Daily Mail, your media etc

This tweet is quite interesting and possibly illustrative of what is known as The Rashomon Effect.

One of the Express’s journalists has dared to stray from the narrative.

The fact that the article has wound up GB News’s Calvin Robinson is an added bonus.

From a personal point of view I have no sympathy with the woman whatsoever as she has most of the rest of our fair country available to her to pray in.

Presumably she is an evangelical of some sort too. Pro-lifers like her are oblivious to the fact that a robust case FOR abortion can and has been made by Christian theologians on the basis of scripture and other considerations. And even the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby favours exclusion zones.

The last thing a potentially vulnerable woman seeking a termination needs is the sight of some inane happy clapper loitering around.
If you read the Daily Mail you could be forgiven for thinking the main problems with the country are:

1. Meghan Markle
2.'Wokeness'. (An ill-defined concept which seems to boil down to 'Anything I dislike or disagree with.')
3. 'Lefties.' (Again, an ill-defined concept. Especially as many readers have now convinced themselves the present Tories are 'lefties' and not 'proper conservatives' - whatever that means.)
4. Brown people in dinghies.
5. This country not being 'Christian' anymore. (Though the people making this argument usually go on to demonstrate a total lack of sympathy with the teachings of Jesus Christ.)
6. Working from home. (Because apparently everyone working from home is really dossing.)

Apparently, if these things were only sorted out, we should be living in Camelot.
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If you read the Daily Mail you could be forgiven for thinking the main problems with the country are:

1. Meghan Markle
2.'Wokeness'. (An ill-defined concept which seems to boil down to 'Anything I dislike or disagree with.')
3. 'Lefties.' (Again, an ill-defined concept. Especially many readers have now convinced themselves the present Tories are 'lefties' and not 'proper conservatives' - whatever that means.)
4. Brown people in dinghies.
5. This country not being 'Christian' anymore. (Though the people making this argument usually go on to demonstrate a total lack of sympathy with the teachings of Jesus Christ.)
6. Working from home. (Because apparently everyone working from home is really dossing.)

Apparently, if these things were only sorted out, we should be living in Camelot.
If you regularly read the Daily Mail other people could be forgiven for thinking you’re a moron. (That’s a general “you” not you yourself)
If you regularly read the Daily Mail other people could be forgiven for thinking you’re a moron. (That’s a general “you” not you yourself)

I think it appeals most to those with certain prejudices. Sadly, a lot of people reach a certain age and their minds close. Close absolutely. Any change, however beneficial, horrifies them.
I've really jumped into a variety of podcasts over the past few months and it's a firmly cemented habit.
There is a podcast discussion already so I won't pepper this with my recommends but this one is relevant, I think, to this thread.

They do a good job of dissecting some of the nonsense poured out on the various digital channels, including a great take down of Russel Brand (without falling into derogatory name calling or character assassination).
I've only the Brand (and these podcasts are specifically 'guru' based) one so far and at two hours they're rather long, but will dig into the others.

Had the con’s off, told you his own shit life.

Media love it, he makes money. You love that.

Time to go.

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