Dangerous Dogs

Always remember mate, if you go with a no win no fee lawyer, if you lose you still have to pay costs for the other party. A friend of mine found that out recently....sounds like a shitty predicament mate I sympathize with you.

That isn't meant to be what happens. No win no fee solicitors should have insurance that covers them for situations where they lose and the insurance pays out those costs, but they aren't going to run up huge bills chasing a small payout.

It's the type of case that should be settled out of court and costs orders can be refused when cases should have been settled before going to court.

Advice would be to check with the firm what their insurance policy covers.
My niece Jade was killed by dogs over a decade back.

The the dogs that killed my niece the owner had a pack of large out of control dogs at her home, that weren't ever walked and aggressive according to neighbours we found out later. The owner was disgusting and showed no remorse whatsoever afterwards, even at the court she played a victim and was at times laughing and joking out loud about stuff at times, all while in the courtroom was in session during the inquiry about that day.

Even when her own representative tried to encourage her to apologise while on the stand (without directly asking her) she was gormless and didn't because she didn't give a shit, it took for her representative to basically fully ask her (more than once) to apologise before she did but even then she clearly didn't really mean it she had zero remorse.

After it was all done all she got as punishment was some shite owning pets ban something she broke very quickly too, she never believed it was her fault in the slightest despite admitting to causing her own dogs unnecessary distress. Those conditions should've seen her done for at least manslaughter, she should've been made an example of it was a ticking timebomb and she's still a fucking wrongun, I've heard that privately she actually blames my niece for what happened that day.

Dickheads without a care for human life other than their own while being extremely reckless in it like her, they should totally go to prison for at least manslaughter, in her case that should've been applied just for how those dogs were kept that alone should've seen her bang to rights.

Not imprisoning that complete oxygen thief set a very clear and dangerous precedent that you can keep these status dogs, then you've got total permission to be a complete and utter prick while owning them, because who gives a shit when at the very most you'll just receive a slap on the wrist even if their dogs kill someone.
All because you're a complete and utter whale shit lowlife who couldn't give a shit about others, like my niece's murderer (by at least negligence) or that jaywick scruff a while back who as good as killed the mother in law.

Dogs are a total reflection of their owner and you should only ever own a dog if you know you can handle it or if it matches your personality, lots of these dickheads keep their dogs in squalid or cruel conditions if not both and they rarely get socialised enough either, those owners in this scenario should absolutely have the library thrown at them, when it comes to the actions of their dogs the blame is solely theirs and they should be imprisoned.

Other owners who baby their dogs to an extreme level are also a ticking timebomb, not that you shouldn't wholeheartedly love your dogs because you should some are just total morons with it though.
I think that I would re post the story about your dog, Titch, and also post the 'cease and desist' letter.
I don't think your neighbours could do much because you are only stating the truth and, who knows, you may stop a similar thing happening to somebody elses' pet.
Good luck with whatever course of action you choose.
Thanks, all I have ever done is tell the truth, sadly the Cretins next door think they are being clever by getting solicitors involved & telling lies, we will see what happens next.
My niece Jade was killed by dogs over a decade back.

The the dogs that killed my niece the owner had a pack of large out of control dogs at her home, that weren't ever walked and aggressive according to neighbours we found out later. The owner was disgusting and showed no remorse whatsoever afterwards, even at the court she played a victim and was at times laughing and joking out loud about stuff at times, all while in the courtroom was in session during the inquiry about that day.

Even when her own representative tried to encourage her to apologise while on the stand (without directly asking her) she was gormless and didn't because she didn't give a shit, it took for her representative to basically fully ask her (more than once) to apologise before she did but even then she clearly didn't really mean it she had zero remorse.

After it was all done all she got as punishment was some shite owning pets ban something she broke very quickly too, she never believed it was her fault in the slightest despite admitting to causing her own dogs unnecessary distress. Those conditions should've seen her done for at least manslaughter, she should've been made an example of it was a ticking timebomb and she's still a fucking wrongun, I've heard that privately she actually blames my niece for what happened that day.

Dickheads without a care for human life other than their own while being extremely reckless in it like her, they should totally go to prison for at least manslaughter, in her case that should've been applied just for how those dogs were kept that alone should've seen her bang to rights.

Not imprisoning that complete oxygen thief set a very clear and dangerous precedent that you can keep these status dogs, then you've got total permission to be a complete and utter prick while owning them, because who gives a shit when at the very most you'll just receive a slap on the wrist even if their dogs kill someone.
All because you're a complete and utter whale shit lowlife who couldn't give a shit about others, like my niece's murderer (by at least negligence) or that jaywick scruff a while back who as good as killed the mother in law.

