Daniel Agger

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Re: Agger Bid

WeAllHateUnited said:
I’d like to prefix this post by letting you all know that I’m a Liverpool fan, but I’m not here to troll, wind anyone up, or irritate. In fact, I feel forever indebted to City for giving me one of the most hilarious and satisfying moments in my life as a football follower, when you took the title away from the Scum with only moments left in the season. The look on Whiskey-Nose’s face as the news broke around the Stadium of Light was truly a sight to cherish. As they say, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

So why am I here? Well it seems like your club have serious interest in our Daniel Agger, and it also seems (according to reliable LFC-based sources) that Rodgers is willing to sell. Don’t take his willingness to part with the player as any indication of his ability, because Agger is an excellent footballer, it just appears that our American owners are (rightly) disappointed with Kenny’s wasteful spending last season, and would like to see some sales before purchases. Rodgers wants to raise funds to stamp his mark on the squad, and depressingly for us Liverpool fans, it appears Agger is the one to be sold.

Agger’s been in the league for some time now, but you may still not know as much as you’d like about him. He’s struggled with injuries a lot, but last season was his best yet in terms of fitness and playing time which should give some hope that he’s starting to put his injury worries behind him. He’s left-footed, cultured and comfortable on the ball, but not afraid to get stuck in either. While Skrtel has been the man to put in the rugged robust challenge for us, Agger is one of the best central defenders in Europe in my opinion at making timely interceptions (statistics back this up). He reads the game so well. He’s got a wicked left peg that can really strike a ball, and he loves to link with the midfield and join the attack (but in a much more measured and less reckless way than, say, David Luiz).

I’m a realist. I understand that as a football side, Liverpool are years and many good decisions away from competing with yourselves, the Scum, and Chelski. I mention good decisions, because our decline has been punctuated by bad ones: replacing Alonso with Aquilani, replacing Mascherano with Poulsen (!!), replacing Torres with the Donkey from Shrek, and replacing our best manager in years with the tactical dinosaur that is Uncle Woy. It’s because of our current plight that I understand, unlike some other Liverpool fans, that we’re not going to be able to keep a player like Agger from moving to City. The promise of consistent title challenges, European nights and playing with a cast of world-class players is something I cannot begrudge a 27-year old entering the peak of his powers, and something we can’t offer right now.

It’s for this reason that, if an agreement is/has been reached with City, I wish Daniel Agger the best of luck (when he’s not playing us!) and expect to see him forge an absolutely formidable partnership with Vincent Kompany in the middle of the park.


Welcome, hope you stick around.

In a few years Coates might be better than Agger, that could be why Rodgers isn't worried.
Re: Agger Bid

loffers said:
Aye, nice post, Rodgers MUST think that a couple of the youngsters are ready and he will bring them through. Pleased to hear that should we sign him the scousers rate him highly

One thing is for sure Rogers will get this brilliantly right or massively wrong and utterely fook me up

Dont now which one to be honest
Re: Agger Bid

WeAllHateUnited said:
I’d like to prefix this post by letting you all know that I’m a Liverpool fan, but I’m not here to troll, wind anyone up, or irritate. In fact, I feel forever indebted to City for giving me one of the most hilarious and satisfying moments in my life as a football follower, when you took the title away from the Scum with only moments left in the season. The look on Whiskey-Nose’s face as the news broke around the Stadium of Light was truly a sight to cherish. As they say, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

So why am I here? Well it seems like your club have serious interest in our Daniel Agger, and it also seems (according to reliable LFC-based sources) that Rodgers is willing to sell. Don’t take his willingness to part with the player as any indication of his ability, because Agger is an excellent footballer, it just appears that our American owners are (rightly) disappointed with Kenny’s wasteful spending last season, and would like to see some sales before purchases. Rodgers wants to raise funds to stamp his mark on the squad, and depressingly for us Liverpool fans, it appears Agger is the one to be sold.

