De Bruyne?

Bale - £85m

James Rodriguez - £63m

Angel Di Maria - £59.7m

De Bruyne at £57m or lower would be a great transfer. His last season was every bit as impressive as the one that got Bale his move, and he's the same age. He's done more than James Rodriguez and is a year older, but maybe doesn't have the marketability.

His age means a lot as well. Unlike an older signing, he'll still have a high resale value if things go bad, it means if things go well we get to keep him for 6 or 7 years, it means he can still improve.

Also, for people who wanted Pogba as a statement signing, De Bruyne is turning into one as well. Wolfsburg determined not to sell, Bayern and the whole of Germany seemingly trying to make him stay so they can get him later... signing him now would be a statement.

Not to mention there's not really anyone else even remotely available who is a better player or a better fit.

Agreed KDB in my opinion would have a bigger impact on us than say Pogba would have and id go as far as to say he would have a bigger impact within our team than the 3 players you stated price wise as well!
You didn't answer before.

We offered Liverpool 40m. They said no.

What would you have had Txiki do?

I recall that scouse corespondent at the Times. who has a history of being close to Liverpool, saying that Liverpool were surprised that our second bid leapt from £25m + £5m to £35m + £5m - a £10m leap in one bid. His implication being that they thought they could squeeze more out of us as a result, and we weren't too savvy with it.

We might not have had to go as high as we did if he were a bit shrewder with the bidding. Maybe left a bit more time between bids with smaller increments, allowing the pressure to build at Liverpool HQ before they buckled under the instability it was creating around the club.

I thought we were a bit a naive, and didn't really utilise the darker arts that the other big clubs are always at.

People have given De Gea as an example earlier in the thread, but it's actually counterintuitive to their point.

Real have their price, and won't go above it, they're pilling all the pressure on United to do the deal at a reasonable price. De Gea is kicking up a stink, and will likely get his move.

There are many ways to go about a transfer, and while that isn't ideal from a preparation perspective, it'd be nice to see us flexing our muscles properly for once, and refusing to be a soft touch - when the ball is in our court.
Remember at the takeover when we had to pay large transfer fees and wages to attract players to move us on,well this is similar.We have moved on and are dining at the top table but to challenge the European elite we need these top players who cost top dollar.Real Madrid and Barca have been doing it for years,even the rags spunked something like 30 million on Rooney about 12 years ago! We need to chill and stop fretting the cash,if the club think it is a price worth paying we will do it,if not we walk.I hope we get it done!
Is anyone that thinks £57 million is OK (and by the way I'm not saying it isn't) willing to say what they think is too much?

I ask because there are a number of independent sites that put a neutral value on players given length of contract remaining,age, achievements,skill levels etc and, in some of those Sterling was valued at 60 million. KDB is around 35 million.

So whether you think those valuations are correct or not. What is the most you think City should pay for KDB?

Just interested.
We should pay what he's worth to us which is different to what we value him at. If Wolfsburg want £57m and ultimately we think who else could we get to do the same job as KDB for less, if we can't find an alternative and we have the money then KDB at £57m it is no matter how unpalatable it is to us. We just have to trust that those above us know what they're doing....
I recall that scouse corespondent at the Times. who has a history of being close to Liverpool, saying that Liverpool were surprised that our second bid leapt from £25m + £5m to £35m + £5m - a £10m leap on one bid. His implication being that they thought they could squeeze more out of us as a result, and we weren't to savvy with it.

We might not have had to go as high as we did if he were a bit shrewder with the bidding. Maybe left a bit more time between bids with smaller increments, allowing the pressure to build at Liverpool HQ before they buckled under the instability it was creating around the club.

I thought we were a bit a naive, and didn't really utilise the darker arts that the other big clubs are always at.

People have given De Gea as an example earlier in the thread, but it's actually counterintuitive to their point.

Real have their price, and won't go above it, they're pilling all the pressure on United to do the deal at a reason bel price

If you and SWP really want to carry on this endless circular debate about the sterling transfer can you not do it in the Txiki thread or the sterling thread, and leave this one for talk and updates about KDB. At the moment we're lucky if one in ten posts is actually on topic.
I recall that scouse corespondent at the Times. who has a history of being close to Liverpool, saying that Liverpool were surprised that our second bid leapt from £25m + £5m to £35m + £5m - a £10m leap on one bid. His implication being that they thought they could squeeze more out of us as a result, and we weren't to savvy with it.

We might not have had to go as high as we did if he were a bit shrewder with the bidding. Maybe left a bit more time between bids with smaller increments, allowing the pressure to build at Liverpool HQ before they buckled under the instability it was creating around the club.

I thought we were a bit a naive, and didn't really utilise the darker arts that the other big clubs are always at.

People have given De Gea as an example earlier in the thread, but it's actually counterintuitive to their point.

Real have their price, and won't go above it, they're pilling all the pressure on United to do the deal at a reasonable price. De Gea is kicking up a stink, and will likely get his move.

There are many ways to go about a transfer, and while that isn't ideal from a preparation perspective, it'd be nice to see us flexing our muscles properly for once, and refusing to be a soft touch - when the ball is in our court.
Haha. But didn't you complain the process was dragging. And now you're stating smaller increments with a larger time scale in between.

Nothing against you at all but I'm so glad we have professionals in charge making these negotiations.
Remember at the takeover when we had to pay large transfer fees and wages to attract players to move us on,well this is similar.We have moved on and are dining at the top table but to challenge the European elite we need these top players who cost top dollar.Real Madrid and Barca have been doing it for years,even the rags spunked something like 30 million on Rooney about 12 years ago! We need to chill and stop fretting the cash,if the club think it is a price worth paying we will do it,if not we walk.I hope we get it done!

Of course but we paid what 35 mill for Aguero? Are you saying that KDB now is a much better player than Aguero when we signed him?
I don't care about the price. When we miss on Plan A, we usually spend 30-50% less on a Plan B who is half as talented and usually shipped out within 2 years.

If he's the right one, pay whatever is necessary. We've no leverage if he won't put in a transfer request.

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