De Bruyne?

The longer a transfer deal takes to conclude the more opportunities there are for things to crop up and scupper it. Whether it be cold feet on behalf of a player, clubs moving the goalposts regarding the transfer fee, or other clubs sniffing around trying to whisk the player away from under your nose. Potentially Bayern are interested, potentially it's Wolfsburg using them to try and screw a few more pounds out of City, either way it's a direct consequence of this deal dragging along for a few months at this stage. Whilst I appreciate that deals of this ilk, with the size of the monetary amounts involved, take a while to finalise, this one has rumbled on for way longer than should really be expected.

As annoying as he is you can't blame Aloffs for dragging this out. He benefits from an auction and it seems Bayern are trying to pull a Pedro. Plus KDB gets to play a few more games for them. There's little upside to end this quickly for him.
I'm the perennial opptedmist, just can't see this happening, off to sunny London Town, the Norwich, it's going to be an interesting interview, only worked down there twice and think I called the guy that is interviewing me a clueless ****, still got a nice night in Battersea to look forward to :)
Bayern's offer, from what I was told, is around £35m + Dante + a season-long loan back for KDB.

City's offer is in the neighbourhood of £50m cash.

Key thing here is De Bruyne prefers to leave Wolfsburg immediately and the whole idea of Bayern's loan back idea would be to keep the fee down, since I don't think they will offer what we are.

Still don't think it's worth more than our offer! No flapping going on here txiki knows what he's doing!
I'm thick skinned I'm not going to worry about a mob on an Internet forum

I see different opinions are unwelcome on bluemoon

Some of you have resorted to insults - shame really it's a sad indictment on city fans and a forum which I enjoy
Which point are you disagreeing with me on?

The fact that ITKs knowledge has turned out to be garbage? Or that we still don't look close to signing this kid?
This has not been the ITK's finest hour, it has to be said. Not in terms of time frames, anyway but that doesn't make them wrong about the eventual outcome.

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