Dear Atheists..

Many religious people only avoid doing bad things because they believe their god is watching them. They only do good because of a promise they get to heaven when they die. It's purely selfish reasons.
People that do good without that belief of a reward or punishment, are the real good people.
I don't trust anyone that uses religion or whatever to justify their shit. And in this day and age...for people to still believe the Earth was magicked into existence by a magic being that hides away.... a being that bans shell fish but allows slavery. Fucking mental.
Yeah but the important thing is that you realise that I plucked you randomly for my singularity example. ;-)

Don’t take offence, I wasn’t trying to be bad.
do you have issues understanding basic facts? or just enjoy obfuscating your lack of facts?

I'll make it simple, you said:
'Legalize euthanasia and watch the global hedge funds switch from creating vape shops, tooth whitening salons & no fuss cremations to drop in gas chambers.'

I provided info that "legalized euthanasia" already exists in 9 countries (with many others to lesser degrees), and that gas chambers don't appear to exist in those countries, in relation to it.

I then went on, and gave info about a related topic called "assisted suicide" which is similar albeit different, with similar lists of countries and the lack, still, of the gas chambers you stridently claimed would exist if "legalized euthanasia" existed.

You've now
1. pointed out a spelling error in my reply
2. deliberately dodged the demolishing of the fact that you were spouting rubbish about 'gas chambers'
3. revisited my facts and tried to bring in a state execution method (noticeably absent from most of countries I mentioned), in some whataboutry way.

At the moment, you're looking at needing a bigger shovel, and a lot of shoring props for the hole you are digging yourself.

Edit: To get back on topic.
Maybe the thread title should be 'Dear atheists... Thanks for being factual, in the face of sheer fanciful dogma"
Logic certainly isn't your strong suit is it? If you're going into business killing people it's important to offer a choice.
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Many religious people only avoid doing bad things because they believe their god is watching them. They only do good because of a promise they get to heaven when they die. It's purely selfish reasons.
People that do good without that belief of a reward or punishment, are the real good people.
I don't trust anyone that uses religion or whatever to justify their shit. And in this day and age...for people to still believe the Earth was magicked into existence by a magic being that hides away.... a being that bans shell fish but allows slavery. Fucking mental.
What are you whinging about? All these deluded fools trying to behave themselves because they think it's a good thing makes life better for you and more prawns too!
Logic certainly isn't your strong suit is it? If you're going into business killing people it's important to offer a choice.
It’s not a subject I take lightly as a good friend of mine from where I used to work decided to travel abroad for assisted suicide. I don’t believe that is the business of killing people. It is giving them a humane way to do so. Assisting them is better than having them go missing and their body showing up onshore after they have drowned themselves, which I have experience of also.
It’s not a subject I take lightly as a good friend of mine from where I used to work decided to travel abroad for assisted suicide. I don’t believe that is the business of killing people. It is giving them a humane way to do so. Assisting them is better than having them go missing and their body showing up onshore after they have drowned themselves, which I have experience of also.

I can get behind that if the decision is solely made by the person alone and in a time when they are lucid.

When governments a doctors are making the decision? It can fuck off in the bin.
I can get behind that if the decision is solely made by the person alone and in a time when they are lucid.

When governments a doctors are making the decision? It can fuck off in the bin.
She was very lucid and not only was she in great physical pain, but also great emotional pain. Her parents, her only sister and her only niece who she adored had all been taken early.
She herself had split with her husband years earlier and was childless herself.

She told one other person, another colleague and friend and he was sworn to secrecy until it was over.

These were her wishes.
That’s more dignified than being found in your bedroom maybe a week after taking pills.

It is not a light subject and most definitely it would need great regulation but I understand the rights of an individual to choose.

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