De Bruyne?

I was wrong this is the addons break down

See this is the problem I have though, let's say we paid £57m for De Bruyne, then what would Juve quote us for Pogba?

£80m? A world record fee?

That's my only consideration - the budget. How paying over the odds sets a precedence which can lead to other clubs taking the piss - thus us missing out on a target because our budget won't accomodate the inflated fees.
You didn't answer before.

We offered Liverpool 40m. They said no.

What would you have had Txiki do?
Is anyone that thinks £57 million is OK (and by the way I'm not saying it isn't) willing to say what they think is too much?

I ask because there are a number of independent sites that put a neutral value on players given length of contract remaining,age, achievements,skill levels etc and, in some of those Sterling was valued at 60 million. KDB is around 35 million.

So whether you think those valuations are correct or not. What is the most you think City should pay for KDB?

Just interested.
I might ask Miss Kloss if she'd like to be my girlfriend and see what I can get out of her. (regarding transfers of course)

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