Devolution For The Regions - Gtr Manchester

Clean Air Zones is a Tory Policy that should have been implemented across 5 major conurbations by 2020 .

Burnham , Khan etc are simply doing what they have been told...... shame the Conservatives had to weaponise their own legislation.

Yes, but they weren't told to make them chargeable and Manchester certainly doesn't need one that is 495 sq miles in size.
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Didn't they chop a load of trees down to put the signs up and then put the scheme under review so the signs were made pointless? At least our money isn't being wasted eh?
Yes loads of trees chopped down to make way for the signs. Cameras put up and now removed, signage changed. How much did all that cost ? And how much will it cost to put it all back when he decides to forge ahead with it.
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What is your experience in this area, do you run a small business with vehicles?
No sure why you have to have experience in running a small business with vehicles to understand the implications. It’s not difficult to work out.

It may come as a surprise to you but all businesses need to comply with regulations and new regulations aren’t exactly unheard of. Any business worth its salt would work out what it needs to do and do it, and if it adds cost then they will recover it from their customers.

It seems there’s a bizarre overreaction to regulations that are put in place that might improve the health of the population and they always tend to originate from right wing commentators or politicians.

Funnily enough the “ULEZ” by-election last year in Johnson’s old constituency where scaremongering won it for the Tories went to Labour last week 10 months after ULEZ was brought in there, so once people got used to it, it was no longer an issue because it hardly affected anyone.
No sure why you have to have experience in running a small business with vehicles to understand the implications. It’s not difficult to work out.

It may come as a surprise to you but all businesses need to comply with regulations and new regulations aren’t exactly unheard of. Any business worth its salt would work out what it needs to do and do it, and if it adds cost then they will recover it from their customers.

It seems there’s a bizarre overreaction to regulations that are put in place that might improve the health of the population and they always tend to originate from right wing commentators or politicians.

Funnily enough the “ULEZ” by-election last year in Johnson’s old constituency where scaremongering won it for the Tories went to Labour last week 10 months after ULEZ was brought in there, so once people got used to it, it was no longer an issue because it hardly affected anyone.
OK, so you don't have any experience, but you still understand all the implications, which arnt difficult.

I don't think I need to know anymore. Thanks.
Yes you're right of course, it's just part and parcel of running a small buiness which isn't difficult at all. Especially in a recession.

Will you have to reduce the size of your workforce and fleet?

Yes you're right of course, it's just part and parcel of running a small buiness which isn't difficult at all. Especially in a recession.
I would have thought that there are many complexities in running most small businesses that make dealing with a clean air zone fairly trivial. As an example getting supplies from abroad since Brexit at a reasonable cost and with tolerable timescales would seem to be a much bigger problem than budgeting a tenner a day for the van until it’s time to replace it using the grants and scrappage schemes available. I would rather have a government that put some focus on easing trading arrangements with our neighbours than one that pisses about using a public health initiative as ammunition in a culture war.
How do they expect to formulate a national industrial strategy if they just let the regions decide where funds are to be directed to and what industries should be supported?

Just sounds like a load of meaningless guff to me. Is Andy Burnham really the best person to make these decisions, rather than people with proper experience in commerce?

You cannot have a strategy with devolved powers? What an odd take.
Be careful what you wish for, remember Burnham thought a lower emissions charge for greater Manchester was a good idea. When it would just be a further tax on numerous small struggling businesses.
Not just this, it's the ultimate "get out of jail free" card for Westminster where they can pass the buck onto the regional administration

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