Dear Atheists..

i did.
none of it was new to me.
you didn't answer my question.
i'd be glad if you did.

you know it's all made up, don't you
Well your first statement is incorrect. There are no Hebrew texts that predate the bible that mention Lilith as the wife of Adam. It's a weird flex to be proving a point that everything is made up by pointing to something that is made up that you make false claims for.
Sorry I assumed you wanted a discussion. You made some statements, I offered a counter point, you asked for clarification, I gave clarification. Seemed like a normal polite conversation unless I'm missing something

Shrug emoji
discuss away
here's a statement, mister b...
never apologise (say sorry) if you have done nothing wrong.

for clarification...
i'm just messing, mate
My lifelong friend was diagnosed with terminal oesophageal cancer and asked me to take him from the hospice back to his flat so he could jump out of the window ten storeys up. I wouldn't do it and when he died a year later he thanked me from the bottom of his heart for giving him the extra time with his family.
I do think I would have tried the same. I would have tried to talk her out of it and she knew this.
Her one confidante was a very good man and friend for not just to her but us all.

I’m sure he would have had in depth conversations with her before agree to facilitate her wishes.
What is ‘Sin’ ?
Is it something purely constructed by religion or religious dogma?
Because whatever their chosen religion I would imagine all you have mentioned are sinners!

This leads us back to the concept of what kind of a morality would exist in a non-religious state?

I would argue that you don’t need a belief in any god to have a grasp on morality and what constitutes a just society.
I think you may have already mentioned this exchange between Profs Lennox & Dawkins some time ago but their final 5 minute summaries on morality with and without God is worth a listen - 1hr 09 mins in
I think you may have already mentioned this exchange between Profs Lennox & Dawkins some time ago but their final 5 minute summaries on morality with and without God is worth a listen - 1hr 09 mins in

I love that kind of debate. I find myself intrigued by both sides being presented by intelligent men who know their subjects.

I’ve read The Selfish Gene many moons ago.
I’m thinking I’ll have to get myself a copy of The God Delusion.
@Damocles, you never did tell me if you think Jesus is the son of God.

I didn't know that you asked!

But no, I'm not religious. My argument is more pointing out that others arguments are kind of terrible.

I'm not sure my non-belief in a deity is a topic and think its probably arguing the opposite from the scientifically illiterate producing shite arguments

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