dis - f*king grace.

Saw plenty of it just walking from my seat back to the coach carpark and it was all down to pathetic policing. All they had to do was segregate each half and keep us fans in for an extra 15 minutes or so.

Typical rags picking on the more vulnerable, walking past them all there was a few of us singing "where's your treble gone" and instead of taking a pop at me, a 22 year old man he opted to take a swing at somebody who must of been pushing 55 and then run off, somebody further back spotted it and sorted him out though thankfully. Utter scumbags. Knew a single rag who went to the game and even he said to me in a text he wished these foreign/cockney reds would just fuck off and support somebody else.
mancunial said:
me and my youngest were threatened outside and called manc basterds

Sums them up really. Calling us Manc bastards, you have to laugh, I thought that was everything they wanted to be.

The Manchester is blue thing is not a myth, we were at the match while most of their Manc 'fans' were watching ITV.
as much as they are a bunch of twats, the dickhead city fans who attacked a car full of rags opposite the greyhound pub a few hours before kick-off were an embarrassment to us all. it was my 10 year old lad's first derby and he was shitting himself for the next hour.
we have to wean out the blues who act like this as they bring shame to us all.
I was on one of the many coaches bottled by the rags on the way into the game. Segregation a joke, our coaches parked next to theirs on the main car park, too many coppers there for an easy pay day and not really doing anything.

Great atmosphere in the ground by City fans and a couple of top Poznans thrown in. Forget the FA Cup for now, a top 4 spot now the priority.
obviously people go into the ground at different times, i must have been down wembley way at the worst possible moment.

we were outnumbered by cockneys 10 to 1. we were walking along trying to stay out of trouble with our heads down, getting shoved, kicked and punched.

i saw a man about 40 odd with his young lad get kicked to the floor, his lad was belting his eyes out and they still didnt stop. i saw a group of united fans charge some city fans that were mainly families as well.

i have seen it kick off before bad a few times.

but its mostly been hooligans on hooligans.

yesterday was an embarrassment to football and manchester.
ban-mcfc said:
obviously people go into the ground at different times, i must have been down wembley way at the worst possible moment.

we were outnumbered by cockneys 10 to 1. we were walking along trying to stay out of trouble with our heads down, getting shoved, kicked and punched.

i saw a man about 40 odd with his young lad get kicked to the floor, his lad was belting his eyes out and they still didnt stop. i saw a group of united fans charge some city fans that were mainly families as well.

i have seen it kick off before bad a few times.

but its mostly been hooligans on hooligans.

yesterday was an embarrassment to football and manchester.(united)
I was called a plant pot as I walked past a bar on the way to the Greyhound. I was terrified but I gave him a wink anyway.
The service station we were attacked at saw their coach escorted away by the police. Once it had left, two more of their 'lads' came out the service station with some food and they missed their coach. Uh oh, karma comes in some very nice ways :)
law74 said:
A few years ago, after the FA cup game at the swamp, two of us sitting in Out Of The Blue (opposite Ashburys station - halt) and two twats come into the pub, one gets the bers in the other goes through to the bar, next ting about 20 rags walk in and try and take over the place with "City are a massive club etc chants"
My mate goes to the bog and is followed by about 10 of them while the rest crowd round me, glass in front of me, cigarette in hand, look at the ringleader and ket him know that if anyone starts he is getting scared for life, mate in the bogs fronts up the ringleader in there, a& the rest back off.
Scum one and all.
But I suppose they were not really expecting to meet two Blues that were more used to dealing with Provos with guns rather than gimps with bad words.
(we heard that after we left for the boat they kicked off between each other as to who was supposed to attack us)

I went to that game.

The referee gave them a ridiculous penalty with us leading 0-1.
I stood on Wembley Way for a while and the REDS were proper dicks


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