David Icke

didactic said:
allan harper said:
Yeah i think hes good mates with a shamen and gets his info from him and takes one or two dugs with him to get on the same wave lenght. I do think icke and a few others have a point about the one world goverment though and thats what i was on about at the start of this thread.


Oh I agree but are you sure you are willing to admit that in public?. I have thick skin so I dont care what people think but prepare to be slated.

I'm not bothered what people think i'm a little too old to give a shit to be honest mate.
allan harper said:
Oh I agree but are you sure you are willing to admit that in public?. I have thick skin so I dont care what people think but prepare to be slated.

I'm not bothered what people think i'm a little too old to give a shit to be honest mate.

Good, I will keep an eye on this thread its an interesting topic.
buzzer1 said:
Gaylord du Bois said:
About time he came out of his shell.

Haha quality Gaylord,quality post lol.

do you believe bush drinks the blood of children then kills them in a ritural ?
ive just been reading up a bit on what these high profile men are suppose to get up to.
didactic said:
gaudinho's stolen car said:
That's basically what Icke did in Brazil if I remember correctly.

Isnt he doing a Crowley and claiming that he has a spirit guide from another dimension or had one at some point?.

GSC any other movies Drive was nice but have company coming and would love to watch something?.

Dids, many spiritualists claim to have a spirit guide, nothing unbelievablr there for me like.
Damocles said:
The Ox said:
Damocles said:
Yes it can.

The man is the textbook insane conspiracy nut. He draws connections between random events and writes a book on it.
Just out of interest Damocles, which one of his 15 books that you read did think the connections were random ?

I think I've probably skimmed all of them but as I have discussed previously, I took another look at his works due to the enthusiasm about them. I chose Get Off Your Knees to sit and read again properly.

As buzzer will attest to, I'm well in most conspiracy and ufo based authors but I also have abrain and demand evidence before believing things, and coincidence isn't evidence.

Indeed i am aware that Dammo is well versed on this topic and i know you can on ly take things as you find them, as is the same with everyone, but as i was talking the other day on a thread about 3rd eye and opening up the gateway and breaking out and free of this oppression that we have been tunnelled into, i refer you to the DMT/Shroom thread mate.<br /><br />-- Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:57 pm --<br /><br />
allan harper said:
buzzer1 said:
Gaylord du Bois said:
About time he came out of his shell.

Haha quality Gaylord,quality post lol.

do you believe bush drinks the blood of children then kills them in a ritural ?
ive just been reading up a bit on what these high profile men are suppose to get up to.

I cannot say 100% Allan, but i would put nothing past these satanist and ritualistic perverts.

I watched about 40 mins of this and while I dont dispute this woman had some sort of horrific experiences,well she creeps the fuck out of me.

What she,and I've seen Icke and Alex Jones do aswell,is use blatant mind control techniques in her speech.

slow paced.monotone.repetition of keywords.there is something well dodgy about her.

For me Icke has been discredited too much to take his information seriously,even if there is a lot of truth in what he says.Jesse Ventura called him out on it for season 3 of his conspiracy theory.

He asked Icke to back up a claim he made,and Icke threw a strop,claimed it was a set up and left the interview.Now anyone who's watched Jesse Ventura's conspiracy theory knows that Ventura will go way out there with a theory as long as he's got some credible evidence.Icke wouldnt provide any whatsoever and was completely discredited.

If you want to get really into the nitty gritty of reptilians/dimensions/human consiousness/good v evil then I suggest you get into Terrence McKenna and what he comes across whilst tripping on DMT,or read all 7 volumes of Grant Morrisons comic book "the invisibles".

As nuts as it sounds that comic book has enough in it for me to consider it the closest thing I've found for an explanation of everything.
buzzer1 said:
Dids, many spiritualists claim to have a spirit guide, nothing unbelievablr there for me like.

But why are these spirit guides all Red Indians ? You'd think as a race they'd have fared a bit better with so many ancestors to guide them. You think one of them might have thought 'instead of telling Doris that her dead granny is at peace, I suppose I could sort of look into warning a few of my people about the genocide of our race and don't trust them pasty looking fuckers and definitely don't feed the cunts when they start dying in winter'

Fucking spiritualists, at best a load of confused and lonely people and at worst a bunch of fucking charlatans, preying on the recently bereaved.
pinkwheeltrim said:
Icke is the man and I have no problem at all with what he says,including the reptiles!

When's his live all day in Brixton happening? I hope to be back in the country for that.

Thought that was the one i watched on you tube last night but turns out it was filmed a few months ago, 5 hours long but the one he did in New York was 8 hours long. When you say live, do you mean its available to watch on the net ?

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