dis - f*king grace.

Large empty bottle of vodka dropped 5 yards behind three of us from a bridge. After the game saw the Utd fan who was gobbling off in section L at City fans, outside punching City fans then mingling in walking on a bit, joining in a song then hitting someone else! Scum bag. He looked a bit like Ferdinand if anyone saw him.
In the pub last night an ageing steroid using rag was looking for a blue head and pinned a young lad to the wall in the toilets asking who he supported blah blah blah. Needless to say when some of the older blues in the pub heard of this the rag was quickly rushed out of the pub with blood pissing from his head and CRYING. fpmsl, tarts.
lawrenceofbernarbia said:
Large empty bottle of vodka dropped 5 yards behind three of us from a bridge. After the game saw the Utd fan who was gobbling off in section L at City fans, outside punching City fans then mingling in walking on a bit, joining in a song then hitting someone else! Scum bag. He looked a bit like Ferdinand if anyone saw him.

Probbably was him!
I made the mistake of leaving shortly after the final whistle to make sure I caught the last train home. Found myself one of very few City fans on Wembley Way among thousands of United fans, some very angry.

After being jostled, elbowed and kicked a few times I decided the lure of the train was diminishing, made my way towards a group of police and waited for the City fans to come out.

A large group of United fans stopped half way down Wembley Way, waited for the City fans. Mostly aged 40-50, unreconstructed skinheads from the 80's, mostly not wearing colours. I heard one of the police speaking on his radio about a large "firm" congregating at the side.

When the City fans did come out, most of the first group were families with young kids. A number of fights broke out, some involving City fans but mostly between the small number of police and United fans.Some really nasty scenes, plenty of very distressed kids. Eventually mounted police arrived and forced most of the United fans towards the tube station.

It probably only lasted 10 mins and most of the City fans coming out of the ground will have missed it, but it really did seem like I'd been transported back to the 70's/80's.

Once on the tube it seemed fairly peaceful as it had been in my experience before the game.
mancunial said:
me and my youngest were threatened outside and called manc basterds, we also had trouble at warwick services on our way down, and 3 of our guys were attacked after the game one of them was a mess? they always do it mob handed and choose their targets carefully, i thought they were totally nasty but having said that before we were threatened we passed some reds and they shook my hand and said all the best?

This is a long shot I know, but other than the scally red bastards looking for a fight, do you reckon there were fans from other clubs (London) hanging around just for the sake of it, looking to make trouble?
Here come the Men In Black,
they're the so called "Stretford Enders".
Here's the fearsome Men In Black,
punching women, kids n penshners (pensioners).
They are the Men In Black,
they have fashion conscious members.
They are wearing black bin bags,
and they're a bunch of fuckin benders!!!

On a serious note, these Rags who just go out to intimidate and attack vulnerable and harmless groups of people, mostly families are the scum of the Earth. They deserve a severe terminal illness or a beating into a cabbage form. They all know fine well that down Wembley Way it would just have been families. If they got out of the ground early, why didn't they go and wait for blues who wanted to fight with them over by that roundabout or up at the Green Man pub? They are completely out of order and I wish they would all just go and die a painful and horrible death the fucking Rag cunts!
About 30 of them tried it on with us lot. Dancing about and shouting 'Cam on then yer Manc Bastards.'

Can you believe it two Manchester teams at Wembley and we're getting offered out for being Mancs? - unbelievable..

The thing is we were on a mixed mini bus from Middleton and the United lads with us would have stood with us had it come to it. They were embarrassed to be honest.
My mate was near a load of trouble near Wembley way after and said his daughter was terrified. Disgusting.
But can I also say, I witnessed some equally disgusting behaviour by City fans before the game that must have been really fucking scary for the the reds involved. And they were not looking for it. A car load was driving to a car park down the side of the Wembley plaza(?) hotel. I was stood outside looking down as it drove through all the City fans and it got booted to fuck and about 10 lads were jumping on it, hanging off it and climbing on the roof. Fucking disgrace. Made me feel sick. Did it to a few cars.
From the same place, I also 2 young rags, who obviously didn't know they were at the City end walking through, got pelted at close distance with cans. Saw this bloke in his 50's throwing them and the venom in his face was horrible. 2 young lads doing fuck all wrong except being in wrong place with wrong shirt, with their heads down.
Don't get me wrong, I fucking hate the rags, but innocent people, not looking for trouble do not deserve this. And this was all before the game.
So don't kid yourselves that it's just the rags who are scum. There's mindless scum who support City too and they should be fucking ashamed of themselves.
Only saw and had one small altercation yesterday at the services on the M42 whilst going home.
To the 22 stone nobhead, should he read this (or be able to!) and his 6 mates who just barged into me whilst stood with my sister and partner, my mate, his wife and nephew, why he thought I was the dickhead?
The fact that I didn't budge when you shoulder charged me and you bounced off fealing somewhat embarrassed with yourself was quite funny to witness. Probably bullied your way thriough life.
You could have come back you know and finnished the chat we were having, because there was only going to be one winner both intellectualy and physically.
But I forget, it wasn't 20 onto 1 was it?
You are the dickhead..................................!!

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