De Bruyne?

No, but when you then praise others as being clever for doing something you have criticised ours for, it does strongly give that impression. Chelsea moving for Pogba, after giving us a free ride all summer, being 'clever' but us being 'slow' on another thread, being a strong example.

If you don't have an agenda, then you are dreadfully inconsistent on this subject, & I always read your posts as being sensible on the whole, whether I agreed or not, so for you to be so one sided seems to me like it's deliberate.

Apologies if that genuinely isn't the case.

Nothing deliberate mate, just calling it as I see it at the time, maybe I should let the dust settle before typing too try doing that :)
The theory that Wolfsburg are taking us for a ride and never had any intention of selling is bizarrely becoming as plausible as any other theory. There is no way we could have known this would be the reaction though. We've come this far so might as well go to the wire.
Were they such assholes to deal with when Dzecko signed? I don't seem to remember as much shit as this potential deal and as such don't think it will get done. KDB for his part should grow a pair and say I want out
Nothing deliberate mate, just calling it as I see it at the time, maybe I should let the dust settle before typing too try doing that :)

Not my place to tell you what to type mate! No way. Just how it appeared to me but it's still of course your choice whatever you think. My impression I'm arguing about, which it seems is the wrong one, that's all. ;-)
Were they such assholes to deal with when Dzecko signed? I don't seem to remember as much shit as this potential deal and as such don't think it will get done. KDB for his part should grow a pair and say I want out
yes they were. negotiations started in 2010 summer but they refused to sell so was signed in January instead after Dzeko kicked up a fuss. Bitter cunts.
yes they were. negotiations started in 2010 summer but they refused to sell so was signed in January instead after Dzeko kicked up a fuss. Bitter cunts.

Yeah, one would suspect, unless it's involving a truly word class footballer, we'd avoid dealing with Wolfsburg in the future like the plague. Dragged this out for a phenomenal length of time, and the last minute Bayern interest being given consideration is just a piss take.
yes they were. negotiations started in 2010 summer but they refused to sell so was signed in January instead after Dzeko kicked up a fuss. Bitter cunts.
I remember Dzeko having to to go into a sulk to get his move to us. I think the difference is that Dzeko could sulk with the best of them but KDB just comes across as a wet dishcloth.
The theory that Wolfsburg are taking us for a ride and never had any intention of selling is bizarrely becoming as plausible as any other theory. There is no way we could have known this would be the reaction though. We've come this far so might as well go to the wire.

I don't know if I would go as far as that, but there is definitely a stigma involved in terms of selling to City. With Liverpool it was "istreee" related, playing to the gallery in so much as they could only save face (and continue to deny the reality of having been left behind by us) by making it look like they'd fleeced the vulgarians. With Wolfsburg I think there's a self-righteousness about the Bundesliga in general, and views like those of Rummenigge and Allofs about City are widely (and erroneously) regarded as true. Negotiating with them must be a gigantic pain in the arse, and anyone expecting quick resolutions is misguided IMO

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