De Bruyne?

Bayern. KDB was PSG's number 1 target, but they opted for Di Maria as alternative because KDB was too expensive for them.
This is simply not true. In that you couldn't know that. And there were no hints or rumors that suggested such. Nor did PSG bid for him. Also, they were on the Di Maria chase 1st week of the window. So your claims do not pass the sniff test. That said, Debruyne is a great player and you don't need proof of others chasing him for that.
Come on guys, did winning the title with the "Aguerooooo" moment, not teach you anything? Or the playoff final in 99?
Not even squeaky bum time yet...... Keep the faith
As I see it Wolfsburg no we aint in for pogba anymore so no we have the funds for him and funds for kdb...they are doing exactly what any other club would do even our own..they are holding out and pushing for the biggest amount possible...basically they are saying put your money where your mouth to has been said they have no reason to sell so will demand whatever they need fit to finalise a deal...we will not walk away from this to much time and effort has been put into kdb has not signed the deal on the table at Wolfsburg has he...have a think about it boys and girls...all good things come to those who wait
Doing that is hurting their chance at getting their replacement because Napoli turned down their €30M offer for Mertens because they probably see how much they are asking for, from us for KDB. It's just best it gets wrapped up for all parties involved.
If I was a fan of Wolfsburg and if they sold KDB to Bayern after turning down a better offer from City I'd seriously stop supporting them. Uncle Tom club, feeder club, call them what you want but seriously why would anybody continue to support them? What would be the point? Wolfsburg need to think long and hard about how this plays out. Would Schalke, Hamburg or even Dortmund act like this? Not wanting to be nasty but they appear to be playing New York City to Bayern's Manchester City.

It's utter madness isn't it.

It would seem they hate City/the English and everything about England more that they do their direct rivals.
You make a good point mate but I think playing him today was a mistake...."If" and I know its a big "if" the reports that Wolfsburg have verbally agreed a fee but requested for us to give them 48hours, are true...... I think it was a poor move by Wolfsburg for De Bruyne and the rest of their team....
The notion that Wolfsburg agreed to a fee and asked for 48 hours is silly. 48 hours for what? So they can change their minds? And if they can change their minds, doesn't that simply mean they haven't agreed yet?

So either they've agreed or they haven't. If I were to go with the known facts I.e Debruyne playing, Allof saying no changes and he is expected to be with the team Friday against , I am forced to reach the obvious conclusion they haven't agreed to anything.

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