Daily Fail and the Mancini era ....

TGR said:
BringBackSwales said:
It is pretty clear what has happened here. What do politicians do when they want to get a message across to the public, when they want to justify an unpopular or a controversial decision - they brief a chosen member of the press. Football clubs media relations departments are no different - if they want to get a message across which justifies the decisions of their higher ups then they brief a chosen member of the press - the story gets printed (which in this case is a one-sided miscellaneous list of negative issues associated with Mancini from within the club over three and a half years - not nice things, but a list of events which when not put into perspective paints a pretty bad picture of the sacked manager) and the message which then gets put across to the punters is basically "oh what a horrible man, of course the club were right to sack him". So in my opinion rather than the press being the bad bastards here, what would anyone expect Ladyman to do if he has been briefed about all these "incidents" - ignore it, or publish it - indeed what would any journalist do when spoon-fed this information?

Also in the real world it is pretty likely that the same thing probably happens in this forum - it is regularly accessed by probably more City fans who are interested in and influenced by news than most (any?) other sources - is it not likely that some of the anti-Mancini ITK stuff that has been seen in this forum for the last few weeks has been passed on by "briefers" from City? And of course it would only be the bad stuff that gets "briefed".

The other issue for me is that this list is predomoninately either things we already knew (he did not get on with Bellers - but who did? he did not get on with Ade-but who did?, Robbie was hard work, oh really!) or nasty little bitchy snipes such as he went to tanning salons or shops (what a fucking tyrant!) or one of his aides accompanied his Mrs to the "plush" David Lloyd Centre (quite a reasonable thing to do I would have said given the family's high profile) - just a load of nasty and irrelevant digs. Frankly when I read the list I sense worse behaviour from many of the players than I do the manager - who appears the more unprofessional?

It happens in politics, it happens in football, and I suppose as such that is today's real world, but it still leaves a very nasty and bitter taste in my mouth. It also might explain why Mancini was so irate about his lack of support from his own club with the media - I imagine he was also of the view that rather than being supported with the media by the club, the opposite may well have been happening, and unfortunately still is.

-- Sat May 18, 2013 9:28 am --

BringBackSwales said:
It is pretty clear what has happened here. What do politicians do when they want to get a message across to the public, when they want to justify an unpopular or a controversial decision - they brief a chosen member of the press. Football clubs media relations departments are no different - if they want to get a message across which justifies the decisions of their higher ups then they brief a chosen member of the press - the story gets printed (which in this case is a one-sided miscellaneous list of negative issues associated with Mancini from within the club over three and a half years - not nice things, but a list of events which when not put into perspective paints a pretty bad picture of the sacked manager) and the message which then gets put across to the punters is basically "oh what a horrible man, of course the club were right to sack him". So in my opinion rather than the press being the bad bastards here, what would anyone expect Ladyman to do if he has been briefed about all these "incidents" - ignore it, or publish it - indeed what would any journalist do when spoon-fed this information?
The other issue for me is that this list is predomoninately either things we already knew (he did not get on with Bellers - but who did? he did not get on with Ade-but who did?, Robbie was hard work, oh really!) or nasty little bitchy snipes such as he went to tanning salons or shops (what a fucking tyrant!) or one of his aides accompanied his Mrs to the "plush" David Lloyd Centre (quite a reasonable thing to do I would have said given the family's high profile) - just a load of nasty and irrelevant digs. Frankly when I read the list I sense worse behaviour from many of the players than I do the manager - who appears the more unprofessional?

It happens in politics, it happens in football, and I suppose as such that is today's real world, but it still leaves a very nasty and bitter taste in my mouth. It also might explain why Mancini was so irate about his lack of support from his own club with the media - I imagine he was also of the view that rather than being supported with the media by the club, the opposite may well have been happening, and unfortunately still is.

Spot on!
I have just posted something similar. It is complete and total disgrace! It genuinely is. Just what the fuck is going on inside our club?!
I have written if the club did brief Ladyman on this then we are morally bankrupt it makes anything that goes on across town at the swamp look kindergarten.
if the club did not know anything about this then Ladyman has to be banned. There is no other possible course of action. What's the bets Ladyman is at the game tomorrow? A sad, grubby, dirty episode in the clubs history - just what have we become?

that's how it works pal - you write what the club's spin doctors want you to right then you get rewarded for it - watch out for Ladyboy getting an exclusive in the near future - sad and pathetic and not what I ever thought football has ever been about, my how the game has changed
TGR said:
cibaman said:
Paulpowersleftfoot said:
Next in line for sacking should be the PR team who's mucky hands are all over this disgraceful character assisination in a ridiculous attempt to justify his sacking.
While I believe it was right to change managers now I think the lack of respect given to our most successful manager,whose brought the league title and the FA cup to Manchester for the first time in decades,leaves a very sour taste
They should be as ashamed as the playing staff who've clearly been complicit in his downfall

Do you think the PR team are doing this against the wishes of the club hierarchy?

