Daily Express: Mancini to have contract extended

FantasyIreland said:
SWP's back said:
FantasyIreland said:
Has he improved the team adequately?i know he's brought in players who were no brainer signings - Yaya,Nasri,Aguero,Silva etc but he hasn't unearthed any gems and he has also built a squad that is unbalanced and without depth of quality.

Are you not disappointed that no silverware will be arriving this summer? I believe one trophy should have been the minimum,that may sound arrogant but,realistically,that is the park we are now playing in.....
15 points better than last season at the same stage says the team has improved.

You can't fucking deny that.......can you?

Actually, the way you feel about Mancini, you probably can.

Turn it in.

We have not improved enough,the team is not as good as it should be,the money available could and should have been better spent.

I would also suggest the deterioration of other teams has more to do with our points total.

How is the team not as good as it should be?

How could he have spent better?

We have improved Beyond recognition from last season. As we improved from the season before that<br /><br />-- Sun Apr 01, 2012 7:11 pm --<br /><br />
JoeMercer'sWay said:
does he contract stipulate "you must buy 2 wingers that you will play"?

if so, I'm happy with it.

Why are you so obsessed with wingers, if crosses are going into the box when required what does it matter who puts them in
fathellensbellend said:
why when faced with the same problem for the last few months away from home persist with the same tactics, showing no inclination to revert to what appears to be a non existent plan b.

This and this only. How is it that so few see this?

I liked Mancini when he was in Inter. I was happy to see him come here. But he has been found out and he has NO answer.
fathellensbellend said:
SWP's back said:
fathellensbellend said:
remember mancini talked of winning 2 trophies this season, and only 2 games ago said we would win the league.

when we have needed a performance in 2011/12 we have been found wanting, be it the champion league, league cup, uefa cup, fa cup and now the league.

throw in the league cup semi v utd, and the missing out v tottenham for fourth, then i am far from convinced that when push comes to shove mancini can deliver.
Yes when push came to shove in the league we were found wanting

At Utd
At Spurs
Home to Spurs
Home to Arsenal
Home to Chelsea

And if you're going back two seasons we can also add the FA Cup semi and final and the spurs 4th place shoot out last year.

Talk about an argument of straw. Give your head a wobble.

explain to me the following.

why in naples did we chase a game when a draw would have sufficed.

why did we stretch the squad in getting to the semi final against liverpool and then pick a side not capable of competing.

why produce a fantastic effort v porto, and then meekly go out against a weak lisbon side.

why when faced with the same problem for the last few months away from home persist with the same tactics, showing no inclination to revert to what appears to be a non existent plan b.

why have orthadox wingers been overlooked in a budget that no other club can dream of.

why when rotating does the player who is finding form find himself out of the team.

why have we persisted with silva, when clearly the player needs a break, and we have suitable replacements.

and finally how will we approach the remaining away games, and will our 400 million pound squad show the mentality and guile to break teams down.

or do we just wobble our heads.

Nothing that a good wobble won`t sort out.
de niro said:
i hope its true and i hope its come from our owners, brilliant timing if so.

the project just keeps rumbling along.
and this is only the beginning dn, only the beginning!
fathellensbellend said:
SWP's back said:
fathellensbellend said:
remember mancini talked of winning 2 trophies this season, and only 2 games ago said we would win the league.

when we have needed a performance in 2011/12 we have been found wanting, be it the champion league, league cup, uefa cup, fa cup and now the league.

throw in the league cup semi v utd, and the missing out v tottenham for fourth, then i am far from convinced that when push comes to shove mancini can deliver.
Yes when push came to shove in the league we were found wanting

At Utd
At Spurs
Home to Spurs
Home to Arsenal
Home to Chelsea

And if you're going back two seasons we can also add the FA Cup semi and final and the spurs 4th place shoot out last year.

Talk about an argument of straw. Give your head a wobble.

explain to me the following.

why in naples did we chase a game when a draw would have sufficed.

why did we stretch the squad in getting to the semi final against liverpool and then pick a side not capable of competing.

why produce a fantastic effort v porto, and then meekly go out against a weak lisbon side.

why when faced with the same problem for the last few months away from home persist with the same tactics, showing no inclination to revert to what appears to be a non existent plan b.

why have orthadox wingers been overlooked in a budget that no other club can dream of.

why when rotating does the player who is finding form find himself out of the team.

why have we persisted with silva, when clearly the player needs a break, and we have suitable replacements.

and finally how will we approach the remaining away games, and will our 400 million pound squad show the mentality and guile to break teams down.

or do we just wobble our heads.

Who could of played in place of silva yesterday?

Why do we need orthodox wingers?
You have to stick with Mancini. Ok he might have made a few mistakes, but a new manager would come in and rip the team up, which solves nothing. Mourino is only interested in manure, and if he came to us would be off as soon as fergie jacks it in. No defo stick with Mancini
Eccles Blue said:
redmizzle said:
CTID1988 said:
Hope this is true
So do I. We need CONTINUITY/STABILITY and Mancini will bring us that.

I absolutely agree with everything you say.

Have all those who want Mancini out forgotten Swales' liking for sacking the manager at the first sign of a few bad results and panic setting in?

Where did that get us?
Couldnt have put it better myself -- Forza Mancini, but he needs a clear out in the summer as too many players are just taking the money without putting in a shift!!!!

Marvin said:
CTID1988 said:
Hope this is true
Me too.

Money making a lot of City fans lose all sense of values and judgement. Success is based on continuity. In many ways City are similar to Chelsea. A rich owner buying the best. Let us learn from their mistakes and get a good manager in who can lay down the foundations for an era
If the owners are intending to extend his contract no matter what, why wait until the end of the season? It will just lead to more disruptive speculation.

Sheikh Mansour could end all this Mancini press talk tomorrow with the stroke of a pen. Seems counterproductive to wait until after the season's over and suffer damaging speculation in the meantime.
Blue Haze said:
If the owners are intending to extend his contract no matter what, why wait until the end of the season? It will just lead to more disruptive speculation.

Sheikh Mansour could end all this Mancini press talk tomorrow with the stroke of a pen. Seems counterproductive to wait until after the season's over and suffer damaging speculation in the meantime.

The media have been banging on for weeks that spurs is dip in form is due to speculation that Harry is getting the England job. Leave it till the end of the season

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