David Silva

I've openly criticised the comp. I hadn't enjoyed it, I found it to be a disapointment most of the time and a frustrating watch. It was lost on me what the competition was all about.

All along what was missing is the realisation of the feeling of what the latter stages was like. When the final whistle went the other night i thought to myself "wow, my club are in the semi final of the European Cup" and I had a tear in my eye!

(That was all helped by being in my normal seat and not turfed out to somewhere random like I had been for most previous CL games and being able to sit with people I knew!)

I'm now very excited for the semis!

Have I logged onto RAWK by mistake?
This is just framing. I doubt you'd find anyone who thinks he's finished.

But yes many have said he was shit- but in reference to specific games, as opposed to the generalized way you've tried to frame it. But that's neither here nor there.

There are about 3 or 4 legitimate positions that exist in this discussion:

1. Great player but looks like he is on the wane due to age and Injury.
2 Great player, who's been injured and forced to play injured coz others were not around, but he'd be just as great very soon when fully healthy.
3. He doesnt have the workraye to hack it in a Pep pressing team.
4. His passing is perfect for a Pep team. And he is a Pep kinds player.

None of those positions suggest his finished or shit. Even if some who believe point 3 think he should be sold, or is on the block.

I think the framing like yours do more to cloud the issue.

I refer you to a post on the third page of this thread.

There was a massive thread a bit ago on here which I think got locked in the end that was filled with posters all claiming Silva was finished, or that he was shit, or that Pep would boot him out the club as soon as he walked through the door and other such posts. I just found the whole thing not only laughable but hugely disrespectful to one of our best ever players and the fact he's so close to matching his best ever assists in a season despite us playing so shite shows what he can still offer the team. As someone else said if you surround Silva with players on the same wave length like Kev and Aguero he is still one of the best in the world.
I refer you to a post on the third page of this thread.
That post also was a reframing of the claims made in the thread RandomJ was referring to. Notice how general and nonspecific his claims are. They are so stated to tug at emotions rather than facts claimed.

Like I've said, there is a legitimate argument to be made that Silva's present malaise is a sign of the beginnings of his decline, just like there is one to be made that it is simply down to an Injury bothered season. Both arguments have some merit.

The problem here ( or perhaps it just strikes me that way because I'm in the 'beginning of a decline' group) is that the some members of the 'it coz he is injured' crew often seem to be trying to guilt trip the other side. Hence making outlandish claims like RandomJ's and ascribing it to others.
And then there is a pile on by others who agree it's due to Injury.

FFS, Dave is a City player and we are bound to discuss him. Most are positive and some are negative. Some will argue it a position, and others will defend and counter with cogent arguments of their own.

There was a massive thread a bit ago on here which I think got locked in the end that was filled with posters all claiming Silva was finished, or that he was shit, or that Pep would boot him out the club as soon as he walked through the door and other such posts. I just found the whole thing not only laughable but hugely disrespectful to one of our best ever players and the fact he's so close to matching his best ever assists in a season despite us playing so shite shows what he can still offer the team. As someone else said if you surround Silva with players on the same wave length like Kev and Aguero he is still one of the best in the world.

To be honest, it was a small handful of posters saying Silva was finished, whilst the vast majority said that was nonsense. Sadly, people tend to highlight the minority view and suggest it's the consensus, when it's far from the truth.
I think he's going through a transitional phase, adapting his game to allow for his age and chronic ankle condition. It may be that he's lost something at the moment, but assuming his ankle condition can be managed, I reckon he can play at very top level for a few more years.
That post also was a reframing of the claims made in the thread RandomJ was referring to. Notice how general and nonspecific his claims are. They are so stated to tug at emotions rather than facts claimed.

Like I've said, there is a legitimate argument to be made that Silva's present malaise is a sign of the beginnings of his decline, just like there is one to be made that it is simply down to an Injury bothered season. Both arguments have some merit.

The problem here ( or perhaps it just strikes me that way because I'm in the 'beginning of a decline' group) is that the some members of the 'it coz he is injured' crew often seem to be trying to guilt trip the other side. Hence making outlandish claims like RandomJ's and ascribing it to others.
And then there is a pile on by others who agree it's due to Injury.

FFS, Dave is a City player and we are bound to discuss him. Most are positive and some are negative. Some will argue it a position, and others will defend and counter with cogent arguments of their own.


I've said before - Ric touches on an aspect of this I think in a recent post - that views on here tend to get polarised on fourms to varying degrees but often to an exaggerated extent.

I rated Silva very highly before he ever arrived at City because I used to watch a lot of Spanish football and he was one of those players I wanted us to sign before we ever got linked with him and it's always extra pleasing when City actually sign such a player and they turn out to be a success. So I have long been a big admirer; however, I do think plenty of supporters have been blinded to his faults and given him leeway that other players are not afforded. With Dave, I think there has always been an element of style over substance but what style, perhaps the most graceful player I have ever seen, and no little substance, his asists / key passes is testament to that.

The situation now though is that there is no hiding from the fact that his performances are not at the standard expected and the cause is probably down to a physical problem that may well be chronic. This means City and Silva have to consider whether this summer is the time to end his tenure at the club? For various reasons, that decision needs to be taken over several of the players that have been key to our recent success.
Clearly he was playing with ankle injuries and in Pellegrini's eyes the kids are not good enough. With Kev & Nasri back he can be rested for the CL.
Against PSG he was starting to get back to somthing like he can be.
I've said before - Ric touches on an aspect of this I think in a recent post - that views on here tend to get polarised on fourms to varying degrees but often to an exaggerated extent.

I rated Silva very highly before he ever arrived at City because I used to watch a lot of Spanish football and he was one of those players I wanted us to sign before we ever got linked with him and it's always extra pleasing when City actually sign such a player and they turn out to be a success. So I have long been a big admirer; however, I do think plenty of supporters have been blinded to his faults and given him leeway that other players are not afforded. With Dave, I think there has always been an element of style over substance but what style, perhaps the most graceful player I have ever seen, and no little substance, his asists / key passes is testament to that.

The situation now though is that there is no hiding from the fact that his performances are not at the standard expected and the cause is probably down to a physical problem that may well be chronic. This means City and Silva have to consider whether this summer is the time to end his tenure at the club? For various reasons, that decision needs to be taken over several of the players that have been key to our recent success.

Spot on Mr Guinness!!!
David will play Saturday.
Missed him and/or Samir tonight.

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