did you choose or was it bred into you?

ASH-MCFC said:
I was a sort of rag you could say when I was younger. Id just moved house and had no interest in football. Also every one of my new mates were rags so I just went along with the supporting the scum. Not avidly, but, you know... None of my family like football but for my three uncles. They had a spare ticket for game against Rotherham so they took me. I think we won 2 or 3-1. Ive still got the scarf they bought me. Since then ive been a blue and im just so happy to be a City fan. im 17 now and this is my 5th season as a seasoncard holder.

*Awaits the ex-rag comments*

You've seen the light. Thats good enough for me.
I chose to be blue. Grandad was a big red, apparantly turned down a contract at City because he was earning more money as an engineer. My mum was also a red because of her dad but even though they wanted to buy me rag lamp and bed cover I refused. I think my favourite colour has always been blue, that's the only explanation I can think of looking back, either that or I had a sixth sense. I have three younger sisters, all blue, my wife is from a rag family but is now a blue and a season ticket holder as well as my daughter.
I chose city aged 8,ma was and stil is a massive r#g tried her best to pass that down but wouldnt wash with me,im a season tkt holder with three blue supporting daughters,im always proud to say 'i chose city'. Thank you god!
no choice here, and im thoroughly grateful, and nor will my kids have any choice on the matter
i chose.

i am American and was raised on basketball, not soccer football. never played soccer football except in gym class; it was all basketball. i was a pretty lousy baller but i was fairly large so i got some rebounds and knocked some people over, so it was alright by me. i graduated from UNC, yet strangely the team that gave the world Michael Jordan didn't invite me to join as a walk-on. nonetheless i am a loyal Tarheel.

after college i moved to New York. i was doing laundry and saw a world cup match on TV in '94, and was hooked. (i think it was Belgium-Saudi Arabia). i started watching whatever soccer football i could find on cable, including the Prem, Dutch Eredivisie, and Serie A. i immediately fell in love with... Ajax. used to watch Prem matches with a bunch of Irish girls (all rags). i think my loathing for the Red side of Manchester is genetic somehow. used to read footy mags (especially When Saturday Comes) and the sheer smug cuntiness of United cemented my loathing of them. i decided not to have a favorite team in the prem, aside from whoever played the rags, but i found the roller coaster of false dawns, irony and suffering that was City in the 90s great entertainment and the club had my sympathies.

a few years ago when Pearce had imposed his stylish, high-flying brand of football on City, i got in the habit of watching City matches here in Bangkok with a friend from Manchester (a diehard City fan) and eventually signed an oath of loyalty to City. same color shirts as my Tarheels so it wasn't that hard of a sell. it worked out well for everyone; i suspect my pledge of loyalty was instrumental in both City staying up and Frank buying the club.

in a sense then i am one of those glory-hunting armchair fans--but glory at the time i started hunting consisted of staying up.

my life story proves one thing: life stories are over-long, and kinda boring. sorry.
kippax kid said:
My grandad brought me up and he was a rag. We moved to Kippax St in 1979, and he took me to the front gates.of Maine Road when i was a nipper,and told me . Your going to grow up round here lad this is your team for ever more. He was a top class manc. Niceone grandad R.I.P.
what a grandad he was, r.i.p.
Grandparents & Father were born & bred in Manchester & supported City, when I popped out in 1964 in Southsea, Hampshire (Dad was in the navy) I had the rug my the cot, so no choice.

But wouldn't have it any other way....CTID, doing pretty much the same with our 8 year old now!
i had no choice my dad took me to my first game when i was nine month, im 15 now and have had my own seasonticket since i was six, before that i sat on my dads knee, he still apologises to me now haha buti go all the time now preety much every game home and away and been to wembley and all that so its been good and i wouldnt have it any other way
was in the genes. grandparents were blue, mum was blue, uncle's are blue. so i didn't have to make a choice at all it was just a basic instinct. all i know is i am city & i wouldn't have it any other way. i f***** love it, i love what supporting this club does to me it makes me laugh and it makes me cry i just hope i'm laughin more than crying this new year if not so be it i'll still b blue and lovin it. happy new year.

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