Did City ever have any Southern Hooligans?

onceabluealways said:
got to admit i like reading these threads. I guess most of you are like me around 45-50 so were 10-25 at the time.

I look back and some things we did were stupid but it was a different era.

Some of the things that happened shaped my life and made me a much more confident person, I never look back ashamed as I never fought with anyone who didn't want it also.

There was one lad on the regular coach from Chaderton, Sportsmans Arms pub but can't remember his name wasn't the biggest but game as hell.

There was more than one... but think you may mean Glynny
dennishasdoneit said:
blue underpants said:
Ian said:
Don't read the posts then. Plenty of older Blues enjoy looking back at the old days.
Here here, well said that man

+1. Well said.
One of the names mentioned on this thread has had me thinking back many years,to a character i,d forgotten about..a big blue who was around when i first started watching city,lots of memories of city in the 80s.....all because i saw the name on this thread.happy days.
Agreed mate<br /><br />-- Sat Oct 27, 2012 11:32 am --<br /><br />
dennishasdoneit said:
BluePurgatory said:
Ian said:
Don't read the posts then. Plenty of older Blues enjoy looking back at the old days.

I will read and offer a opinion on what I like. Anyone who particpates or looks back with "fondness" on violence carried out for fun needs help. I am certain that some of those older blues who did partipate must now look back and cringe. Running around in gangs is so juvenile. You need to grow up.

fuck off.

Well said mate. If he don't like it "Fuck Him"
Ian said:
dennishasdoneit said:
blue underpants said:
Here here, well said that man

+1. Well said.
One of the names mentioned on this thread has had me thinking back many years,to a character i,d forgotten about..a big blue who was around when i first started watching city,lots of memories of city in the 80s.....all because i saw the name on this thread.happy days.
Agreed mate

-- Sat Oct 27, 2012 11:32 am --

dennishasdoneit said:
BluePurgatory said:
I will read and offer a opinion on what I like. Anyone who particpates or looks back with "fondness" on violence carried out for fun needs help. I am certain that some of those older blues who did partipate must now look back and cringe. Running around in gangs is so juvenile. You need to grow up.

fuck off.

Well said mate. If he don't like it "Fuck Him"

It's very easy when your sat in nice cosy comfortable 2012 to say that what lads got up to in the 80's was juvenile but that's what it was like then. Fuck me I remember so many times being in pubs in town after games and you never knew when it would go off or with who. You could walk in a pub and never know who might be in there, reds or blues and you had to at least be aware of that otherwise the other choice was to fuck off home and watch Dallas with your mam and dad. I was certainly no hard man and never ran with a crowd but I mixed with lads that were game as fuck because I wanted to have a drink and be amongst other Blues and if you did that then you at least had to stand by them if it happened. Usually it was nothing more than handbags, a few fists thrown and you were out of there. Nothing to be proud of and nothing to boast about and I don't think anybody ever thought that but it was just a part of growing up and going to games at that time.

