they provide at our expense - then that's your choice and you should pay for the privilege like any one else.
Looks like the protests are really hotting up now:

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/dec/12/swedish-police-investigate-terrorist-attack" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/de ... ist-attack</a>

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