Dear Atheists..

regarding my statement that religion, just like science, gets updated...
(this is for everyone except shouter @Marklr )

the core of science remains the same,
but details of it change over time.
the core of religion remains the same,
but details of it change over time.

so there.
prove me wrong.
Islam does not reform with the times. It gets more out of date with every passing day. It’s also a religion that isn’t even fully translated into any modern language and what has been has many different interpretations.

There are no laws of mythologies. Some have one god, others have well over a thousand. Some think the Earth is about 6,000 years old, others understand it’s billions of years old. Some think there’s an afterlife, others don’t. They all contradict each other. Some mythologies refuse to reform, whereas others are constantly reforming to get more people to believe in them by deleting the more stupid and fantastical stuff as physics proves them wrong. All mythologies claim things that go against the laws of physics despite the laws of physics being the same in every atom in the entire universe.

Some mythologies like Islam in some areas of the world would murder their own for questioning the existence of god, others like Hinduism has a part of their religion that believes atheism and it’s ingrained in the culture around and within the mythology.

The core of mythologies are all over the place.

But the laws of physics are the laws of physics. Not only are they not different in Arabia and India, they aren’t different anywhere in the universe now, weren’t different anywhere in the universe 14bn years ago and won’t be different anywhere in the universe in 100 trillion years.

The details of science therefore never change because the laws of physics have never and will never change but our greater understanding of the outcomes and answers to certain questions do get updated.
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Islam does not reform with the times. It gets more out of date with every passing day.

The laws of physics were all a result of whatever it was that happened at the start of the universe and are the same in every part of the universe and will remain the same until the last stars burn out and for trillions of eons after when there is nothing but radiation.

The details of science therefore never change because the laws of physics have never and will never change but our greater understanding of the outcomes and answers to certain questions do get updated.

There are no laws of mythologies. Some have one god, others have well over a thousand. They all contradict each other. Some mythologies refuse to reform, whereas others are constantly reforming to get more people to believe in them by deleting the more stupid and fantastical stuff as physics proves them wrong. All mythologies claim things that go against the laws of physics despite the laws of physics being the same in every atom in the entire universe.

Some mythologies like Islam in some areas of the world would murder their own for questioning the existence of god, others like Hinduism has a part of their religion that believes atheism and it’s ingrained in the culture around and within the mythology. But the laws of physics are the laws of physics.
The laws of physics will be stood on their head when someone cracks the rule of everything.
Islam does not reform with the times. It gets more out of date with every passing day.

The laws of physics were all a result of whatever it was that happened at the start of the universe and are the same in every part of the universe and will remain the same until the last stars burn out and for trillions of eons after when there is nothing but radiation.

The details of science therefore never change because the laws of physics have never and will never change but our greater understanding of the outcomes and answers to certain questions do get updated.

There are no laws of mythologies. Some have one god, others have well over a thousand. They all contradict each other. Some mythologies refuse to reform, whereas others are constantly reforming to get more people to believe in them by deleting the more stupid and fantastical stuff as physics proves them wrong. All mythologies claim things that go against the laws of physics despite the laws of physics being the same in every atom in the entire universe.

Some mythologies like Islam in some areas of the world would murder their own for questioning the existence of god, others like Hinduism has a part of their religion that believes atheism and it’s ingrained in the culture around and within the mythology.

But the laws of physics are the laws of physics. Not only are they not different in Arabia and India, they aren’t different anywhere in the universe now, weren’t different anywhere in the universe 14bn years ago and won’t be different anywhere in the universe in 100 trillion years.
are you okay?
are you okay?

Just proving you wrong like you asked someone to where you said the core of religion remains the same.

There is no core of religion, the thousands of mythologies all have very different cores, some - like I said of Hinduism - has a part of that religion called the Rig Veda that centres around the fact that we simply do not know whether there are gods, and Hinduism openly accepts the concept of atheism. Other religions would stone you to death for even asking that question because its core only accepts that there is a god.
It’s not a subject I take lightly as a good friend of mine from where I used to work decided to travel abroad for assisted suicide. I don’t believe that is the business of killing people. It is giving them a humane way to do so. Assisting them is better than having them go missing and their body showing up onshore after they have drowned themselves, which I have experience of also.
My lifelong friend was diagnosed with terminal oesophageal cancer and asked me to take him from the hospice back to his flat so he could jump out of the window ten storeys up. I wouldn't do it and when he died a year later he thanked me from the bottom of his heart for giving him the extra time with his family.

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