Daily Fail and the Mancini era ....

Re: Ian ladyman And The Daily Mail - Beyond The Pale.

Exeter Blue I am here said:
bellbuzzer said:
Skashion said:
Couldn't help but laugh at this.

laughing in private is fine, bringing it to the attention of thousands of posters is not classy and has overtones of elitism. Having said that my favourite is pre madonna but would not dream of pointing out the poster

Blue Boy took it in good spirits. Besides we were chuckling at the image it conjured up, rather than the mistake itself!

When I read it over again it did bring up some funny images for me as well "Mancini the man with an arse for a face" lol
Blue2112 said:
Personally speaking after reading much of the mud slinging the last few days I honestly get the feeling that even if Mancini had won the treble this season his days were numbered because his philosophies didn't fit neatly with Begiristain and Soriano's approach to the club and how they want to adapt it within the framework of the new academy starting from now. We had a manager wanting control and two Director's of Football wanting control and there was always only ever going to be only one winner in this scenario.

Let's be honest here and I have to ask is any of the shit about Mancini really that bad I mean really that bad. He's a winner and wanted the same from those that worked under him. I remember him saying a few years ago they're all extremely well paid professionals, all their families and friends do well out of Manchester City so get on with it. Ok so he wasn't one for mollycoddling and putting his arm around their shoulders and to some people that is a negative trait and fair enough I get that but that was his way and we all knew it and so if you chose to play for City then big fucking deal, they already knew that he wasn't going to nurse their ego's so deal with it. Nothing I've read has been jawdropping shockingly awful news that I've sat here and thought 'fuck me he just had to go for that'.

The 'holistic' approach was all we needed to hear to prove that whatever Mancini was doing here then he wasn't going to be doing it for much longer. The rest of the nonsense peddled out since hasn't been revealing or new to any of us as most of these accusations/rumours have been aired on this forum the past three years. I'd have much preferred Bergiristain, Sorianno or Khaldoon to have made a statement thanking Mancini for his effort's but Manchester City Football Club are now seeking a new approach to how they manage and work the football club in the future. It would have at least been more truthful and honest.

Spot on. We understand the boards inspiration and intent and that choice is theirs to make.

But this could have all been done with the respect that Bobby has earned. And the way the club has handled it and all this bollox being fed to the press leaves a very sour taste indeed.
The Mail is a joke.

However, if it's true that Mancini told Tevez to "fuck off back to Argentina" then that is disgraceful. It wouldn't surprise me though, he subbed Tevez 24 times this season despite him being our best forward all year.
Prestwich_Blue said:
I have to say that up to yesterday I thought the club had done the best they could. as I said a number of times. This stuff though, if it has come from the club, is not necessary.

you know it has come from the club; maybe you ask the person who briefs you if she (or he) briefed ladyboy?
Exeter Blue I am here said:
I wouldn't wipe my arse with anything published by the Fail (or written by Ladyboy). Of all the papers and journalists to have stuck the knife in over the course of the last 5 years, these bastards have been by far the worst. They make Red Issue look like King of the Kippax. The spite is always entirely manufactured to get the little red brainstrains clicking away, but it's no less real for all of that.
As to the content of this article, some of it is probably true, but I'd wager a pound to a piece of shit that for the most part it's made up, exaggerated tosh and blind guesswork. The wish is the father of the thought when it comes to Ladyman and City

Agreed. I've had a battle with my dad for years about what a f*^King load of shit this paper is. How the hell does this low life know this stuff ?, he makes Sherlock Holmes look like Magnum PI. part truth but mostly made up garbage.
If it has been put out by the club, they've done a pretty crap job of it.

They may have tried to make Mancini look bad, but all that article does is make me question the people at the club making these decisions, and some of the players still at the club.
Why, just why, are our club leaking this sort of stuff to the press? They've got what they wanted in that Roberto is gone so I don't see what there is to gain from this sort of shit. It smacks of point scoring & bitterness and that's disappointing. Before someone jumps in & says that this is exactly what Mancini did during the season, yes, I know he did and that too was disappointing & unnecessary. If Bobby was wrong to say some of the things he said then the club is wrong allowing this stuff to come out. Whether it's the PR department, the chairman or (dare I say it) the owner giving the green light to releasing this then in this case they deserve to get criticised for it.

I say it again..... it's done now, finished, all over, there is NOTHING to gain from this. It can only reflect badly on everyone involved.

To the powers that be at the club.... you've got your way. Fucking leave it alone NOW and let the wounds heal and allow us to move on together as a club, team & fans.

(By the way, if Bobby starts coming out with anything now I'll say exactly the same thing).
Blue2112 said:
Personally speaking after reading much of the mud slinging the last few days I honestly get the feeling that even if Mancini had won the treble this season his days were numbered because his philosophies didn't fit neatly with Begiristain and Soriano's approach to the club and how they want to adapt it within the framework of the new academy starting from now. We had a manager wanting control and two Director's of Football wanting control and there was always only ever going to be only one winner in this scenario.

Let's be honest here and I have to ask is any of the shit about Mancini really that bad I mean really that bad. He's a winner and wanted the same from those that worked under him. I remember him saying a few years ago they're all extremely well paid professionals, all their families and friends do well out of Manchester City so get on with it. Ok so he wasn't one for mollycoddling and putting his arm around their shoulders and to some people that is a negative trait and fair enough I get that but that was his way and we all knew it and so if you chose to play for City then big fucking deal, they already knew that he wasn't going to nurse their ego's so deal with it. Nothing I've read has been jawdropping shockingly awful news that I've sat here and thought 'fuck me he just had to go for that'.

The 'holistic' approach was all we needed to hear to prove that whatever Mancini was doing here then he wasn't going to be doing it for much longer. The rest of the nonsense peddled out since hasn't been revealing or new to any of us as most of these accusations/rumours have been aired on this forum the past three years. I'd have much preferred Bergiristain, Sorianno or Khaldoon to have made a statement thanking Mancini for his effort's but Manchester City Football Club are now seeking a new approach to how they manage and work the football club in the future. It would have at least been more truthful and honest.

Agreed. Its been an object lesson in how not to go about things. Should have been prepared statements from both sides about moving on & mutual appreciation etc etc ending with love and kisses at the bottom. Season ends and we all look forward to next year.

But no. Lets have a media shitstorm, because we really enjoyed the one on Cup Final day, and make everyone look like dicks. Well played City. Great job.

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