Discuss Pellegrini (Pt 2)

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He has had a fucking shocker and myself and a few others would have ripped bob a new one had we performed like this under him.
Rammy Blue said:
Said a couple of weeks ago I was concerned about MP's rigidity with playing 4-4-2 and inability to change systems when required.

Now I'm utterly perplexed.

Truly shocking stuff tonight, however good Bayern are we've made it easy for them.

Yep. I have been a defender of Pellegrini so far but to set up the team so badly and then fail to even attempt to correct it at any point is inexcusable.
I can see why he's a football manager now because he's the sort of engineer who fixes the bridge once it's collapsed.
Ducado said:
I am beginning to have doubts, he won't last long if he does not turn this around and nor does he deserve too
The rigidity of refusing to play a 3-man midfield has gone beyond perplexing and is now incomprehensible.
Ducado said:
I am beginning to have doubts, he won't last long if he does not turn this around and nor does he deserve too

Me too, not impressed with him one fucking bit. I agree that Mancini had to go, and I was underwhelmed by Pellegrinis appointment. City's PR won me around, and I was actually very positive about the season, but this is fucking shite.
Never seen us look so fucking clueless.
Seems a bit of a miserable bugger. I don't think he is particularly happy here judging from his body language.

Won't last long and not a patch on bobby manc.
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