Loads of away trips I was shiting myself beforehand but it never stopped you going and you knew that sometimes you might have to get involved. Thankfully with a bit of nouse you spotted it before it started and got out but on occasions you didn't, thankfully they were only few and far between. Don't understand why so many people get so precious about lads talking about a part of their City supporting past. It happened just like the inflatable craze, the fancy dress and other stuff which equally gets discussed with fond memories.
correct Josh, the 80's were strange times, if you watched football then and between the ages of 15 to 40 you'd have at the very minimum witnessed many acts of football violence if you hadnt had a dig sometime, its just the way it was.
I can only describe it as going 'to battle' every Saturday.
Many like as Josh describes didnt want to get involved but there was literally very little to do back then, the grounds hadn't been modernized for decades, (in fact i'm struggling to think of a 'new' ground built from the 70's to the 90's !!) , the police were either clueless, brutal or sometimes shit scared (once witnessed about six coppers run off when confronted by about 30 city lads just outside Stoke train station). If you wanted to watch your team play away you had to be prepared to be confronted by a mob of however you were playing, every club large or small had a hooligan element. You had a choice of all sticking together or just take your chances on your own.
As the saying goes 'worst of times, best of times'
Josh/Macky, you are right. Life was totally different in those days. I am in my early Fifties now and I used to run with a group of mates from Ashton. You had to have your wits about you all the time as you never knew when you were going to get ambushed on away trips.
I never went out looking for trouble, but it would often find you, and you had to react constantly.
I am now in a good job and so are a lot of the lads I went with in those days, but whenever we bump into each other at a City game, we have a laugh about the old days.
If certain people on here have a problem with it on here, they have the option of clicking on another thread!
I might be showing my age but the 80s were fu*k all compared to the 70s but respect to the lads who followed the blues in the 80s .like many on here though neither proud or ashamed at what i got up to but if you followed City away back in the day you had to have your wits about you .after saying that some times i can feel proud that i stood up for what i believed in & that what City .if we were atacked what were we supposed to do ? if away fans tried to "Take the Kippax" what were we supposed to do . i am glad for my kids & relatives sake that times have changed violence wise but now they being priced out of the game
cyberblue said:
I might be showing my age but the 80s were fu*k all compared to the 70s but respect to the lads who followed the blues in the 80s .like many on here though neither proud or ashamed at what i got up to but if you followed City away back in the day you had to have your wits about you .after saying that some times i can feel proud that i stood up for what i believed in & that what City .if we were atacked what were we supposed to do ? if away fans tried to "Take the Kippax" what were we supposed to do . i am glad for my kids & relatives sake that times have changed violence wise but now they being priced out of the game
Correct mate, if you was attacked what was you supposed to do, you had no choice but to fight back, and as Mancs what were we supposed to do if cockney reds, scousers, yorkies or any other fans came to Maine Rd with the intention of taking the Kippax, just say here you go lads its all yours, youngsters take note, you HAD to fight
blue underpants said:
cyberblue said:
I might be showing my age but the 80s were fu*k all compared to the 70s but respect to the lads who followed the blues in the 80s .like many on here though neither proud or ashamed at what i got up to but if you followed City away back in the day you had to have your wits about you .after saying that some times i can feel proud that i stood up for what i believed in & that what City .if we were atacked what were we supposed to do ? if away fans tried to "Take the Kippax" what were we supposed to do . i am glad for my kids & relatives sake that times have changed violence wise but now they being priced out of the game
Correct mate, if you was attacked what was you supposed to do, you had no choice but to fight back, and as Mancs what were we supposed to do if cockney reds, scousers, yorkies or any other fans came to Maine Rd with the intention of taking the Kippax, just say here you go lads its all yours, youngsters take note, you HAD to fight

Think it got more organised in the 80's and it seemed to be smaller firms actively looking for each other whereas in the 70's it seemed far more random and could be anything from a small scuffle to a full scale riot and anyone could end up involved whether they wanted it or not! Away games were an adventure in their own right in a time when accents marked you out far more than they do today. Got the time mate ;-)

City fans of my acquaintance back then mostly didn't actively seek it out but would not back down if it found them. There was just no avoiding it sometimes and if it came on top then you would fight to win just as you would in everyday life. There were certainly City fans in the south that fell into this bracket too, mostly (but not exclusively) re-located Mancs. But I don't recall any southern City 'firms' as such.

Were we all hooligans? Some would say so based on what we got up to sometimes. But that was just part and parcel of being a football fan at the time. The true hoolies were the ones that would go out of their way to Piccadilly/ New Street/ Euston/ wherever, for the sole purpose of looking for a fight with travelling fans of other teams. When you fought back did that make you the same as them? Not in my book.
It was a different era totally to the middle class kids of today bouncing up and down pretending to be tough kids.

It was real life scary as fuck stuff ........part of every away day back then.

(Daffy?? From The Clarence?)

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