De Bruyne?

The rags don't know their arse from their elbow on anything though.

These fuckers would have sold DeBruyne, if it was Bayern Munich in for him with the same bid (& he agreed to go there) I'm absolutely convinced of that.

They don't want to sell him to City. It fucking stinks.

Don't think they want to sell him at all. If they can string everyone along until the window closes that'll suit them fine. Liverpool successfully held onto Suarez for an extra year, he had a great season, and they sold him for more than ever next season.

Much as we want this guy, in the end we are not guaranteed to get him.

My gut feeling is we will get him, but on deadline day at somewhere around £60 mill.
FFS. He's done, it's off. He's done, it's off. It's done, Bayern have hijacked it.

Groundhog day on this bleedin' forum!
not much really itks are very confident, chemical aloffs is spouting the same crap he has spouting since day 1 at this point i dont think its to do with the money, aloffs just needs and wants his time in the sun, the simple fact is everyone knows its happening thats why aloffs sounds so angry, i mean what kind of professional chairman says they just want to forget about the biggest deal that theyve ever done
Is that the best you can come up with?

If we don't sign KDB it's been an average transfer window at best for me

So you would not even give our club credit for working very hard to achieve this?

If it does get hijacked and you do not - then wow - what a spoilt fucker (of course only in my opinion - bet I am not alone though)
Just get this done so I can get on with my life, Txiki. Thank god there is only 1 week and a half of this transfer Window left.
Been on and off this thread, read all sorts, whats the craic with this deal?

It's not happened yet is about the only thing we can say with any certainty!

A couple if independent sources have confirmed that Bayern have shown a late interest, or at least that's what is being said in Germany, whether it's legitimate interest, or Wolfsburg trying to squeeze a bit more money from City, is open to debate.

We believe we're still in pole position to sign him however.
I'm thick skinned I'm not going to worry about a mob on an Internet forum

I see different opinions are unwelcome on bluemoon

Some of you have resorted to insults - shame really it's a sad indictment on city fans and a forum which I enjoy
You don't help others enjoy it much.

I also think you're a sad indictment on city fans given all you do is moan about any and every aspect of the club and DOF.

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