Did we go to the Moon? New footage shows perhaps otherwise.

scousemanc said:
I have definitive proof. I was allowed to stay up late to watch it when I was a little boy. My mother was very strict, especially when it came to bedtime. No way would I have been allowed to if it was fake. And mums know these things.

Whenever I see a replay of that grey grainy image of the Eagle skimming across the pockmarked surface, followed by the transmission "Tranquility Base, the Eagle has landed", I get a shiver of excitement and I am taken back 40 years to that night.

It happened.

First words uttered on the moon - "contact light".
Mental_blue said:
ianw16 said:
mcmanus said:
I don't believe it at all.

I've seen a documentary about another US space mission that nearly went tits up called Capricorn One. Open your eyes lads it's bollocks.

Capricorn One was a movie based around the conspiracy theories on the moon landing. It wasn't a documentary. Plain old fiction.
That's two now, going for the hat trick

;) Remember watching it. If it was a documentary, then the Yanks faked a Mars landing as well! These people annoy me almost more than creationists.
The Flash said:
I've bought extra bacofoil to hand out as gifts at this years BM Xmas do for our conspiracy nut jobs...

Don't waste your bacofoil. Add it to a lawn mower engine and a ZX Spectrum (16k not 48k) and you can make your very own Apollo 11.
Hope this works.


Simply. F*cking. Awesome. Greatest machine ever constructed by man.
ianw16 said:
Hope this works.


Simply. F*cking. Awesome. Greatest machine ever constructed by man.
Where is that "like" button? Oh yeah not facebook. Well, like anyway.
ianw16 said:
Hamann Pineapple said:
ianw16 said:
Hope this works.


Simply. F*cking. Awesome. Greatest machine ever constructed by man.

Hooray for Hollywood

Werner von Braun, I think you'll find.

Werner von Braun
Born: March 23, 1912, Wyrzysk, Poland
Died: June 16, 1977, Alexandria, Virginia, United States

I don't think so somehow

Capricorn One (1978)

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