Daily Mail, your media etc

The royal family, as presented in the media, especially in papers like the Mail has a certain image that is designed to appeal to conservative, middle-class traditionalists. White weddings. Uniforms. Cute children. Formality, curtseying and 'graciousness'.

Anything that brings that (false) image into question is akin to heresy. It must either be ignored, covered up or denounced, as it damages the false consciousness. The fairy story that so many people love.

Hence the furore about Harry. Who, in my opinion, has issues and clings to his wife as though she were a life raft in a stormy sea. The problem is not actually what he says, or whether it is true or not, the problem is he is spoiling the fantasy world that so many 'royalists' want to believe in.
The royal family, as presented in the media, especially in papers like the Mail has a certain image that is designed to appeal to conservative, middle-class traditionalists. White weddings. Uniforms. Cute children. Formality, curtseying and 'graciousness'.

Anything that brings that (false) image into question is akin to heresy. It must either be ignored, covered up or denounced, as it damages the false consciousness. The fairy story that so many people love.

Hence the furore about Harry. Who, in my opinion, has issues and clings to his wife as though she were a life raft in a stormy sea. The problem is not actually what he says, or whether it is true or not, the problem is he is spoiling the fantasy world that so many 'royalists' want to believe in.
These are surely troubling times for that section of society.
The great ‘re-englandisation’ (clumsy- I know) of brexit has failed to materialise and in fact has actually harmed the country.
Now we have those guardians of all things British, those bastions of a way of life, turning out to have , albeit well shod, feet of clay.
A lot of the certainties of life have evaporated before their very eyes.
Without the crutch that is the daily mail, I suspect some of them would despair.

This PE piece touches on a really unnerving part of the new RW media, which is how they can use alternative forms of media.

For example, they can build an audience playing just the right line of legal regulations, and then say stuff like this in a podcast that they'll push all their viewers to listen to.


It also has the disturbing fact in there that GB News has eclipsed Sky News for evening viewership.
The royal family, as presented in the media, especially in papers like the Mail has a certain image that is designed to appeal to conservative, middle-class traditionalists. White weddings. Uniforms. Cute children. Formality, curtseying and 'graciousness'.

Yeah but in my 60+ years on this planet this whole attitude in wider society - by which I mean outside the press outside privately educated people and those who attended red brick Uni's - has diminished massively. People have long since gone beyond being embarrassed by divorce, gay children and relatives, family members marring people from other ethnic backgrounds or religions - outside certain environs who make money whipping up hatred for money thats just the real world. A neighbours son is gay and has married a Jewish lad and they are looking to adopt - the real interest on the street when he visits is " whats it like living with a Tesla"
Yeah but in my 60+ years on this planet this whole attitude in wider society - by which I mean outside the press outside privately educated people and those who attended red brick Uni's - has diminished massively. People have long since gone beyond being embarrassed by divorce, gay children and relatives, family members marring people from other ethnic backgrounds or religions - outside certain environs who make money whipping up hatred for money thats just the real world. A neighbours son is gay and has married a Jewish lad and they are looking to adopt - the real interest on the street when he visits is " whats it like living with a Tesla"

And yet according to some people society has gotten worse.
And yet according to some people society has gotten worse.

That'll be the folk who listen to " send the buggers back" daily lol

Oh and they also froth at the mouth about gay people and unisex bogs though they have never actually used one.

That fucking Mick Lynch though................................................................................
If you read the Daily Mail you could be forgiven for thinking the main problems with the country are:

1. Meghan Markle
Amazing isn't it. A young woman who has committed no crimes, had the audacity to marry a British royal person and is mixed race is apparently a bigger problem (and has engendered more hate by prominent voices) to Britain than Vladimir Putin.
Amazing isn't it. A young woman who has committed no crimes, had the audacity to marry a British royal person and is mixed race is apparently a bigger problem (and has engendered more hate by prominent voices) to Britain than Vladimir Putin.
Not sure we're quite there yet mate. Currently throwing a lot more money and military support at dealing with Putin than we are at Meghan;-)

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