Demonstations next week at COMS

auction294 said:
Support the fucking team! If you dont like it stay the fuck away.
So you don't like Hughes? Boo Fucking Hoo. I hated Alan Ball, Frank Clark, Steve Coppell, Phil Neal and the tossers they signed but was never a prick like you lot of twats.

You dicks are ripping the club apart, dividing the fans and giving the press a field day. Well done you muppets.

We had a better fanbase when were truly were shit in the old 3rd Division, do you know what I was actually proud of the fans and the club in those days. Virtual sell out everyweek, best travelling support and the 2nd Div Play Final had never seen anything like us. You new lot of fickle fuckers, you're all cnuts. Fuck off to the swamp.

Get Pig Flu and Die you *****

I hate it when people sit on the fence
What the fuck are we protesting about we have an average squad and are in an average league position! Whats the problem? Some fans have become arrogant twats because we have a few quid this season has been the most entertaining in years we play some great football just not consistently enough to be top six! It's not like we are newcastle or anything ffs boys wind your necks in!
auction294 said:
Support the fucking team! If you dont like it stay the fuck away.
So you don't like Hughes? Boo Fucking Hoo. I hated Alan Ball, Frank Clark, Steve Coppell, Phil Neal and the tossers they signed but was never a prick like you lot of twats.

You dicks are ripping the club apart, dividing the fans and giving the press a field day. Well done you muppets.

We had a better fanbase when were truly were shit in the old 3rd Division, do you know what I was actually proud of the fans and the club in those days. Virtual sell out everyweek, best travelling support and the 2nd Div Play Final had never seen anything like us. You new lot of fickle fuckers, you're all cnuts. Fuck off to the swamp.

Get Pig Flu and Die you *****
eeees not appy e really is not appy
I do agree with post though
You haven't been blue long enough if you think this is worth protesting over

I would Barr half these so called fans off the site for spreading this vile shite on bluemoon this is supposed to be a M C F C
SUPPORTERS site not for those who want to arrange to bring our club into disrepute


If you want to protest just stay away they will get your message if enough of you dont show up
and the rest of the City SUPPORTERS can enjoy the game
Everyone should just sing "Bluemoon" so nobody can hear the cranks singing "Hughes Out"
I'm not a big fan of Hughes and yeh is record is shit but protesting at next weeks match would make the whole of our supporters look like a bunch of wankers. Man City fans are renowned for their loyalty across the UK and rightly so. We have been in worse situations, okay we have shitloads of cash. Abu Dhabi have been here nearly a year now, they're not stupid. We have to be patient coz the media are stirring this whole thing up. We have nothing to play for, would you rather be fighting relegation??

Four or five class players and we have a very good team, see who Hughes buys in summer then judge him upto xmas, I'm sure our owners will be seeing it like that as well.

We've been in alot worse positions so the demonstrations would be a complete joke......
I dont see why this is needed , we have some of the best players we have seen for many years, we are in a comfortable position in the league and most of all ,for the first time in years and years our future is bright . so do us all a favour and go take your silly little demo elsewhere , why not go and start f.c. city. or maybe stockport county would be glad to see some demonstrators at the moment.
Support the team - I do not like Hughes but will not go to a match just to vent anger - we are moving although slower than a lot would want but we have the backers who will change things - we dont want bad press otherwise they may let us rot!!

Lets show how we can celebrate without a trophy - we all have blood blood why turn it red with anger!!

Changes will happen in the summer with or without a DEMO so why not celebrate the change that is happening - would we be linked with the likes of Villa, Kaka, Etoo and even Messi if we werent a club that was going somewhere!!!

Remember advisors of our owner read these posts so will know we are not happy without giving the media a laugh at city day if we start going back to the swales era and may even turn our owners against us!!

COME ON LADS LETS CELEBRATE WITHOUT A TROPHY at least we are not being ripped off and we will be signing stars in the summer to lift our spirits believe me
auction294 said:
Support the fucking team! If you dont like it stay the fuck away.
So you don't like Hughes? Boo Fucking Hoo. I hated Alan Ball, Frank Clark, Steve Coppell, Phil Neal and the tossers they signed but was never a prick like you lot of twats.

You dicks are ripping the club apart, dividing the fans and giving the press a field day. Well done you muppets.

We had a better fanbase when were truly were shit in the old 3rd Division, do you know what I was actually proud of the fans and the club in those days. Virtual sell out everyweek, best travelling support and the 2nd Div Play Final had never seen anything like us. You new lot of fickle fuckers, you're all cnuts. Fuck off to the swamp.

Get Pig Flu and Die you *****

And good morning to you too mate. p.s you a nob!

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