Paris is a very romantic city to take your new wife to. He might have tickets booked for the Eiffel Tower. Smooth bastard that he is.
Paris is a very romantic city to take your new wife to. He might have tickets booked for the Eiffel Tower. Smooth bastard that he is.
No cogule it's my job to track the landings of AircraftDoesn't matter what number you wear when you've got a cagoule zipped up to the top
could be the London City loop!
No I'm in cargo I have to make sure the cargo gets to the right Aircraft so have to watch the screens all day!are you in the office on the ramp side of things
We're signing Sanchez guys, he's taking the #33, Jesus will settle for #19 and Sané will move to #2. Walker when he comes will take #33 from Sanchez who'll move to #3.
NO!does any body know what plane (if any) he's ACTUALLY on?