dis - f*king grace.

I had it with a bunch of 'em on Wembley Way after the game, i am fuk all btw but they was well after it, shouting in little familys faces and being total dicks, i fronted the tw*ts up and they fkin backed off, it was funny as i was on my own, another 2 or 3 joined 'em, i just started swingin' away but i was getting seriously outnumbered so held back and got two digs in back of head walking back down wembley way for tube. I had Ashton blues on back of Tshirt so i reckon thats why they remembered me and give me a cheapshot, fkin scumbag coward bastards.
Lol at some of the stuff that comes out on here:)

Yeah, about 30-40 of them were giving me all sorts of stick outside the ground so I turned round and ninja kicked every single one of them, then I smacked a few. Put around 20 in hospital, 10 ran away and the other 10 died.

Fucking disgraceful shitbags.
Football violence is largely dead nowadays, 99% of games get along without any trouble. With the exception of local derbies there isn't any bother between fans. What amazes me these are not criminals that are causing trouble it's normal law abiding citizens yet when they go to a game twice a year they want to cause trouble. I went to the fixture at Eastlands last year in April and thought it was a pretty dull atmosphere throughout the game and wondered what all the fuss was about till scholes scored. After the game City fans waited for ages abusing United fans the the stadium. Then they followed them outside the gorund and caused trouble. Both sides have their fair share of morons. I saw numerous City fans shouting abuse who were just normal supporters old, young and even women. Local derbies bring out the worse in people only this year in the Merseyside derby 1 fan was centimetres away from having his throat slit fully. An Everton fan who defended him was also nearly killed. After the FA cup final a Liverpool fan got stabbed for taunting Everton fans. Every derby in the world turns supporters who are usually well behave into animals. I'd say if City has lost the same incidents would have happened. United's away fans are awfully behaved and are generally considered the worst in the country. They can't take losing their behaviour is petulant but in this case any set of supporters who have a minority amon ghtem that would act like this.
standupefc said:
Football violence is largely dead nowadays, 99% of games get along without any trouble. With the exception of local derbies there isn't any bother between fans. What amazes me these are not criminals that are causing trouble it's normal law abiding citizens yet when they go to a game twice a year they want to cause trouble. I went to the fixture at Eastlands last year in April and thought it was a pretty dull atmosphere throughout the game and wondered what all the fuss was about till scholes scored. After the game City fans waited for ages abusing United fans the the stadium. Then they followed them outside the gorund and caused trouble. Both sides have their fair share of morons. I saw numerous City fans shouting abuse who were just normal supporters old, young and even women. Local derbies bring out the worse in people only this year in the Merseyside derby 1 fan was centimetres away from having his throat slit fully. An Everton fan who defended him was also nearly killed. After the FA cup final a Liverpool fan got stabbed for taunting Everton fans. Every derby in the world turns supporters who are usually well behave into animals. I'd say if City has lost the same incidents would have happened. United's away fans are awfully behaved and are generally considered the worst in the country. They can't take losing their behaviour is petulant but in this case any set of supporters who have a minority amon ghtem that would act like this.

fucking bollocks same incidents if we had lost. im talking before the game, you definitley didn't go.

ive seen idiot city fans fighting but ive never seen any football fans attack innocents like your lot did yesterday.
He's an Everton fan mate.

Anyway, don't know why anyone is surprised about this...they've always set upon the innocent and always will, but when they get confronted with lads who can handle themselves, they're the first ones to run a mile.

Vermin, every last one of them, they are scum and I hope they rot in hell.

A disgrace to the human race...and fair play to the Blue who emptied that red **** who hit an old man from behind.

Weaver's Goat said:
They are horrible scum - kicked off all over the place pre match. Four or five crazy Cockney Reds on our Tube kicked off when we got on at Dollis Hill. We were bottled all the way down Wembley way. Threatened and attacked all the way to the ground.

Policing was non-existent. Along Wembley Way they allowed scum to line walls, bridges and overlooking levels, spitting, bottling and threatening any Blue who walked along it. None were moved on or arrested. Scum attacked Blues from the tube to the ground and Police were few and far between. Spoke to a friendly copper at City gates who said he'd volunteered to go down to WW but was told not necessary.

Basically, United are scum, Policing was woefully insufficient - but I don't blame the police entirely. A terrible job was given to them by the FA. Nonetheless we should have been properly separated and there needed to be a lot more police on the ground.

United proved they're horrible, bitter scum today - and City took a great step to prove we're a lot better than them in so many ways!

About 16.30 We was part of a group of 10 blues who got attacked from all levels through wembley way after coming off the tube at Wembley Park. No coppers in sight, we walked through the tunnel with united fans all above and around us throwing everything in sight at us.One blue fair play took on anyone who approached him Lucky to come out of it unscathed. We knew our stop was Wembley central but we couldnt get a direct route from Harrow, the coppers said dont get the bus because of the traffic and said we would be fine going Wembley Park. Lying b**tard
ban-mcfc said:
the united fans.

i got smacked for singing bluemoon down wembley way (im a teenager).

i saw women and children running and crying because the cockney reds were chasing them.

the worst support ive ever seen. not even fighting other hooligans... just whoever wore a city shirt!

and on the way back intimidating any city fan that walked into a petrol station.

never seen anything like it! i told my mate who is united through and through and he was mortified. he said these cockney reds should fuck off and leave it till the mancs.
We live almost facing a "red" boozer in Glossop and everytime there is a utd game on the big screen they are all there in the audi's and merc's soft tops singing and dancing and having a great time , the locals dont mind it and it never gets ugly, yesterday after the game a group of them walked down the street at pace ripping off wing mirrors and ariels and booting the cars of the locals who have never said anything bad to them, my oldest lad is a red and he was out shouting at them "your a disgrace to united" I agree with him, twats all of them.
MeatnSpudsMCFC said:
Lol at some of the stuff that comes out on here:)

Yeah, about 30-40 of them were giving me all sorts of stick outside the ground so I turned round and ninja kicked every single one of them, then I smacked a few. Put around 20 in hospital, 10 ran away and the other 10 died.

Fucking disgraceful shitbags.

Ha ha, this made me laugh.
what really amazes me is the amount of people who appear to have been taken by surprise..people were on here, calling people,for having the cheek to say it would go off in places...where have you been every derby day

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