De Bruyne?

No I haven't but as the late Neville Neville said: Wolfsburg rebuilt him and he is a hero there. He has no reasons to force through the move.

Agree with that 100%. But him not wanting to force a move through is different from him not wanting to come here. By all accounts he does want the move but, as you've said, he's treated well there and doesn't want to upset those that have taken him in as one of their own.

I would absolutely love a PS4 for Christmas (because I'm a man child) but I'm not gonna kick and scream until my mum buys me one. Get what I'm saying?
Of course it is and he has better chances of winning trophies at Bayern mate!

So then if it's to us or Bayern,he has a reason to force a move,IMO.
I'm confident he'll choose us,he's got fuck all to prove in the Bundeliga,he can however,prove a certain arrogant twat how wrong he was,if he comes back to England,as well as challenge for top honours,add to that he could possibly play for another 10 years somewhere within the group.
The party that's has been most quiet in this transaction is City. Nearly everything on this thread has been based around speculation, mainly by the press. City have said very little officially on the matter.
If our boys doing the dealing are happy to keep negotiating - then trust them. If they walk away then it will be for the best interests of the club. These guys are professionals in their field (unlike Ed Woodenhead).
So discuss the merits of the transfer, but don't get irate. We are in a great position whatever the outcome.
De Bruyne, it seems to me, is just trying to be as professional and as dignified as possible.

Very sensible post.
Belgian newspaper :volgens Sky Sports zou Bayern München ondertussen bezig zijn aan een heuse inhaalrace op de Engelse grootmachten.De Bruyne zou samen met zijn manager Patrick De Koster in het geheim al een bezoek hebben gebracht aan de Allianz Arena, waar de twee een rondleiding kregen.

TRANSLATED : De Bruyne and his manager received in secret a guided tour in The München stadium, according to sky sports.

C'mon this can't be serious !!!!!
I honestly can't see how he's going to fit into our side at the minute. Not a big fan of navas but what he's bringing to the team at the minute is exactly what we need. Yes we need options but would de bruyne slow our play. I've watched him only at least 6 times and wasn't impressed once. One of them against Wales where I thought he was terrible. I just have to trust the club on this one.

I can't see where he would fit in either and at that amount of money I can't honestly see him making as much of an impact as Sterling has.
You really think it would take weeks to agree a price even if it is done via agents? I doubt they have to personally deliver messages to either side.

It could take a year. It could take a day. Every transfer is unique so there's little point in trying to say "well this transfer only took two months". Different problems require different solutions.

Often times you can send an offer and the selling club will wait a month just to reject it. Literally anything can happen which is why it's pointless people flapping, demanding the club walk away, etc. if we are still at the table it's because we want to be. And when we don't want to be we will walk away and the world will find out within hours.
That doesn't make any sense or have any relevence either.

Just like saying:
Are you people who expect him just to shit on them, the kind of people who behave like that in your lives? If you are, you are shitbags & I wouldn't trust you as far as I could fucking throw you.

Next time you should refrain from spouting vitriol, as it was completely unnecessary.
What's with all the aggression and turning on each other in this thread? If some fans are unhappy with the way this has dragged on and all the uncertainty surrounding it, that's up to them don't start personally insulting or attacking your fellow fans. If it doesn't happen I'm sure we'll all get over it, if it does that would be great.

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