dis - f*king grace.

Royaloak said:
mcfc_bredbury_blue said:
Only just got back from London after a quality weekend, well, I say quality, the match and the result were obviously fantastic but other than that I don't think I've ever been so outraged in all my life as I was after the match on Saturday.

Now, I've seen it kick off before at the matches, and I know there's trouble causers on both sets of fans, not just the rags, but what I saw on Wembley way, Saturday, will stay with me for a few years to come, and will make me hate them rag bastards even more (if that's possible)

We were walking away from the ground, 5 of us, now I'm not being big headed but we were 5 handy lads, we're not ones to go looking for trouble but we're not going to shy away from it. Anyway, these rags go walking past, 8 or 9 of them, oldest there was probably 18, they were mouthing off calling us ''Foe cunts'' so we ran after them, caught up to them and had a 'quiet word', being so young we thought we'd let them off with a word or two, so we let them on their way, 30 yards down the road you can hear them at it again so my mate Roger runs after them but he slips over and they see that he was after them, so they turn round and begin to leather him on the floor, 8/9 lads on this defenceless man, me and my mates just stood there gob smacked, we ran away to try and get some police help but they were elsewhere as it was booting off somewhere else, we got back and they'd left Rodge in a pool of blood, he's got a broken nose, and a sore cheekbone, but he's lucky to get away with just that, fucking shit bags the lot of them picking on a man like that, on the floor, i absolutely hate people without balls. Also seen women and kids getting hit, but this was sickening.

So why the fuck didn't the other 4 of you wade in to save Roger and bite their noses off? - you don't sound 'handy' at all to me.

I know, looking back, we should have done, but we're in our early 40's they were young scrotes, copper comes over and sees us weighing them in, irrelevant of whether we were sticking up for our mate or not, it doesn't look good does it, probably get a 3 year ban at least and we can't be doing with that, especially now, haha.

We're just thankful he got away with as little injuries as he did, could have been worse.
shackattack said:
der bomber28 said:
That's what riled me mate, you can see the kid keeps looking round a bit worried. They all have faces I would never tire of smacking.

they must be the most frightening gang of lads you could ever meet ffs...too much red bull and mars bars and they will really flip!!!!!!!!

Listen mate never said they were frightening did I, but a big group like that to a small family group could come across as intimidating (and they clearly are in the vid) that's what pissed me off. They weren't all exactly teenagers either, they wouldn't have been so cocky had it been a big group of city lads. That's kind of my point.
mcfc_bredbury_blue said:
Royaloak said:
So why the fuck didn't the other 4 of you wade in to save Roger and bite their noses off? - you don't sound 'handy' at all to me.

I know, looking back, we should have done, but we're in our early 40's they were young scrotes, copper comes over and sees us weighing them in, irrelevant of whether we were sticking up for our mate or not, it doesn't look good does it, probably get a 3 year ban at least and we can't be doing with that, especially now, haha.

yeah but this is the same gang of lads you were gonna batter but left alone cos they were only 18, what happended, did they suddenly turn green and develop super powers?

We're just thankful he got away with as little injuries as he did, could have been worse.
to be truthful I didnt come across anty trouble but there was 15 that walked from the roundabout of us and eldest was about 25 so is probable why they didnt start.

ive seen vids of city coaches getting attacked but also witnessed city throwing stuff at utd coaches. Stuff like that was bound to happen with so many fans from both teams there.
BringBackSwales said:
mcfc_bredbury_blue said:
I know, looking back, we should have done, but we're in our early 40's they were young scrotes, copper comes over and sees us weighing them in, irrelevant of whether we were sticking up for our mate or not, it doesn't look good does it, probably get a 3 year ban at least and we can't be doing with that, especially now, haha.

yeah but this is the same gang of lads you were gonna batter but left alone cos they were only 18, what happended, did they suddenly turn green and develop super powers?

We're just thankful he got away with as little injuries as he did, could have been worse.

No, we just realised at the end of the day, despite being rags, they weren't worth it.

Rodger didn't mind, he was pissed off at first but we explained that we tried going getting the OB and he was alright with that, we're in the FA Cup final now, lets forget about it, although if I ever see the same group of lads again I wont hesitate to give them an uppercut lol
to be truthful I didnt come across anty trouble but there was 15 that walked from the roundabout of us and eldest was about 25 so is probable why they didnt start.

ive seen vids of city coaches getting attacked but also witnessed city throwing stuff at utd coaches. Stuff like that was bound to happen with so many fans from both teams there.

imo it couldve been a lot lot nastier<br /><br />-- Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:17 pm --<br /><br />to be truthful I didnt come across anty trouble but there was 15 that walked from the roundabout of us and eldest was about 25 so is probably why they didnt start.

ive seen vids of city coaches getting attacked but also witnessed city throwing stuff at utd coaches. Stuff like that was bound to happen with so many fans from both teams there.

imo it couldve been a lot lot nastier
mcfc_bredbury_blue said:
Royaloak said:
So why the fuck didn't the other 4 of you wade in to save Roger and bite their noses off? - you don't sound 'handy' at all to me.

I know, looking back, we should have done, but we're in our early 40's they were young scrotes, copper comes over and sees us weighing them in, irrelevant of whether we were sticking up for our mate or not, it doesn't look good does it, probably get a 3 year ban at least and we can't be doing with that, especially now, haha.

We're just thankful he got away with as little injuries as he did, could have been worse.

so what you are saying is that the same group of lads who you were going to batter 2 minutes earlier but let off cos they were only kids, 2 minutes later battered your mate and you all legged it? What the fuck happened in those 2 minutes, did they turn green and develop super powers?
BringBackSwales said:
mcfc_bredbury_blue said:
I know, looking back, we should have done, but we're in our early 40's they were young scrotes, copper comes over and sees us weighing them in, irrelevant of whether we were sticking up for our mate or not, it doesn't look good does it, probably get a 3 year ban at least and we can't be doing with that, especially now, haha.

We're just thankful he got away with as little injuries as he did, could have been worse.

so what you are saying is that the same group of lads who you were going to batter 2 minutes earlier but let off cos they were only kids, 2 minutes later battered your mate and you all legged it? What the fuck happened in those 2 minutes, did they turn green and develop super powers?

We didn't leg it mate, we just went looking for some coppers who could have nicked the shit bags. Getting arrested would have taught them a better lesson than 4 of us running over and kicking the fuck out of them.
utd fans clearly looking for a row in the concourse bit of wembley central station at about 4.35pm. one plum came up with a piece of laminated card with 35 years on it and said fuck off you blue ****. what a knob. There were women and children and their mob just waded in smacking any bloke in a city shirt. My mate's 13 year old daughter was in tears walking up to the stadium shaking like a leaf after seeing a city fan get kicked to fuck on the ground by 4 brave reds! The worst bit was some of the cunts were taking her photo and videoing her laughing at her cos she was in floods of tears in her city shirt. What sort of sick fuck get pleasure out of that. Very badly policed to be honest. There should have been a right Met presence there to move people on. United fans total fucking scum and Met police woefully unprepared. Anyway we won, that's the main thing. CTID.
mcfc_bredbury_blue said:
BringBackSwales said:
so what you are saying is that the same group of lads who you were going to batter 2 minutes earlier but let off cos they were only kids, 2 minutes later battered your mate and you all legged it? What the fuck happened in those 2 minutes, did they turn green and develop super powers?

We didn't leg it mate, we just went looking for some coppers who could have nicked the shit bags. Getting arrested would have taught them a better lesson than 4 of us running over and kicking the fuck out of them.

WUM , RAG or both anyone?

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