Derby Tickets - Early Request!

Looking for just one ticket.
I'm 15, so either a child or adult ticket would be great.

If you could PM me if you know anywhere I could get one I would be eternally grateful.
Thank you.
I Posted on page 1 but still no joy.
Will take 1 Adult but 2 would be fantastic.
Also willing to upgrade a child ticket.

There is also a couple of pints in it for whoever comes good.

Cheers Daz.
Re: derby sold out

Tellison87MCFC said:
I need 1 if any spares? Got my ticket but my old man has missed out as he is in sri lanka at the cricket.. Been meaning to ring city all week to book his ticket, got round to it today and sold out.... Oops

i think your old man's gonna be abit annoyed with you mate.... think your gonna have to give him your ticket now............................ ;)
its done my head in my missus has been to every game this season but cant get one for the derby cos not enough points
hi all, I'm from Abu Dhabi and looking forward to attend the match

plzz looking for 3 tickets

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