Discuss Pellegrini (Pt 2)

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Ducado said:
mammutly said:
Ducado said:
So are the nouveau outers feeling a little happier now?

You've become a lot more opinionated and provocative of late. There have been no serious outers, nouveau or otherwise. I think you must be getting bored in the mod room and think creating controversy where none exists might liven it up a bit.

Go on, then.

I'll give Pellegrini 4 more premier league games to prove he has what is needed. If we lose them all then he has to go.

Not really, sorry for any offence caused that was not the intention

It didn't read too well to be honest mate and the timing was a bit shit just when the thread was gaining some sanity
Marvin said:
It should be pointed out that 2 seasons ago City beat Villareal 3-0 away from home

Forgotten about that.

The aspect that has delighted me more than anything is that it will shut the snide comments up that 'we have yet to win our opening CL match' and other associated bollocks which was starting to grate. God knows we are due a decent CL showing and this result just takes the pressure off and lightens the mood inside and outside the camp.

That said just watched the highlights on ITV and got the 'City's team cost £200m' within the first minute of commentary. Seriously just fuck off. And Gordon Strachen who clearly had only just watched the fucking highlights. I think the French bloke fancies Pellers. Why the hell do I watch ITV football?
Marvin said:
It should be pointed out that 2 seasons ago City beat Villareal 3-0 away from home
To be fair, that Villarreal side was so injury ravished, they barely fielded any starters. They even had to play youth players.

They almost embarrassed us at home, let's not forget, had it not been for that last minute Aguero goal.

This was the most convincing CL performance we've ever had.
Jumanji said:
Marvin said:
It should be pointed out that 2 seasons ago City beat Villareal 3-0 away from home
To be fair, that Villarreal side was so injury ravished, they barely fielded any starters. They even had to play youth players.

They almost embarrassed us at home, let's not forget, had it not been for that last minute Aguero goal.

This was the most convincing CL performance we've ever had.

Ravished? I say.

And today we beat a pub team. 3-0 away from home is 3 fucking 0. Christ on a bike there is a serious bout of Mancini Derangement Syndrome (MDS) that afflicts enough people for it to classed as a pandemic. I've got to ask. Did he fuck your wife? Girlfriend? Dog? What is the root cause of MDS? The way he wore a scarf? Winning the PL the way we did make you pee your pants? Do you have weekly meetings where you stand up and say "Hi, my name is (whatever) and I have MDS?"

Its a worry to be honest.
Good win against a poor side, Aguero's best game in ages and hopefully Dzeckos goal will give him a boost.

Hope all those people calling for Yaya to be dropped feel a little silly now! We just need to find a way of getting him nearer the opposing penalty area where he does the damage and not have him near our penalty area where I agree he can be a liability.

Still not a fan of the formation but encouraging signs.

Hopefully the rags luck will run out on sunday
Much better and changed the performance levels at half time. Needs to get the team do it from the off on Sunday mind.
My main criticism of Pellegrini is that the midfield has looked too rigid and flat in the 3 turgid league games. But in the second half tonight Yaya seemed to push further forward, and Nasri drifted inside where he is so much more effective.

It is the first time all season we have had players playing between the lines. It used to be our biggest strength, but this season Pellegrini seemed to have done away with it and gone for a flat and rigid midfield. I'm glad he's recognised the need to change, but rather worried it took him 5 games to realise it.

It is impossible on TV to see the position of players who are not on the ball, so can anyone who was at the game shed any light on our shape in the second half? Particularly Aguero, did he drift out to left? If so it could be the beginning of a transition to us playing 433.

If not, perhaps Yaya and Nasri were just breaking the lines of their own accord and it wasn't a change of shape. Either way it worked in the second half, and it's an encouraging sign.
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