David Silva [Merged]

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The Fixer said:
Juventino said:
You said they're the biggest armchair supporters in Europe. Until you back up that claim then it's a silly post.

Tbf mate a quick google on juve attendances don't look good on the eye tbh, plenty of evidence to suggest support has waned fairly drastically.

I've spoken to other members here via PM as to why this is, I don't want to take your threads off-topic.

Juventus are not one of the top 5 clubs worldwide supported so how can they have the most armchair supporters? the chap who actually said this statement is strange due to him living near the alps and supporting City I guess he's an armchair supporter.

Teams like:-

Manchester United

Real Madrid


to name a few have more 'armchair supporters' than Juventus does.
smithy167 said:
Miami Weiss said:
If you went to games, it'd be a fact mate.
I went to nearly all our home games, didnt hear any abuse toward Robbie exact opposite in fact, come on here and it was rife, mostly armchairs imo.

I went to all our home games & didn't hear abuse towards Robinho, in fact he got away with murder & got less abuse than any of the other lazy sods I've ever seen play for the club.
tbh the only player I've not heard criticism about at games is mighty Carlos.

Every club has fans that are never satisfied.
Neville Kneville said:
smithy167 said:
I went to nearly all our home games, didnt hear any abuse toward Robbie exact opposite in fact, come on here and it was rife, mostly armchairs imo.

I went to all our home games & didn't hear abuse towards Robinho, in fact he got away with murder & got less abuse than any of the other lazy sods I've ever seen play for the club.
Correction - He got away with rape.
smithy167 said:
Miami Weiss said:
If you went to games, it'd be a fact mate.
I went to nearly all our home games, didnt hear any abuse toward Robbie exact opposite in fact, come on here and it was rife, mostly armchairs imo.

well i heard it numerous times
keemcfc said:
Neville Kneville said:
I went to all our home games & didn't hear abuse towards Robinho, in fact he got away with murder & got less abuse than any of the other lazy sods I've ever seen play for the club.

Correction - He got away with rape.

He didn't get away with rape. You cant get away with something you haven't done.
Robinho got quite a lot of stick from a section of fans who sit near me and I even posted on here after the Stoke game at home about it. Had a fair few arguments with a couple of blokes behind me at the Hull and Stoke games after they were giving Robinho a load of stick
Griff93 said:
keemcfc said:
Correction - He got away with rape.

He didn't get away with rape. You cant get away with something you haven't done.

Nah mate, everyone knows if you're arrested in connection with something it means you commited the crime, that's why we don't bother with pointless shit like judges, lawyers, courts, trials, evidence, jury's etc. Leave that crap to the backwards, bureaucratic countries, this the land of the free!
simon23 said:
smithy167 said:
I went to nearly all our home games, didnt hear any abuse toward Robbie exact opposite in fact, come on here and it was rife, mostly armchairs imo.

well i heard it numerous times

tbf I sit in 101 and I heard robbie get slagged plenty of times and even during games he's not taken part in. Plenty of players have been slagged in the past and mor will in the future.
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