Dangerous Dogs

Much of what you say is correct. But I think your judgement is clouded. Completely agree that medium and large dogs can become dangerous if they are neglected, not handled and not exercised properly.

But XL bullies do not belong as pets. Their breed heritage and aggressive nature means they are simply not suitable to living in urban and suburban areas. Where most people in the country live and where most dogs live.

It would be fine if their owners had large closed off spaces to walk them and they couldn't escape. But that isn't the case.

They are almost universally owned by morons who neglect their dogs. And now they can't be walked in public without a muzzle and on a leash at all times. How are they getting proper exercise without their owners walking them for 2-3 hours a day, every day?

It's not realistic to expect that is actually happening.

They're dangerous and they don't belong as pets.
It's not just neglected dogs though that attack people, like the case in Sydney last year, when 2 very well-cared-for and loved rottweilers attacked a little girl who lived next door, the neighbour had brought them round to a birthday party in the backyard and they suddenly turned on the little girl and killed her in front of everyone, these were not neglected or ill treated dogs.They were very well loved by both families and no one has figured out why they suddenly turned into killers.
You come across as a person who has the skills and patience to handle these dogs mate, the point is though not everyone has your attributes and dedication to looking after Dogs properly.
Thank you. I agree with the ownership issues absolutely.
It's not just neglected dogs though that attack people, like the case in Sydney last year, when 2 very well-cared-for and loved rottweilers attacked a little girl who lived next door, the neighbour had brought them round to a birthday party in the backyard and they suddenly turned on the little girl and killed her in front of everyone, these were not neglected or ill treated dogs.They were very well loved by both families and no one has figured out why they suddenly turned into killers.

Overstimulation. A house full of people the dogs aren't familiar with socialising, meat cooking on grill and the smell of a newborn baby.

Dogs would naturally be unsettled and agitated in that scenario.

It's not neglect but it is lack of consideration.
She had registered them so properly followed the law. Is it right to assume that being mussled and kept on a lead would make them even more frustrated and so more prone to attack?
She had registered them so properly followed the law. Is it right to assume that being mussled and kept on a lead would make them even more frustrated and so more prone to attack?
The fact that there was 2 of them probably made them more of a danger to everyone. The owner they attacked and killed must have thought she could control them - how wrong she was.
I've never had a pedigree dog and I never will. Mongrels are proper dogs that bring the same joy, they live longer and I've never heard of one mauling their owner to death.

As I've said before, only dickheads want a dog like these. This woman had 2 in a little council house. She got what was coming. There's one round my way who drags his owner along with it on their walks. They live in a terraced. Last time I saw it was last month with no muzzle. As a father to a 6 yr old it frightens me having one in my community. Every one of them need putting down.
A few years ago I was walking by a river. There was a horse being given a drink, the sort of horse one might see at horse fairs like Appleby. The man was filling a water carrier and the woman was minding the dog. Without provocation the dog took a sizeable chunk of my trousers and left an ugly wound on my thigh, which led to a hospital visit and a tetanus jab. The woman tried to apologise but the man told her to shut up. The police didn’t want to know.

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