Dangerous Dogs

I would yes. Comments are taken down on hereif anything is deemed libellous. But they wouldn't be identifiable and if it's truthful it's fair comment.

Might be difficult to make a claim for anything more that the vets bills have been paid. Check the link below though.

Thanks, I never wanted any money I just wanted my neighbours to face some consequences for the actions of their dog & their lack of control of that dog.
I'm sorry mate I have no idea what you're on about. They were asleep at a backyard BBQ, they were amongst people they know well and they were loved by most of them. Well cared for dogs. Nobody was threatening them or cornering them or trying to teach then rocket science :) They just woke up and decided to kill a baby.

It illustrates that dogs are dangerous and can turn on humans at the drop of a hat, the purpose of my post was to say that it's not just dogs owned by bad owners that attack people.
I have a small furry dog so I'm part of the "fur baby generation" as you put it, I would never even consider owning a dog that was capable of killing me or anyone else.
I'm on about pretty much what you say....that is what is in most animals, it just needs a trigger, doesn't have to be cornered or threatened (but that is a no brainer) as even yours would 'probably' have a bite at someone if pushed enough!
Dog owners have this built in defence mechanism that only neglected, or poorly owned dogs can snap, and well treated dogs never will, which is simply not true......as you said ;)
I'm on about pretty much what you say....that is what is in most animals, it just needs a trigger, doesn't have to be cornered or threatened (but that is a no brainer) as even yours would 'probably' have a bite at someone if pushed enough!
Dog owners have this built in defence mechanism that only neglected, or poorly owned dogs can snap, and well treated dogs never will, which is simply not true......as you said ;)
Apologies mate, I probably misunderstood your post.

Sounds like these dogs in Hornchurch were never walked

Yet the relative said "they took up a lot of her time with feeding and walking. It limited her freedom".
Thanks for your reply, They paid the vets bill but the dog is fostered so I have my suspicions the company that supplied the dog paid the bill,
I cant afford to see a solicitor we are really struggling to pay the normal everyday bills as it is so I cant go down that road,
They have finally After 7 weeks put up a new fence on their land,
I will reply to them but just say its in the hands of the police, which it is & no more,
Genuine question, would you class posting on this forum as a Public Statement?
I have thought about no win no fee but we really just want to see what the Police decide (dont worry I am not expecting anything much) & try & move on with our lives which we were trying to do when we got the Cease & Desist letter / threat.
Always remember mate, if you go with a no win no fee lawyer, if you lose you still have to pay costs for the other party. A friend of mine found that out recently....sounds like a shitty predicament mate I sympathize with you.
Always remember mate, if you go with a no win no fee lawyer, if you lose you still have to pay costs for the other party. A friend of mine found that out recently....sounds like a shitty predicament mate I sympathize with you.

I'm not sure you do. I have used one recently and my solicitor told me there are only costs if you go against their advice. If he advises to settle and you go to court and lose you're fucked. If they take on your case and you lose, you shouldn't have to pay. By taking on your case they've evaluated the risks involved and it's on them if they miscalculate and it goes tits up. One thing they do reiterate throughout the case is you have to be 100% honest in your admissions. If you bend the truth and get exposed you're fucked and will incur all the charges.
I don’t know about dangerous but Dachshunds are fucking annoying little bastards, next door to us they have two who bark constantly.

I would gladly throttle the little sods.
I hope you mean throttle the owners for allowing the dogs to continuously keep barking.
Always remember mate, if you go with a no win no fee lawyer, if you lose you still have to pay costs for the other party. A friend of mine found that out recently....sounds like a shitty predicament mate I sympathize with you.
Thanks Bill, yes its not good, They have lived next door to us for over 20 years & They have always been Cretins but sadly when Cretins get a big strong dog they cant control its not a great combination as has been very sadly proved.
I have been trying not to post on here because it brings it all back but I have recent experience of a dangerous dog,
To cut a very long story short about 3 years ago my neighbours got a dog off a company that imports stray dogs from Romania (I dont know the breed but its a large & very strong dog) & about 2 months ago it forced its way though the boundry fence & attacked & badly injured our small collie dog Titch in her own garden, I took Titch to the vets & she had to be put to sleep because of massive internal injuries, The vet said to me it was like she had been hit by a car,
Anyway my neighbours are late 60s early 70s very well to do posh types (he went to sandhurst & was a major in the army) & they really didnt like the fact they had a visit from the police & I posted messages on the local neighbourhood website telling people the facts of what had happened so they have now got expensive solicitors involved & issued me with a "Letter before action cease and desist letter" yep I got a cease & desist letter but not off city!
Basically I am having to deal with a whole heap of shit at the moment from upper class Cretins who lie to cover their arses & who have a lot of money + we have lost our much loved & wonderfull little dog,
so I guess my point is its not always Lads called Wayne with Tatoos on their forehead who are the problem,
I just dont think Cretins should have dogs they cant control but how you ever enforce that I have no idea.
(sorry to rant on but life is a bit tricky at the moment, I just hope the twats dont read this or I might get another letter!)
I think that I would re post the story about your dog, Titch, and also post the 'cease and desist' letter.
I don't think your neighbours could do much because you are only stating the truth and, who knows, you may stop a similar thing happening to somebody elses' pet.
Good luck with whatever course of action you choose.

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