dis - f*king grace.

as an international fan this really infuriates me, I would not have taken it for a single second.

Isn't there any protection available? 20something year old males to keep opposing fans in check? Groups of ULTRAS? Or dare I say FIRMS to take care of this? Protect the innocent and give themselves up for the greater good. I mean FUCK...some of the things being said in this thread are despicable.

If not, I say we adopt another trait from Lech Poznan...a bus full of these guys


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Just like to say I am disgusted that those rags have wasted my tax money and their benefits which I gladly pay as they obviously cannot get work and instead of feeding themselves just throw their food around instead of eating it. To the oaf who threw his mushy peas at us - they were delicious you tosser and btw you lost and get used to it cos your gonna have it more in the future- c'mon city
hehe .....

Uniteds renowned reputation as hooligan shitbags grows by the minute eh ?

Sounds about right for those frustrated rag tossers to be attackin' mums and dads , even kids ...... i'll bet they don't mention it in their local boozers , for fear of causing total embarrassment amongst their mates

what a bunch of old women !
AdamoTheGreat said:
as an international fan this really infuriates me, I would not have taken it for a single second.

Isn't there any protection available? 20something year old males to keep opposing fans in check? Groups of ULTRAS? Or dare I say FIRMS to take care of this? Protect the innocent and give themselves up for the greater good. I mean FUCK...some of the things being said in this thread are despicable.

If not, I say we adopt another trait from Lech Poznan...a bus full of these guys


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Right Said Fred Convention, all pretending to carry beachballs under their arms.
i was near the roundabout near the blue rooms,after the game...a rag coach went past,and a rag jumped off and smacked a city fan who was with his bird,minding his own business.................wanker..
seconds later the coach had no windows.
rag bastards! shocked to hear of so much unprovoked violence.

this was not confined to london and manchester, they were cunts globally
DannyBoy2890 said:
KpxSte said:
Unfortunately, I witnessed some trouble on the way home at the services on the M6 toll near Stafford. When our coach pulled in, there was already several city coaches parked up and not a rag in sight. When I came out of the building, a couple of coaches had left and there were a couple of small groups of city fans stood smoking/talking near their coach when a couple of plain/black clothed lads came walking up. They started singing "United" in a "provocative" manner trying to get a response out of the city fans nearby and as soon as one of them shouted something back, around 20-30 more appeared rushing straight into the group of city fans. This group included women, youngsters and a 65 year old man and they were attacked indiscriminately. As the city fans tried to return to the coach, objects were picked up and thrown by the rags at all the coaches in the vicinity, damaging a door on one, and a back window on another. Police were called and an ambulance was required.

100% the city fans were normal fans, wearing colours and not looking for trouble.
100% the rags were dressed in black/normal clothes attacking normal fans with superior numbers and sickening violence.

Pure Scum

If this is the same incident, then me and my mate were the ones stood outside our coach having a cig!!
The united "fans" were spitting on us, and getting right in our faces, shouting "go on go on, shout munich now you city cunts"
We were well outnumbered and one of the lads off our coach took a right pasting.
The united fans were bouncing around wanting to fight with everyone, man , woman, even spitting at a kid!!!

I fucking hate them. They are horrible horrible fuckers!

A up m8 i presume the lad ur on about is me,well ive had worse,and it wont change the fact we beat the tossers,my eye will heal alot quicker than there personal feelings about the game!!!! wankers
p.s. the coach was rather drafty with no back window
Makes me despise them even more. We drank on the green with the Green Man being full. A couple of the fellas we were with went to find booze when the Tesco closed and my mates 60 odd year old dad was floored for being a blue. Funny how they didn't pick on the two younger, fitter lads that were with him who eventually saw them off.

We didn't really see much though we stayed around the City end of the ground the whole time. We stopped off at a service station (last one before London) and there were plenty of rag hoolies there. That prick Tony O'Neil was there with a few coach fulls of neanderthals, and even though we were way outnumbered we didn't get any trouble. I only know it was O'Neil 'cos one of the lads on our mini bus knew him and then I looked online to find it was the same guy that wrote the books about the mongs in black.
I was fortunate enough to arrive at the Wembley Park side of the ground yesterday which meant that we didn't see any of the stuff on wembley way. However I had ten minutes to watch the fans as they arrived from the top of the overpass. There were quite a few incidents of city fans roughing up, throwing beer at and spitting at United fans just because they had red shirts on.... so it's clear that we have our own idiots.

Why is anyone surprised that United fans set about our fans at their end..... as a group of fans we still insist on tolerating Munich chants about an air disaster that wiped out half of their team.... and a former City player. If City had suffered something similar and our local rivals insisted on chanting it at every game surely we'd be a bit pissed of.

The choice would be to either stop singing the song.....which i know is hard because incidents like yesterday just makes people sing it all the more..... or at least be prepared for the backlash that we'll face when we play them.

If we do end up playing United in the charity shield people need to be more prepared, i's never going to be the friendly Derby.....all i'm saying is that we can't have it both ways. We can't chant Munich and expect them to be all handshakes and banter when we play them.

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