So it shows you how our club now operate - disgracefully!

Are you just going to blame the club without even knowing if it was them? How comes everything Mancini does is right but everything bad about him is someone else's fault. We always knew he was an abrasive character, none of this was surprising when I read it, for what its worth I dont think the club would release such petty little bits as they know how the City fans feel about him. If the club wanted to shoot him down I would expect it to be a bit more "exclusive"
Like how we destroyed Kevin Keegan when he left

-- Sat May 18, 2013 9:49 am --

Skashion said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Skashion said:
Couldn't help but laugh at this.
Fucking phone
Is what I wish I could say was the reason
Stupid, not checking that first
Fair play for admitting it. :-) Shame I didn't get a chance to see you and Sean at Wembley.
Yeah mate, I heard you were close as well, was going to go for a wonder on the roundabout but FTG phone broke and he had to get tickets so we ended up stuck to a spot
Re: Ian ladyman And The Daily Mail - Beyond The Pale.

TGR said:
This is simply disgraceful:

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2326322/Roberto-Mancini-revealed-The-Manchester-City-dressing-room-battles-sacking.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/footba ... cking.html</a>

It is a personal character assassination by a rodent of a journalist on Roberto Mancini. It is an article too far. It is a clear and blatant attempt to damage Mancini both professionally & personally. The stuff that has been written by this despicable toad of a journalist has nothing to do with football or the club whatsoever.
We have heard stories that the club have been briefing against Mancini and Ladyman’s name has been mentioned more than once.
If and I do reiterate ‘IF’ the club have had anything to do with this story in any shape or form then the people responsible should hang their heads in shame. IF the club has instigated this story then we are morally bankrupt on every level. IF they had nothing to do with it then Ladyman has to banned from the club with immediate effect. There is no alternative course of action.
We will see what the outcome is and then we will know for sure one way or another. I desperately hope and pray that the club I have supported for almost 50 years and genuinely love do not have their fingerprints all over this - we shall see.

Věry good post, lets see if any action is taken.
I wont be holding my breath.
For me this article is not about his managerial aspects which would have been fair enough, journalists are entitled to their opinions . The personal details mentioned here by "Ladyman " are well over the top. Tanning sessions, referring to his shopping habits etc. Its small wonder the press and this so called newspaper in particular are reluctant to accept the proposed new legislation regarding their conduct by Parliament.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Yeah mate, I heard you were close as well, was going to go for a wonder on the roundabout but FTG phone broke and he had to get tickets so we ended up stuck to a spot
Aye, I was at the roundabout for about an hour, I rang Sean a few times and then presumed he'd run out of battery and gave up, and then went to The Greyhound to find the rest of my branch. Might as well have tried to find you two, as by the time I arrived, all of them were so pissed up they could barely see. My brother ended up missing most of the first half and can't remember where he was...
It may not be a case of the club providing the press with all of these stories.

What can happen is that the press accumulate all of this stuff from players, agents, support staff and various sources. They ask the club to comment and are told something along the lines of "we would rather you didn't print this, if you do we'll deny it and make your life very difficult". So they sit on it, or most of it. Then the manager is sacked, the club make it known that they're no longer bothered about protecting his reputation and the floodgates open.

I'm not saying that's what happened at City, of course.
Re: Ian ladyman And The Daily Mail - Beyond The Pale.

Skashion said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
What if its true because if it is not a writ will be issued by Mancini for deformation.
Couldn't help but laugh at this.

laughing in private is fine, bringing it to the attention of thousands of posters is not classy and has overtones of elitism. Having said that my favourite is pre madonna but would not dream of pointing out the poster
Re: Ian ladyman And The Daily Mail - Beyond The Pale.

bellbuzzer said:
Having said that my favourite is pre madonna but would not dream of pointing out the poster

Do you think they mean this bloke?

Re: Ian ladyman And The Daily Mail - Beyond The Pale.

bellbuzzer said:
Skashion said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
What if its true because if it is not a writ will be issued by Mancini for deformation.
Couldn't help but laugh at this.

laughing in private is fine, bringing it to the attention of thousands of posters is not classy and has overtones of elitism. Having said that my favourite is pre madonna but would not dream of pointing out the poster

Blue Boy took it in good spirits. Besides we were chuckling at the image it conjured up, rather than the mistake itself!

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