David Icke

Like a lot on here... Mate of mine started on him a few years back, told me to watch some of his stuff.. thought it was a bit far out as it went agasinst everything i belived in or that i had been told since i was a kid.

Since then i have read some of his books and did the 8hr plus talk brixton 2009. The talk where he talked about the moon theroy..

I do think alot of his stuff is bang on. IMO i do think he is correct. I have been through lots of debates with folk and got angry about it all..

I really do not try to look at the news these days as i just get a little angry as i think it is all made up to brainwash us. Its not Icke himslef but him and a mixture of other people like him i just ' crack on '. Try my hardest to have a laugh and be nice to others. We are here for a short time in this life so make of it what you will.

I would not travel down to London to watch him again as i think he covers a lot of his old stuff then adds his new findings on at the end. If he came up north i would def go to watch him thou.

If you havnt been get there, you will not be dissapointed.

I have a old friend who wenrt to watch him do his talk in ' Jacksons Pitt ' in Oldham a few years back. He talked to about 30 people. He is now talking to how many at Wembley Arena? few 1000... Either he is a good con artist or he is saying things that people listen to and want to know more.
buzzer1 said:
didactic said:
gaudinho's stolen car said:
That's basically what Icke did in Brazil if I remember correctly.

Isnt he doing a Crowley and claiming that he has a spirit guide from another dimension or had one at some point?.

GSC any other movies Drive was nice but have company coming and would love to watch something?.

Dids, many spiritualists claim to have a spirit guide, nothing unbelievablr there for me like.

So you believe that Icke and Crowley had them?. How do you think it works from your interpretation?.
didactic said:
buzzer1 said:
didactic said:
Isnt he doing a Crowley and claiming that he has a spirit guide from another dimension or had one at some point?.

GSC any other movies Drive was nice but have company coming and would love to watch something?.

Dids, many spiritualists claim to have a spirit guide, nothing unbelievablr there for me like.

So you believe that Icke and Crowley had them?. How do you think it works from your interpretation?.

It works like this....

Con artist tells gullible (often vulnerable) person that they have a spirit guide who they can use to contact the gullible (often vulnerable) persons departed loved ones so that they can talk to them again. Gullible (often vulnerable) person hands over cash to con artist who then cold reads the gullible (often vulnerable) person.
In The Biggest Secret (1999), Icke introduced the reptoid hypothesis. He identified the Brotherhood as originating from reptilians from the constellation Draco, who walk on two legs and appear human, and who live in tunnels and caverns inside the earth. They are the race of gods known as the Anunnaki in the Babylonian creation myth, Enûma Eliš who share almost identical parallels across the ancient world cultures.[39] Lewis and Kahn write that Icke has taken his "ancient astronaut" narrative from the Jewish Azeri-American writer, Zecharia Sitchin.[40] Icke's idea of "inner-earth reptilians" is also not new, though Barkun writes that Icke has done more than most to expand it.[41]

Lewis and Kahn write that Sitchin argued—for example in Divine Encounters (1995)—that the Anunnaki came to Earth for its precious metals. Icke says they came specifically for "monoatomic gold," a mineral he says can increase the carrying capacity of the nervous system ten thousandfold. After ingesting it, they can process vast amounts of information, speed up trans-dimensional travel, and shapeshift from reptilian to human form.[40] They use human fear, guilt, and aggression as energy. "Thus we have the encouragement of wars," he wrote in 1999, "human genocide, the mass slaughter of animals, sexual perversions which create highly charged negative energy, and black magic ritual and sacrifice which takes place on a scale that will stagger those who have not studied the subject."[42]

He writes that the Anunnaki have crossbred with human beings, the breeding lines chosen for political reasons. Icke argued that they are the Watchers, the fallen angels, or "Grigori," who mated with human women in the Biblical apocrypha. Their first reptilian-human hybrid, possibly Adam, was created 200,000–300,000 years ago. There was a second breeding program around 30,000 years ago, and a third 7,000 years ago. It is the half-bloods of the third breeding program who today control the world, more Anunnaki than human, he argued. They have a powerful, hypnotic stare, the origin of the phrase to "give someone the evil eye," and their hybrid DNA allows them to shapeshift when they consume human blood.[43]

In Children of the Matrix (2001), he added that the Anunnaki bred with another extraterrestrial race called the "Nordics," who had blond hair and blue eyes, to produce a race of human slave masters, the Aryans. The Aryans retain many reptilian traits, including cold-blooded attitudes, a desire for top-down control, and an obsession with ritual, lending them a tendency toward fascism, rationalism, and racism.[44] Lewis and Kahn write that, with the Nordic hypothesis, Icke is mirroring standard claims by the far right that the Aryan bloodline has ruled the Earth throughout history. For Icke, Sumerian Kings and Egyptian pharaohs have all been Aryan reptilian humanoids, as have 43 American presidents and the Queen Mother, who he wrote in 2001 was "seriously reptilian." All have taken part in Satanic rituals, paedophilia, kidnapping of children, drug parties and murder, needed to satisfy their reptilian blood lust, which allows them to retain their temporary human form.[45]
[edit] Dimensions