Dogs are a total reflection of their owner and you should only ever own a dog if you know you can handle it or if it matches your personality, lots of these dickheads keep their dogs in squalid or cruel conditions if not both and they rarely get socialised enough either, those owners in this scenario should absolutely have the library thrown at them, when it comes to the actions of their dogs the blame is solely theirs and they should be imprisoned.

Other owners who baby their dogs to an extreme level are also a ticking timebomb, not that you shouldn't wholeheartedly love your dogs because you should some are just total morons with it though.
Surprised you didn’t take things into your hands mate, she sounds a right piece of shit.
My niece Jade was killed by dogs over a decade back.

The the dogs that killed my niece the owner had a pack of large out of control dogs at her home, that weren't ever walked and aggressive according to neighbours we found out later. The owner was disgusting and showed no remorse whatsoever afterwards, even at the court she played a victim and was at times laughing and joking out loud about stuff at times, all while in the courtroom was in session during the inquiry about that day.

Even when her own representative tried to encourage her to apologise while on the stand (without directly asking her) she was gormless and didn't because she didn't give a shit, it took for her representative to basically fully ask her (more than once) to apologise before she did but even then she clearly didn't really mean it she had zero remorse.

After it was all done all she got as punishment was some shite owning pets ban something she broke very quickly too, she never believed it was her fault in the slightest despite admitting to causing her own dogs unnecessary distress. Those conditions should've seen her done for at least manslaughter, she should've been made an example of it was a ticking timebomb and she's still a fucking wrongun, I've heard that privately she actually blames my niece for what happened that day.

Dickheads without a care for human life other than their own while being extremely reckless in it like her, they should totally go to prison for at least manslaughter, in her case that should've been applied just for how those dogs were kept that alone should've seen her bang to rights.

Not imprisoning that complete oxygen thief set a very clear and dangerous precedent that you can keep these status dogs, then you've got total permission to be a complete and utter prick while owning them, because who gives a shit when at the very most you'll just receive a slap on the wrist even if their dogs kill someone.
All because you're a complete and utter whale shit lowlife who couldn't give a shit about others, like my niece's murderer (by at least negligence) or that jaywick scruff a while back who as good as killed the mother in law.

Dogs are a total reflection of their owner and you should only ever own a dog if you know you can handle it or if it matches your personality, lots of these dickheads keep their dogs in squalid or cruel conditions if not both and they rarely get socialised enough either, those owners in this scenario should absolutely have the library thrown at them, when it comes to the actions of their dogs the blame is solely theirs and they should be imprisoned.

Other owners who baby their dogs to an extreme level are also a ticking timebomb, not that you shouldn't wholeheartedly love your dogs because you should some are just total morons with it though.
Mate, thats terrible, really sorry for the loss of your neice, its bad enough losing a dog to cretins like that, I cannot imagine how anyone could begin to cope losing a child in those circumstances.
Today in the park I’m walking my dog on the opposite side there’s a bloke with two dogs, one old off the lead the other he is shouting at dragging, hitting and then eventually stamping on it, I watched fir about 3/4 mins then suddenly this dog breaks free, it then legs it towards me, it was bigger than a boxer and like a staffy. It looked at my dog but carried onto me and just stood cowering next to me, a beautiful looking dog shit scared of this ****.
This fat twat then waddles over whilst I’m stroking her she just keeps looking at me, so I thought fuck it. He goes cheers mate, I said she’s shit scared of you after beating her, he denied it, I said I’ve watched you hit, drag and stamp on her from there to there, he then starts to fuck you etc and looked at him and shook my head he knew he had been rumbled the utter utter ****.
If he’d offered for me to take her I would’ve she was beautiful im fucking fuming, people are cunts.
Rant over
Today in the park I’m walking my dog on the opposite side there’s a bloke with two dogs, one old off the lead the other he is shouting at dragging, hitting and then eventually stamping on it, I watched fir about 3/4 mins then suddenly this dog breaks free, it then legs it towards me, it was bigger than a boxer and like a staffy. It looked at my dog but carried onto me and just stood cowering next to me, a beautiful looking dog shit scared of this ****.
This fat twat then waddles over whilst I’m stroking her she just keeps looking at me, so I thought fuck it. He goes cheers mate, I said she’s shit scared of you after beating her, he denied it, I said I’ve watched you hit, drag and stamp on her from there to there, he then starts to fuck you etc and looked at him and shook my head he knew he had been rumbled the utter utter ****.
If he’d offered for me to take her I would’ve she was beautiful im fucking fuming, people are cunts.
Rant over
Report the cruelty mate. Awful that

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