David Silva

Silva’s recent decline has been alarmingly Negredoesque.

Perhaps, he’s never fully recovered from his injury during the October International Break, but otherwise he looks a peripheral lightweight, always capable of the odd goal or assist, but never truly dominating in the way he did in the 6-1, 2-0 at Hull, 4-0 v Villa (2014) etc.

The idea that he'll suddenly regain his agility and deftness of touch, is a microcosm of the whole season, and the misguided refusal to believe that we had major problems, and were drifting out of Premier League contention in January.

Good post and fully agree. Still with KDB back and Raheem nearly back we will be fine for the rest of this season even with A declining Silva. Summer will look after itself.
There's no operation? :-O I thought I read that here? Well he surely has to have them ankles blessed or something it doesn't seem right that nothing can be done.

Sent from doctor's office phone

It is not as if nothing can be done though, isn't it? In some ways I'm glad that he doesn't need any operations because operations are often the last resort. Recently I've done some reading on ankle sprains, partly as assignment and partly out of concerns over Silva's conditions. They're just general guidelines though. No definite conclusion can be drawn as I have no idea about his medical history.

After ankle sprains, some patients experience residual pain and usually a more conservative approach (i.e. 4-6 weeks immobilization, which is currently a luxury for the players) will be adopted first. Maybe all he needs is only a longer holiday? If the pain can be resolved after a summer of rest, he'll surely return to his ridiculously high level of performance next season.
Concerns about Silva's form are obviously legitimate. Aside from the first five games or so, he's not been anywhere near as brilliant as he has in previous seasons, and at times actually pretty poor by anyone's standards.
I'm far from convinced that it's a sign of terminal decline though. There are plenty of factors that might be cited in mitigation - his injuries, those of De Bruyne and Nasri that have meant that he's had to carry the creative burden pretty much single-handedly for most of the season (and, as such, be overplayed), the fact that the entire team has, by and large, been fairly shit since September etc.
I also think the extent of his struggles are being a bit overegged in some quarters - the PSG game being a classic example. I thought he was poor for the first 15-20 minutes, during which he gave the ball away cheaply on 3 or 4 occasions. There were also a couple of moments over the 90 minutes where his defending left a bit to be desired, to say the least (the 'offside' attempt being the most glaring!). But then he clearly wasn't under instruction to play the role as if he were Sterling - i.e. to hold his position out wide, to double up with Clichy at all times etc. Rather he was given license to move inside and get on the ball - with Fernando and Fernandinho briefed to get across quickly and cover that space, and Clichy told to get as tight as possible to the wideman to stop them building up 2 on 1 situations. And I reckon that worked in both regards: Fernando, Fernandinho and Clichy were all excellent, and Silva was able to get on the ball in central areas and give us some measure of control - he was the one always in space to receive the ball, he knitted pretty much everything together that we did going forward, and he also brought De Bruyne into the game (some of the play between the two of them was outstanding, and had as much to do with Silva as De Bruyne, in my opinion). I don't know what the possession stats were - perhaps about 35%-65%? Had Silva not been playing, and say Sterling had been in instead, there's a good chance that figure may have dropped to around 25% - whether that would have made huge difference, who knows? Would we have held out defensively if they had more of the ball? Would De Bruyne have been so effective if we had less of the ball? Difficult to say, I would have thought. But I do think Silva made a positive contribution that has, perhaps unfairly, been overlooked.
As to what happens over the summer, again who knows? It could that Guardiola decides to move on with someone else. Or it could be that the medical staff give him the nod that they think the injury won't heal and is going to continue to hamper him. Personally though, I suspect that Guardiola will be looking forward to working with him, and that he'll probably thrive - and that this season's problems will come to be seen as just a blip in his time with us.
As exciting a time as it will be, I can't wait for the summer transfer window to shut.

I'm not going to pretend I know what Guardiola has in mind and I've already accepted that I will most likely be watching helplessly as some of my heroes are shipped out and deemed surplus to requirements. However, all this pontificating about what makes a "Pep player", age being more than just a number and whether or not players will be miraculously converted to positions they've never played is just painful.

Most people would agree that Silva is one of the best players we've ever had, that he's had persistent ankle problems with little to no time for recuperation and that he's coming to the end of potentially the worst season he's had with us.

The rest is guesswork which is often being presented as fact. I think the issue being taken with this is that some posters seem all too quick to write off a club legend of proven world class ability who has every chance of turning his form around.

Short term memories are being used to make long term projections and that, rightly, isn't sitting well.
He needs rest but I'm assuming he'll go to the euros and get none.
Be lucky if he doesn't make it worse.
Just don't talk about Merlin in that way on here, he's the best we've ever had along with King Colin. Respect is required not reminders about how old he'll be in two years time.
Opinion. I wouldn't have him above Aguero, Toure, Kompany or Hart when talking about the last 5 seasons.
Easily my favourite player and is a joy to watch when on song.

I think he's better when we play two strikers, I don't like him playing behind Aguero in the 4411 as he doesn't get enough goals to play there. He needs at least two players that will do the scoring duties, which is why I think we will see him be more influential again with De Bruyne back.

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