Derby Pre Match thread

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Truthfully blues the days of worrying about playing these raggy cnuts are long gone
While we should not be lying awake at night thinking about it we should be concerned. We saw what happened in raggy land last time and I for one don't want to
see a repeat. Would be nice to win but in light of the circumstances a draw would be more than acceptable. As may have been pointed out there has not been a draw in this fixture in a while. A nil all at home a few years back is the last I can remember. Keep the faith.
Keep Herrera quiet and defend crosses well and we will win the match. I have no doubt that Fellaini will play again and they will target the back post like last year. Herrera is a top little player who moves very well off the ball. Yaya will not be able to pick him up. I'm personally fearing the worst for the first time in ages!
3 Man centre mid, Fernando, Fernandinho and Yaya, is an absolute must IMO. I agree with borassic, I think screech will play. Van Gaal won't want to play us at "football", as if our players turn up, we could easily dominate the game. they will get the ball wide and look for that freak up top. Pellers may well play navas and sterling to help out against the fullbacks crossing the ball in?
Rag at work: "Beat you 4-1 last season, not concerned about Sunday."
Me: "4-2."
Rag: "4-1. Last goal didn't count as we were down to ten men with injury."

I give up.
need to nip this rag revival in the bud , give them a lesson on sunday , and just show them how far they are way from being champions , if we can do this without or most influential players , the raggies will be gutted .But if the turtle does somehow scrape a victory on sunday , the rag wankathon will be into overdrive for the next 6 months , and they wll be nailed on for the quadruple , so its our duty to extinguish any hope they have.
yep, Fern and Fern must both play, with Toure more free to attack with Kev, Raheem and Wilf. We can call on Jesus if needed, assuming Nasri isn't fit.

And yes, put the right person to mark Elbows the Belgian.
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