Agger’s been in the league for some time now, but you may still not know as much as you’d like about him. He’s struggled with injuries a lot, but last season was his best yet in terms of fitness and playing time which should give some hope that he’s starting to put his injury worries behind him. He’s left-footed, cultured and comfortable on the ball, but not afraid to get stuck in either. While Skrtel has been the man to put in the rugged robust challenge for us, Agger is one of the best central defenders in Europe in my opinion at making timely interceptions (statistics back this up). He reads the game so well. He’s got a wicked left peg that can really strike a ball, and he loves to link with the midfield and join the attack (but in a much more measured and less reckless way than, say, David Luiz).

I’m a realist. I understand that as a football side, Liverpool are years and many good decisions away from competing with yourselves, the Scum, and Chelski. I mention good decisions, because our decline has been punctuated by bad ones: replacing Alonso with Aquilani, replacing Mascherano with Poulsen (!!), replacing Torres with the Donkey from Shrek, and replacing our best manager in years with the tactical dinosaur that is Uncle Woy. It’s because of our current plight that I understand, unlike some other Liverpool fans, that we’re not going to be able to keep a player like Agger from moving to City. The promise of consistent title challenges, European nights and playing with a cast of world-class players is something I cannot begrudge a 27-year old entering the peak of his powers, and something we can’t offer right now.

It’s for this reason that, if an agreement is/has been reached with City, I wish Daniel Agger the best of luck (when he’s not playing us!) and expect to see him forge an absolutely formidable partnership with Vincent Kompany in the middle of the park.


i like your post and i like you, its for those reasons we wont insist you take rsc and adebayor as part payment.
Re: Agger Bid

1.618034 said:
Nice one WAHU... So how much do you reckon he's worth/we'll get him for?

Thanks mate. And cheers to others for the positive feedback.

I've just finished reading an article by Tony Barrett of the Times (behind the paywall unfortunately, or I'd link it here, but don't want to breach copyright) who is about as reliable as things come with Liverpool information. He says we want to hold out for £22m, and will point to the fee paid for Lescott.

What do I think he's worth? Difficult question. Ability-wise, £22m is fair. He's an excellent player that would improve most sides. But he's 27 and has a bad injury record, so I could see reason for City not wanting to pay more than say £18m. I gather that Lescott was a similar age when you signed him, but had played far more consistently. I rate Lescott highly, and think he and Agger (while different in style) are very comparable ability-wise, and would challenge each other for a starting berth.

It's a tricky one. Some sort of player+cash exchange compromise could suit all parties, involving one of your fringe players. One thing working in City's favour will be the fact that Liverpool have let a lot of players leave already (Kuyt, Maxi, Aquilani and soon to be Bellamy) and only brought in Borini, so we need cash fast to start making signings.
Re: Agger Bid

Coates will be good, u can book that and cheers to u for having a reasonable approach to this whole situation. Rodgers will be good for you lot
Re: Agger Bid

Does this one just feel a bit....too easy to anyone? Like too good to be true, you'd expect Liverpool to put up more of a fight? I mean it's gone from very casual links to people being all abuzz about it being a goer, in a very short space of time, whereas we've had long protracted sagas for lesser players in recent years. Just seems like we should be due three or four weeks of endless groundhog day and merged and re-started threads before it happens.
Re: Agger Bid

Not sure about Coates after his showing in the Olympics but none of their players played well. Think they were disinterested
Re: Agger Bid

southern muppet said:
Does this one just feel a bit....too easy to anyone? Like too good to be true, you'd expect Liverpool to put up more of a fight? I mean it's gone from very casual links to people being all abuzz about it being a goer, in a very short space of time, whereas we've had long protracted sagas for lesser players in recent years. Just seems like we should be due three or four weeks of endless groundhog day and merged and re-started threads before it happens.
True, I'm still skeptical.

Although they didn't put up much of a fight with Mascherano. Let's hope this is clean and easy.
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