Derby Post Match

Would be brilliant if the rags did sweet eff all again this season. Di Maria would then be available for a cut price and he would be class in our side. We need someone who can dribble past a few players when games are tight. Aguero can do it and Yaya when he decides to but Di Maria would be awesome for us and would allow more space for the likes of Silva and Aguero.
supercity88 said:
Would be brilliant if the rags did sweet eff all again this season. Di Maria would then be available for a cut price and he would be class in our side. We need someone who can dribble past a few players when games are tight. Aguero can do it and Yaya when he decides to but Di Maria would be awesome for us and would allow more space for the likes of Silva and Aguero.

Reus mate but I agree Di Maria would be amazing.He's probably happy to sit on th edosh at the swamp mind. No C.league next yr for them
Didsbury Dave said:
Lucky Toma said:
The rags' grievance seems to centre on Oliver's refusal to dish out yellows for Zaba and Fernando early on - which would have resulted in dismissals for either later on.

The stupid fuckers don't seem to appreciate that Oliver patently went into the game with a strategy not to get his book out in the opening 25 minutes unless there was anything malicious. That way he could avoid a card-fest and - ironically - limit the chances of a 11 v 10 too early on.
It was the only decent thing he did yesterday.

After the 25 min mark - and obviously frustrated with the raft of poor challenges made by both sides - he started booking players.

Our lot were savvy enough to realise this. As soon as the first yellow was produced they started to stay on their feet, tackled with more caution. Was encouraging to see the boys use some astute match management.

Van Gaal was right to state that Smalling was 'stupid' but the same could be said of several of his team-mates too.

I've just made a very similar point in the Pellegrini thread: Unilike United we were controlled and intelligent in our aggression. It was really encouraging. Players like Vinny and Zab can occasionally get over-committed in big games like this and give silly cards/fouls away. You could say that cost them the game.
If our defenders had made the sort of ridiculous challenges Utd players made, we'd have conceded red cardS and penalties, and this place would have gone mad
The perfect fumble said:

So as a ref your not allowed to drive to the game alone so you can get off early, But it's ok to meet a representative of one of the club's your refereeing.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
supercity88 said:
Would be brilliant if the rags did sweet eff all again this season. Di Maria would then be available for a cut price and he would be class in our side. We need someone who can dribble past a few players when games are tight. Aguero can do it and Yaya when he decides to but Di Maria would be awesome for us and would allow more space for the likes of Silva and Aguero.

Reus mate but I agree Di Maria would be amazing.He's probably happy to sit on th edosh at the swamp mind. No C.league next yr for them
As it stands, I think they'd rather sell The Wig rather than Di Maria out of spite to the rest of football. Lol

Could you imagine if they were ever forced to sell him to City for a cut price fee? There'd be riots in London, river of blood in Dublin and mass suicide's in Malaysia!
Dribble said:
cleavers said:
malg said:
To be honest, I do that anyway. I won't say anything today, I'll wait for their opening gambit then play it from there. Magnanimous is the way ahead.
Always do this, they absolutely hate waiting, and usually have to initiate a conversation to get it out of the way.
Not heard a peep from them this morning and even if I do, nothing hurts them more than when I say I'd love to chat but I'm a bit busy. It fuckin kills them when they see how un-elated I am when we win because it shows how of little importance they have become in the big scheme of things.

Also lover Wio's tweet about hating to see Kidd jumping about after we'd scored. Kidd started life as a Blue, turned to the dark side as a kid, but I reckon he'll end his days as a Blue and a rare legend on both sides of the divide.

Is that what FErdinand tweeted?

He's such a fucking self-righteous dickhead. Did he expect Kidd ~(who's spent as much of his life at City as at United) to put his head down and not celebrate like Denis Law?

Sums up Fernidand who is the epitome of Man United. Like when he kicked off at Balotelli for celebrating at Wembley, as though that somehow represented a lack of respect to the mighty Man United.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
supercity88 said:
Would be brilliant if the rags did sweet eff all again this season. Di Maria would then be available for a cut price and he would be class in our side. We need someone who can dribble past a few players when games are tight. Aguero can do it and Yaya when he decides to but Di Maria would be awesome for us and would allow more space for the likes of Silva and Aguero.

Reus mate but I agree Di Maria would be amazing.He's probably happy to sit on th edosh at the swamp mind. No C.league next yr for them

Don't get this Di Maria love in, £60 million, money well wasted, no better than Jesus, buzzer was well better !!!
remember arthur mann said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
supercity88 said:
Would be brilliant if the rags did sweet eff all again this season. Di Maria would then be available for a cut price and he would be class in our side. We need someone who can dribble past a few players when games are tight. Aguero can do it and Yaya when he decides to but Di Maria would be awesome for us and would allow more space for the likes of Silva and Aguero.

Reus mate but I agree Di Maria would be amazing.He's probably happy to sit on th edosh at the swamp mind. No C.league next yr for them

Don't get this Di Maria love in, £60 million, money well wasted, no better than Jesus, buzzer was well better !!!

We would bengetting it if we had been able to bid for the lad.

He would be fucking immense in our side.
Didsbury Dave said:
Dribble said:
cleavers said:
Always do this, they absolutely hate waiting, and usually have to initiate a conversation to get it out of the way.
Not heard a peep from them this morning and even if I do, nothing hurts them more than when I say I'd love to chat but I'm a bit busy. It fuckin kills them when they see how un-elated I am when we win because it shows how of little importance they have become in the big scheme of things.

Also lover Wio's tweet about hating to see Kidd jumping about after we'd scored. Kidd started life as a Blue, turned to the dark side as a kid, but I reckon he'll end his days as a Blue and a rare legend on both sides of the divide.

Is that what FErdinand tweeted?

He's such a fucking self-righteous dickhead. Did he expect Kidd ~(who's spent as much of his life at City as at United) to put his head down and not celebrate like Denis Law?

Sums up Fernidand who is the epitome of Man United. Like when he kicked off at Balotelli for celebrating at Wembley, as though that somehow represented a lack of respect to the mighty Man United.
Yup, unfuckinbelievable! The camel faced fuck has pissed off back to the smoke and his bitter hatred toward us just seemed to have deepened!

I actually watched the match back just to see what he was on about and Kidd lost it when we scored. He jumped out of his seat and legged it to the touchline then turned back to celebrate with everyone else. It wasn't a scripted celebration either, it was raw uncontrolled emotion and it must have fuckin hurt them! Lol :-)
I was puzzled by the turtle's lack of inclusion of his 'Philosophy' in his after- match comments.
It is indeed wondrous to hear him espousing this 'philosophy' on each and every occasion, fair brings tears to your eyes, this man's vision.
The 'Philosophy' has now expanded to encompass losing as many games as possible before Christmas, so that we can then marvel at his 'Mantra' and how he's managing to hold onto a job that both Gollum, and the comb over racist Atkinson were binned from after better results than he's had.
He must fucking hypnotise everyone at the swamp, with his Uri Geller-like aura as he's managing to escape criticism from everyone there, nobody has a bad word for him, I'm dreading the day when they all recover from the stupor he has induced into a malleable set of wide-eyed recipients of his 'Philosophy.'
Stick with him, Rags and Ragettes, embrace the philosophy.

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