The reptilians not only come from another planet, but are also from another dimension, the lower level of the fourth dimension, the one nearest the physical world. Icke writes that the universe consists of an infinite number of frequencies or dimensions of life that share the same space, like television and radio frequencies. Some people can tune their consciousness to other wavelengths, which is what psychic power consists of, and it is from one of these other dimensions that the Anunnaki are controlling this world—though just as fourth-dimensional reptilians control us, they are controlled, in turn, by a fifth dimension. The lower level of the fourth dimension is what others call the "lower astral dimension." Icke argued that it is where demons live, the entities Satanists summon during their rituals. They are, in fact, summoning the reptilians.[46] Barkun argues that the introduction of different dimensions allows Icke to skip awkward questions about which part of the universe the reptilians come from and how they got here.[47]

Now this is shamelessly lifted from Wikipedia but WTF!!!
cbeebies is poo said:
Like a lot on here... Mate of mine started on him a few years back, told me to watch some of his stuff.. thought it was a bit far out as it went agasinst everything i belived in or that i had been told since i was a kid.

Since then i have read some of his books and did the 8hr plus talk brixton 2009. The talk where he talked about the moon theroy..

I do think alot of his stuff is bang on. IMO i do think he is correct. I have been through lots of debates with folk and got angry about it all..

I really do not try to look at the news these days as i just get a little angry as i think it is all made up to brainwash us. Its not Icke himslef but him and a mixture of other people like him i just ' crack on '. Try my hardest to have a laugh and be nice to others. We are here for a short time in this life so make of it what you will.

I would not travel down to London to watch him again as i think he covers a lot of his old stuff then adds his new findings on at the end. If he came up north i would def go to watch him thou.

If you havnt been get there, you will not be dissapointed.

I have a old friend who wenrt to watch him do his talk in ' Jacksons Pitt ' in Oldham a few years back. He talked to about 30 people. He is now talking to how many at Wembley Arena? few 1000... Either he is a good con artist or he is saying things that people listen to and want to know more.

You think the Moon is a spaceship setup to brainwash us?
Damocles said:
cbeebies is poo said:
Like a lot on here... Mate of mine started on him a few years back, told me to watch some of his stuff.. thought it was a bit far out as it went agasinst everything i belived in or that i had been told since i was a kid.

Since then i have read some of his books and did the 8hr plus talk brixton 2009. The talk where he talked about the moon theroy..

I do think alot of his stuff is bang on. IMO i do think he is correct. I have been through lots of debates with folk and got angry about it all..

I really do not try to look at the news these days as i just get a little angry as i think it is all made up to brainwash us. Its not Icke himslef but him and a mixture of other people like him i just ' crack on '. Try my hardest to have a laugh and be nice to others. We are here for a short time in this life so make of it what you will.

I would not travel down to London to watch him again as i think he covers a lot of his old stuff then adds his new findings on at the end. If he came up north i would def go to watch him thou.

If you havnt been get there, you will not be dissapointed.

I have a old friend who wenrt to watch him do his talk in ' Jacksons Pitt ' in Oldham a few years back. He talked to about 30 people. He is now talking to how many at Wembley Arena? few 1000... Either he is a good con artist or he is saying things that people listen to and want to know more.

You think the Moon is a spaceship setup to brainwash us?

BIG TIME... That moon is not what the described it to me at school growing up thats for sure.... You bloody Lunatic
cbeebies is poo said:
Damocles said:
cbeebies is poo said:
Like a lot on here... Mate of mine started on him a few years back, told me to watch some of his stuff.. thought it was a bit far out as it went agasinst everything i belived in or that i had been told since i was a kid.

Since then i have read some of his books and did the 8hr plus talk brixton 2009. The talk where he talked about the moon theroy..

I do think alot of his stuff is bang on. IMO i do think he is correct. I have been through lots of debates with folk and got angry about it all..

I really do not try to look at the news these days as i just get a little angry as i think it is all made up to brainwash us. Its not Icke himslef but him and a mixture of other people like him i just ' crack on '. Try my hardest to have a laugh and be nice to others. We are here for a short time in this life so make of it what you will.

I would not travel down to London to watch him again as i think he covers a lot of his old stuff then adds his new findings on at the end. If he came up north i would def go to watch him thou.

If you havnt been get there, you will not be dissapointed.

I have a old friend who wenrt to watch him do his talk in ' Jacksons Pitt ' in Oldham a few years back. He talked to about 30 people. He is now talking to how many at Wembley Arena? few 1000... Either he is a good con artist or he is saying things that people listen to and want to know more.

You think the Moon is a spaceship setup to brainwash us?

BIG TIME... That moon is not what the described it to me at school growing up thats for sure.... You bloody Lunatic

Thats David Icke's newest true story

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