Discuss Pellegrini (Pt 2)

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taconinja said:
Ducado said:
I am beginning to have doubts, he won't last long if he does not turn this around and nor does he deserve too
The rigidity of refusing to play a 3-man midfield has gone beyond perplexing and is now incomprehensible.

I can live with a manager getting his tactics wrong, even if it should have been bleeding obvious we'd get overrun in midfield by a fantastic Bayern team. However, leaving it until the 70th minute to change it when it clearly isn't working is fucking stupid. Not impressed with this guy one bit.
stony said:
jimharri said:
This will turn bloody in about 10 minutes.

So it should. We were told he was a master tactician who thought about the game. All I've seen so far is someone who's been extremely fucking naive.

I am running out of patience with him, I have given him plenty of slack but that was shocking, the worst I have seen us play in years, the Spanish lads need to have a chat with him and tell him to shape up or ship out
taconinja said:
Jumanji said:
It only took Mancini 55 minutes to realise we needed a 3-man midfield when we lost 2-0 to Bayern at the Allianz. He put on De Jong for Dzeko.

Silva should have started for Dzeko. Took 70 minutes?
I think this game would have been far different if he had done so. It's very frustrating.
Of course it would have.

Plain as day to see.
And we thought we were bad in Europe under Mancini, Its difficult to be positive about Pellegrini with him being so stubborn with this 442 especially with so many of the top teams playing 3 in central midfield
I'd be amazed if him and Moyes are still working by Christmas.
Sadly the United victory is looking like an isolated performance in a poor campaign thus far.
Wrong Choice of manager for me. I agree Mancini had took us as far as he could, But expected a manager, with a good track record. If you are not successful by the time your sixty or at least knocking on the door, then it,s highly unlikely that your ever gonna be. I know the new guy should be given time , but he is beginning to worry me.<br /><br />-- Wed Oct 02, 2013 9:47 pm --<br /><br />Wrong Choice of manager for me. I agree Mancini had took us as far as he could, But expected a manager, with a good track record. If you are not successful by the time your sixty or at least knocking on the door, then it,s highly unlikely that your ever gonna be. I know the new guy should be given time , but he is beginning to worry me.
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